"Sure enough, it can work..." after dozens of experiments, Zhao Chengfeng finally found a trick. Although he can't control the wind in a large range, he can make changes and influence in a certain range.

Just like this, but let his move and body method speed and stability up a huge step.

More importantly, in this process, he also had a further understanding of the law of the wind.

However, it has never been able to make the power of the law form a direct and effective means of attack. Although the power of each move is stronger than before, it is more because of the improvement of speed and accuracy than the direct effect of the power of the law itself.

He couldn't even try to unite a wind blade.

"Why? Clearly, I can sense the existence of the law of wind between heaven and earth, and the powerful lethality of the wind before also proves that the law of wind can not be transformed into attack power. Why can't I do it without that move? "

"What is missing?"

Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"It seems that I can only brush my face once more. Although it costs a lot, it's worth it if I can understand the key as soon as possible?"

The power of this kind of thing, did not experience just, once really experienced that kind of powerful power, it is really very itching.

"It's a bit like a man in love with a woman. Boys and girls don't appreciate the affairs of bed brothers, and they are only curious and longing for the affairs of men and women at most. Once you have tasted the beauty of it, alas, this thirst is really overwhelming. No, no, what am I thinking about? This analogy seems a little strange. "

Zhao Chengfeng thinks wildly in his heart, but his actions are like flowing clouds and flowing water.

With the deeper and deeper understanding of the law of wind, the perception and control of the flow of the surrounding wind become stronger and stronger, and even there is no need to deliberately control it. Even in a certain range around him, an existence similar to the domain field is formed, in which he is the master of the wind.

Wind direction, wind speed, everything moves at will. Although it can't be said to be at will, it's almost the same.

At the beginning, he still needs to block and dodge some crazy attacks around undead, but as time goes on, these moves become less and less.

Thousands of Baron level undead species, one after another, fearless attack, but not even his clothes.

In order to sharpen this understanding, Zhao Chengfeng also deliberately killed these pithecines and iron winged Eagles as little as possible.

This kind of intensive and crazy attack is the most appropriate training method for him.

"However, it seems that the effect is getting smaller and smaller. The Baron level is still too weak. Both the attack power and the speed are too far away." Zhao Chengfeng whispered to himself, and then turned his eyes to Jialan snake, who had been gathering slowly in the distance, but never attacked.

In the past half day, the number of those Kala snakes has increased to nearly 150.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about the number. What puzzled him was why these animals came out in batches at the beginning, then one by one, and then Zhao Chengfeng thought that they were all here. But after a while, a head slowly appeared in the bottom of the valley.

"Don't these undead species exist in themselves, but are being born little by little?"

Just as Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, another Jialan snake came out of the valley.

When Zhao Chengfeng looked at it, he couldn't help but wonder, "why is this Kalan snake different? Is it another species?"

Almost all of the previously appeared Kala snakes were black and dark, with the exception of a bluish gray abdomen. The scales of other parts were almost black.

However, the new snake is red, with red scales and crystal clear as jade. If you don't look at the ugly snake head, Zhao Chengfeng even feels that the Kalan snake is like a living work of art.

In addition, different from other Galan snakes, this one is much smaller, and its length and volume are almost half of those of other Galan snakes. The forelimb, or both hands, is not a strange harpoon, but something like a staff.

However, the breath revealed was extremely terrifying, which was not inferior to or even had been experienced by other Kalan snakes.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, "what's this? Is it difficult for these animals to be professional?"

"Eh, it seems that the ordinary Galan snake is afraid of this animal?"

When the Kalan snake arrived, the Kalan snake immediately made a slight commotion.

See this situation, Zhao Chengfeng heart slightly alert.

"I can't play any more. The situation here is really not right. If you play any more, don't turn over the boat in the gutter!"

Judging from the situation before and after, Zhao Chengfeng is more convinced of his conjecture. He doesn't know whether there is an altar or what kind of existence in the deep of the canyon. It is likely that the ability to produce undead species constantly, and it seems that with the passage of time, the undead species become more and more advanced.

And that thing seems to have a lot of intelligence.

"I'm honing myself with these low-level immortals, but that thing is also deliberately taking advantage of this to delay time and accumulate strength."

However, if so, it seems that it doesn't make sense.

If it's really to delay time, the attack methods of these pithecines and iron winged Eagles should be more flexible. Is it because that thing's IQ can only achieve this level.

Or can its command only allow these low-level undead species to play to this extent?

Anyway, it can't be delayed any longer.

Zhao Chengfeng heart read a move, hand immediately changed the way. Between the light cough, dozens of pithecines and iron winged Eagles were chopped into streamers.

"Eh ~!"

At this moment, the law of wind around Zhao Chengfeng seems to have changed with the change of his mind.

In the field controlled by him, the originally ethereal wind seemed to have a sharp breath.

"Wind, misty, smart, fierce, will... Will..."

Zhao Chengfeng was a little excited. He felt as if he had grasped something for a moment, though it was not clear.

But he had a feeling that he was almost on the point of finding his way.

In the heart excited, kills the style to be more fierce.

Because of the help of "wind field", his body is more and more swift and fluid. Even ordinary moves are more powerful and silent. Where they have been, those pithecines and even the iron winged Eagles with wings are like puppets. They don't even have the ability to react, let alone fight back.

A piece of undead like fireworks into streamer.

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