Baron link laughs and says: "every undead altar has its coverage. If it is beyond the coverage, it will not be able to absorb the energy of the undead after the light. This is also the reason why the undead usually does not leave the coverage of the birth altar."

"So these undead can't be resurrected without the altar?" The subconscious confirmation of glaze.

"Nonsense." You ya despised to see her one eye, but on the hand quickly put those days bead that a few rash undead seeds melt up, full face is the color of excitement.

Liuli didn't care about her disdain. Seeing that these Shouzhu were much bigger than normal Shouzhu, and there was a kind of special smell, she asked, "these Shouzhu seem to be different from ordinary Shouzhu?"

You ya listens to her to say so, the action on the hand is faster, in the mouth ambiguous way: "what, have no, which have what difference? Hey, what do you mean? It's just a few beads. You can't grab them. Uncle is not as stingy as you are. "

"I'm just asking. No one will rob you. As for whether Qianzhi will take it back, I don't know."

Liuli heard that Zhao Chengfeng vaguely mentioned that the girl might have an extraordinary origin. Seeing her performance, she could not help suspecting Zhao Chengfeng's judgment. "Is it really possible that this kind of money obsessed and cunning Girl movie was born in Dali?"

When Youya heard that no one was robbing her, she immediately laughed and turned her eyes. She said with a smile: "I'm just joking. Of course I know you won't rob me. You are all adults. Who will rob me of a beautiful girl, right? But it's really nothing special, just a few longevity beads. "

Then he held Liuli's arm and said, "as for uncle, sister Liuli, you are so nice, you won't tell him, will you. You don't know how pitiful I am. So many Shouzhu were injured by my uncle before. Of course, I don't feel sorry for saving sister Liuli any more. "

"It's my uncle who borrowed it. Of course I don't care." Youya added in her heart, but her face showed a pathetic expression, "but I'm really poor now."

Liuli didn't expect that the girl was always looking at her. She even acted coquettishly towards her for several Shouzhu, and sold her favor by saving her. She was speechless.

But it also proves that the sun beads must be a little different, but the little girl's mouth is tight. She doesn't know what's special about those birthday beads.

Adele and others can't help laughing and crying when they watch Youya's performance, but they are nervous because she has relaxed a lot.

Old Bill burst out laughing, "in fact, I know something about these Shouzhu. It's really no big difference. The difference is that they are more energetic than ordinary Shouzhu. More generally speaking, the common Shouzhu is only a part of the energy transformation of the dead species, while these Shouzhu are all the energy transformation of the dead species. "

"Because usually after the undead is killed, the energy will return to the altar, and then resurrect into a new undead. And Shouzhu is what we transform by intercepting part of it through the secret method or the power of Changsheng array. "

Youya's face changed when she heard Old Bill's mouth, but she was relieved when she heard it. She turned her eyes in her heart and gave old bill a thumbs up with a smile on her face. "Yes, yes, that's it. I didn't expect that old bill you even know this. It's amazing!"

However, her performance, the presence of these people are human spirits, who can not see, for a moment in the hearts of the public are secretly suspicious.

Old bill is right. Why does this little girl seem to have something else to tell?

This can also be seen from glaze.

But this kind of small matter, although people are curious, but the little girl is not willing to say, can they extort a confession by torture.

I can only shake my head and laugh it off.

People's attention immediately shifted to the canyon.

"What shall we do now? Shall we wait like this?"

Said Baron link first.

The others looked at each other, but for a moment they had no idea.

Youya looked at Baron link scornfully and said coldly, "what else can I do? If you can help, you don't have to withdraw."

"..." the Baron of Linke was a face red, and I didn't know what to say at the moment.

In fact, he also knows that they can't do anything but wait.

The reason why he said that was not only a little uneasy, but also an expression of his position.

After seeing Zhao Chengfeng's strength, he had a vague idea of holding his thighs. Among all the people, it was obvious that the woman named Liuli had the closest relationship with Qianzhi. Sometimes they even used a kind of secret language that they could not understand, and often seemed to use secret techniques to communicate.

All this shows that this woman should be some kind of secret confidant of the young man.

The second is Youya, who is also a mysterious girl. Her relationship with Qianzhi seems to be just a cooperator in terms of their language. However, although they often hurt each other, it is just a proof of their closeness.

And then there are Adele three.

At present, they are the outermost part of the temporary team. In a sense, they can only be regarded as fellow travelers.

In this case, if he wants the young adult to gradually accept them, he will naturally have to show himself, or at least put his posture and attitude in order.

But Youya's "honest" rhetorical question really made him ashamed and speechless.

In fact, Youya doesn't really hate Baron link and others. She can't say good or bad about several people's senses, just passers-by.

It's just a habit to damage him. After damaging him, he also gave him a step and said, "don't worry, although that stingy uncle is very stingy, his ability is not bad. It's easy for him to retreat without you guys."

"He didn't come out, I think he is ready to hold a big one, hehe..." you ya touched her chin and the thief laughed, "we just wait to get rich ~!"

People listen to her say so, and see her a pair of saliva are almost out of the appearance, do not laugh and cry.

But in my heart, I also feel that she has a point.

"Yes, with the strength of Qianzhi adults, it should be no difficulty to retreat, but..." Liuli also nodded slightly. She knew Zhao Chengfeng's strength better than others. Although the group of viscount level immortals were strange, Zhao Chengfeng was able to fight in the virtual realm when he was in the magic realm. The count level was just equivalent to the virtual realm. Now Zhao Chengfeng has broken through the virtual realm, How can a group of viscount level immortals do anything to him.

But in the middle of her words, she suddenly felt something in her heart and suddenly looked back

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