But it's also an evil sect. Rao is so. These undead species are still like crazy. They keep coming up one after another.

It seems that their purpose, even the value of existence, is to die.

"To die? Wait a minute, do you mean... "

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of some possibility.

His face did not change. "These animals, they are renewing by my hand."

Many questions suddenly came to light at this time.

I don't know what's in the canyon, whether it's the altar itself, some kind of dissimilation, or some other influence.

At present, there seems to be some variation, or upgrade, in this altar.

All in all, as time goes on, the altar deep in the canyon or something that can condense the undead species seems to be getting higher and higher. But this kind of condensation is not produced out of thin air, it still needs energy.

So it needs to eliminate the old low-level undead species.

It used to be an iron winged eagle, and then there was the nocturne snake, and then the Galan snake, and now there is even the red Galan snake.

This kind of normal situation is impossible to appear within the scope of an altar, but because the altar in this area is producing some variation or upgrading, this strange situation will appear.

"If that's the case, then I seem to have been fooled!"

Zhao Chengfeng had a bitter smile in his heart.

It's up to you to change your strategy.

Even if I didn't understand before, now that I understand, these low-level undead species can't be killed.

It's a waste of time.

Secondly, I don't know where the advanced limit of this altar is. If a group of deathless species of marquis level or even higher exist, it will be troublesome.

Although this is unlikely.

Although this is unlikely, Zhao Chengfeng decided to change his strategy.

So he has two choices now. One is to retreat.

No matter what happens here, it doesn't matter if you leave the altar.

The second is to simply ignore these animals and rush in and attack the Yellow Dragon.

As long as you can break the altar crystal, or kill the alienated undead seed inside, everything will be solved naturally.

"Which of the two Zhao Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, and with a smile, his eyes burst out with a strong sense of war.

Finally decided to choose the latter.

Because the first choice is safe, but

I came to this world from the earth world, not to live safely!

He didn't dare to go to the forest core because the risk was too big. He shouldered the mission and didn't dare to be too impulsive.

But he is sure of the altar deep in the canyon branch.

With this in mind, Zhao Chengfeng immediately made up his mind.

At this time, the deep valley suddenly came a terrible breath wave, and then you can see the deep valley, the source of the breath, a sharp whistling.

It seems that they are demonstrating and making some kind of announcement to this world.

No, it seems to be excited. What are you urging?

Zhao Chengfeng's face changed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help looking deep into the canyon.

For a moment, I didn't notice those immortals who looked like crazy at the moment before, and suddenly stopped.

The eyes of both of them all turned to the depth of the canyon.

It was not until Zhao Chengfeng realized that the ambient air was not fluctuating right that he suddenly woke up. When he looked at it, his face suddenly changed.

I didn't think much about it at all, so I quickly flew back.

"Bang bang ~ Bang Bang...!"

There were violent explosions.

Thousands of undead species exploded at almost the same time.


"Huo Lun, it's really you!"

Adele, old Bill and others looked at Huolun and others who Shi ran came towards them from a distance, their faces changed.

Although it has long been speculated that this task is a trap designed by Huolun, it has also been speculated that this person may follow in secret or lie in ambush somewhere.

But this person really appeared, Adele three people still can't help but feel a tight heart.

But what surprised her was that Huo Lun and others were in a state of confusion. No, not quite. They were very embarrassed, especially Huo Lun's men, half of whom were injured.

"What's the matter with these people? Have you been attacked? "

Adele frowned and was surprised.

However, she did not think much about this question. She was not kind enough to worry about the enemy.

However, people's surprise was fully seen by Huo Lun and others.

It immediately reminds people of the tragic experience along the way.

First of all, there are borers, and then I don't know what happened in this forest. So many experts have come. Their team is not weak. At least two old Viscount are in charge, but they were almost caught as cannon fodder.

Although he finally resisted the war, several of his men were killed, and therefore he had to promise the old woman and the bearded man a higher reward.

In exchange, they tried their best to scare each other away. Otherwise, he would be the master of the blue and white club. I'm afraid he would have become the cannon fodder slave of others.

What makes Huo Lun even more angry is that although these people seem to have experienced combat before, they are basically safe, even if they are injured, they are very slight.

"These guys are so lucky! But your luck is at an end. "

Immediately the vision sweeps, discover that strange five Chen thousand childish unexpectedly not in.

Another look at the situation of the people, and see the undead species in the distance.

"It seems that the guy has probably gone into it, or has been killed by the undead seed..."

When he thought about this, even though he knew that the latter guess was not possible, Huo Lun was still very happy. He said with a slight smile: "ha ha, isn't this the beautiful and noble Miss Adele? I didn't expect to meet her here. What a coincidence. By the way, Mr. Wuchen Qianzhi was not killed by the undead, was he

When Adele and others heard his words, their faces could not help showing anger.

Adele and others haven't spoken yet, but Youya snorts coldly first, "you've been killed, your whole family has been killed, oh, no, you're such a waste, your whole family has been killed, and uncle won't be killed!"

Although Baron link and others didn't know Huolun and the blue and white club, they immediately realized that these people were probably enemies and friends when they saw Adele's reaction.

I couldn't help getting nervous for a moment.

Especially to see Huolun around the two people, is the heart of a thump.

"These two men, at least Viscount, and others are not weak. If they are enemies, they will be in trouble." One of the Baron's teammates next to Baron link murmured.

Baron link didn't speak. He said in his heart, "what if they are enemies? If you look at the expression and reaction of Captain Adele and others, you can see that 10% of these people are enemies. And as soon as we pulled out of here, these people appeared. They probably had been lying in ambush here for a long time, or they had been following behind us all the time. It was only after the absence of Qianzhi that they appeared. "

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