"Why?" Adele did not seem to hear Huolun's words and asked again.

She was angry and resentful. She hated not only the people in front of her, but also herself.

She doesn't know why she's recruiting this damn asshole?

She can't help but think of her former teammate who died miserably and her husband who is now half dead.

They're all because of me.

If it wasn't for me, they would still be alive and healthy.

"But I still don't understand what this bastard is trying to plot for me?"

Beautiful? No, it's not that simple.

Although this person on the surface seems to be a pair of lust.

But with a woman's intuition, she has a keen sense that this person's eyes are not a man's eyes.

Moreover, the identity and power of this person, if he really wants to lust for his own beauty, he does not need to spend money like this.

If this person really wants to use powerful means, all she can do is have no choice but to die.

The most terrible thing is that you can't even die.

But the other side is so painstakingly exhausted means, is it really just to play the conquest game?

No, not just that?

What was he up to?

What on earth do I have for him to be so insane, if "well intentioned"?

"Why, why kill my teammates, and my husband, why?" Adele's sword hand was shaking more and more fiercely, and every word in her mouth came out of her teeth with great hatred.

Old Bill wanted to persuade her to calm down, but he gave up with a sigh.

This, on the contrary, calmed his mind.

There was even a smile floating around the corner of his mouth. "I'm afraid I'll die today, but it doesn't matter. My life was saved by the team leader time and time again, and I've made a lot of money up to now. However, the captain and Xiaode can't die here... "

Thinking of this, he quietly leaned to the side of holder, who glared angrily, and carefully whispered: "little De, what I'm saying now is very important. You should listen carefully."

Holder was staring at Huolun angrily and was ready to work hard at any time. Suddenly, he heard Old Bill's voice. He was stunned and looked at Old Bill in a puzzled way. He didn't know what to say at this time.

However, his trust in old bill makes him know that it must be very important for old bill to solemnly say something important.

"Listen, if you start later, no matter what method you use, you must take captain Adele. Don't run out of the canyon, just run inside and find Lord Qianzhi. Do you understand?" Old Bill said solemnly again.

Holder was shocked at this.

Although he is dumb, he is not stupid.

When old Bill said that, he didn't intend to live. He probably intended to sacrifice himself to fight for the chance to escape for himself and captain Adele.

"No, it can't, old bill. You can't..."

How could holder agree to such a thing? Instinctively, he would oppose it. But as soon as he spoke, old Bill whispered, "shut up, do you want the captain to die?"

"No, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Some people must die today, but not all of them. Otherwise, if we all die, what will the vice captain do? Who will bury our bodies?"


"Listen, de." Old Bill smile softly, "you are still young, you should live well, the captain should also live, only you live, can give me and Dan their revenge. Remember, it's no easier to live than to die! "

On the other side, Huo Lun heard Adele's question, his face changed, and he was about to speak. The old woman who didn't speak all the time suddenly gave a laugh that didn't match her face

"Black lady ~!" Huo Lun's face was very ugly, and his face changed suddenly when he heard Mrs. Black's words.

"Ha ha, young master Huo Lun, don't be angry. I just think that Miss Adele seems to know a lot anyway. Even if you don't want to be strong now, it's impossible. Why don't you just open the window and speak up. And

The old woman said that, she gave a giggle like a girl, "I'm also very interested in the old man of Meizu and the Viscount Qiu bearded."

"What, you..." Huo Lun heard the four Viscount of "Meizu blood" and lost his voice. He could not help but step back.

He also found out that Adele had the blood of Meizu by accident, which he never disclosed to anyone, even Adele himself may not know.

This old woman knows it?! And he said it in front of so many people, which made him surprised and angry.

Listen to each other's words, clearly also for the sake of Meizu blood.

He subconsciously looked at another big man with a beard, but found that a group of his subordinates had fallen to the ground. When he saw them, he just saw the big man with a beard's hand leave from the neck of one of his subordinates.

Seeing his eyes, the latter grinned and showed his white teeth. His voice was like thunder, but his tone was very flat, as if he was talking about a family affair and said, "I didn't know about it, but I'm really interested in it, thanks to Mrs. Black."

"You, you..." Huo Lun's face changed. He stepped back two steps quietly, then turned around and ran.

At this time, although he was angry, he also knew that since the showdown between the two men, Adele's Meizu blood would not be his turn, and even his life would not be saved.

He would never let go of these two people's bad deeds, but now they have to run for their lives.

However, he obviously underestimated the black lady. As soon as he turned around, he saw a wrinkled face as gloomy and terrible as a witch.

Before he could react, Mrs. Black had poked her finger into his chest.

He suddenly felt a stuffy chest, the whole person fell to the ground with a bang.

"Ha ha, young master Huo Lun, why are you in such a hurry to leave? You've wasted so much thought in order to plot the blood of the Meizu. You have to stay here to see it ~!" The old lady half covered her mouth, laughed, and even winked at Huo Lun. Her original intention was to make a charming expression, but her dignity made Huo Lun feel extremely gloomy and terrifying.

All these changes happened very quickly.

On the other hand, Adele and others were shocked by the old woman's words, and even Adele in anger was confused.

"Meizu blood, me? I have Meizu blood..."

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