In fact, Baron link was only half right. Although Huo Lun and others did plan to find a suitable place to ambush, because of various accidents, their plans were obviously disrupted. Even Zhao Chengfeng and others lost their tracks, let alone any ambush.

Huo Lun had already lost his patience, and he did not dare to delay the chaos of the dry stone forest. So as soon as I saw Adele and others, I immediately appeared.

However, when he found that Zhao Chengfeng was not there, Huo Lun was disappointed and relieved.

He said in his heart: "it's a pity that the boy is not here. Originally, he wanted to kill him with the help of Lady Black and Viscount Qiu bearded... However, it's good to be away. Although Lady Black and Viscount Qiu bearded can deal with the boy together, they are just as hateful. Maybe they will give me a starting price at that time."

Thinking of the blackmail by Viscount qiubearded and Lady Black, Huo Lun gnashed his teeth in his heart.

"As for that boy's bad deeds over and over again, I will not let him go, but there is no need to be in a hurry. Maybe... "

Huo Lun's eyes intentionally or unintentionally swept the old woman and the big man with Qiu beard beside him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"These two people seem to be very interested in the boy's secret. Even if I can't get a pearl of life, they will probably find the boy... However, will the boy really be like what Viscount qiubearded guessed? If so, it's a pity that the boy's Secret falls into the hands of these two people. Maybe I should tell my father about it later."

Huolun is daydreaming. When he hears Youya yelling at him, his face turns black.

Next to a hand to see his face, thought it was an opportunity to flatter, immediately step forward, pointing to you ya, sternly drink, "bold, where the little girl film, even dare to be rude to our little master, do you want to die?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the faces of the other men around him suddenly changed. He scolded the fellow secretly. He was so hateful that he slyly robbed everyone's performance opportunity. At the same time, they were not willing to lag behind. They all yelled, "bold smelly girl, you dare us, don't want to live!"

"That's it, smelly girl. Don't think you have something to do with the Lord's mansion, we dare not kill you!"


"Shut up

"Who shouts shut up? What the hell are you looking for

The more people scold, the more energetic they are. However, they don't notice that their master's face is already black and dripping out of water. Suddenly, they hear someone yell to shut up. When a group of guys listen to this, they dare to let them nose and don't want to live.

One of them rolled his sleeve to kill the man who yelled to shut up. But as soon as he looked back, he saw his young master with a gloomy face and a thump in his heart. Before he understood why his young master's anger seemed to be aimed at them, Huo Lun had raised his hand and slapped his face.

The hapless guy turned around in place, covered his cheeks and looked at Huo Lun, feeling very wronged.

"What's the matter? Why did I get beaten? I'm flattering. Is it because my expression is so fake that the young Lord doubts my loyalty?"

Although the heart wants to ask, but see huoluntieqing's face, this person quickly lowered his head, wise choice shut up.

"Hum, fool!" Huo Lun clenched his teeth with a cold hum, then glanced at the others, opened his mouth, and nearly crushed his teeth.

A group of subordinates were stunned. They didn't know how to flatter them. Instead, they were flattered. Huo Lun's eyes swept them away. A group of people had a cold war. They all bowed their heads like quails. No one dared to shout anymore.

"A group of stupid pigs, you scold it, especially the other party did not mention the city Lord's house, but you take the initiative to pull it out, asshole!" Huo Lun scolded secretly once more, then drew back his eyes. In a flash, he had a smile on his face and said to Adele again: "Miss Adele, I'm sorry. My subordinates are all rude and can't speak. I hope captain Adele doesn't have the same opinion with them."

Then he cheered to a group of his subordinates: "don't you apologize!"

A group of subordinates were puzzled. "We're here to make trouble for these people. We have to apologize even if we scold them. It's the girl who scolded you first. You're not angry with her, but you want us to apologize instead. It's too strange. And what we scold is the little girl from the Lord's mansion. Why do we apologize to Adele? Does our young master have any strange hobby? "

"I'm sorry, Captain Adele. We are all rude people. Please forgive me!" Although a group of people were suspicious, they didn't dare to listen to Huo Lun's orders. Hearing the words, they looked at each other. Although they were oppressed, they had to do it. Let alone the awkwardness in their hearts.

However, it is a pity that Adele and others have not appreciated the girl who was deliberately ignored by their young master or the object of their apology.

I didn't even look at them.

Adele's eyes were always fixed on Huolun, holding the weapon's hand, shaking slightly because of too much force, and the knuckles became bloodless.

Although she was not an impulsive person, she would have been unable to restrain herself if old Bill hadn't quietly pulled her, and because she was afraid of implicating others.

But Rao is she desperately restrain herself, did not immediately rush up to desperately, but the killing intention in the eyes is how can't cover up, and she didn't intend to cover up.

Although she heard Zhao Chengfeng's guess and analysis before, she still hesitated in her heart.

But at this time, these people appear here, which undoubtedly proves that Qian Zhi's guess has been correctly guessed.

Well, there is a 90% probability that this person manipulated the injury of his husband and the death of his companion.

It's just that there are some things she still can't figure out.

"Why?" Adele asked coldly.

"What, why?" Huolun for Adele's question, but a very blank look.

It's strange. How can this woman react so much? She tried to kill me? Does he already know my plan? No, she should not know, otherwise with this woman's character, even in the city, she would not be lying to me?

Huo Lun's face is still smiling, but his brow is slightly wrinkled.

In my heart, I know that Adele probably already knows the truth of the matter, at least some of it, otherwise she would not be so fierce.

"It's so fuckin '"

Huo Lun scolded secretly in his heart, and his killing intention flashed in his eyes. This was the last situation he wanted to see.

But he continued to smile and said, "is there something wrong with Captain Adele? Yes, although the young master really adores Miss Adele, but..."

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