Old Bill and holder were almost the same. They were still arguing about who would sacrifice themselves to cover each other and Adele. When they heard the four words of Meizu blood, they were shocked and forgot to speak.

Other people, except Liuli, were shocked.

"Captain Adele has the blood of Meizu. Is she the descendant of Meizu?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at Adele, but she was also surprised and at a loss. It seemed that even she did not know about it.

But how did Huolun know about this matter that Adele didn't know?

As soon as they thought of Huo Lun, they saw that Huo Lun was knocked to the ground by Mrs. Black. All of them suddenly woke up and all of them unconsciously stepped back.

"Captain Adele, Mr. bill, we must not be impulsive now." Baron link stealthily approaches Adele and others, whispering that he is afraid that Adele will be impacted too much and do something unwise.

This is not how much he cares about Adele. Although he doesn't have a bad impression of Adele, his friendship with each other is only to that extent. Moreover, in this situation, he doesn't resent Adele and others because he and others are involved. It can be said that other people are good-natured.

If he is worried about Adele and others at such a time, it is too demanding.

He was worried that Adele's impulse would make things worse.

Fortunately, at this time, when she saw that Huolun was put down by the old woman, she also knew the inside story. Although Adele was extremely shocked and complicated, she calmed down.

There was no extreme reaction to Baron link's words. Instead, he nodded quietly and gave a gentle "um".

Seeing that Adele and others were still calm, Baron link was slightly relieved and whispered again: "the situation is very dangerous now. I'm afraid we can't deal with these two people's strength, but we don't have no chance. As long as we can delay for a little time, chivalrous adults will come out all the time. If we can't, we can still retreat inside."

"This is the only way we can go!" He added emphatically.

Other people also silently nodded when they heard his words, including Liuli and Youya, who did not raise any objection.

Even if Baron link did not say anything about the situation at this time, everyone knew it.

It seems that the old woman was hired by Huo Lun before, but now she takes down Huo Lun, and another big man with Qiu beard takes down all the other subordinates of Huo Lun. The speed is far faster than people's reaction.

Of course, it's because those people didn't expect that Qiu bearded man would attack them. At the same time, it's enough to show that Qiu bearded man is powerful.

Although they have an absolute advantage in numbers, the situation is not optimistic at all.

And these two men suddenly put down Huo Lun and his subordinates, the purpose is certainly not to turn the dark into the light.

There is only one possible reason, that is, these two people do not know what means to know the secret of Huolun. At the same time, they are also very interested in Adele's possible Meizu blood.

In a word, although Huolun and his subordinates were put down, their situation did not change at all, even more dangerous.

From the performance of Huolun before, he still has some idea of trying to hide people's eyes and ears. It seems that he intends to cheat Adele first to make everyone think that he is just greedy for beauty, and then slowly plot.

But these two people are obviously more direct and crazy. They don't even let Huolun go. How can they let them go.

Sure enough, the old woman on the other side, after putting down Baron link, turned her eyes to Adele and others, and her mouth still wore a smile that she thought was charming, but actually was very gloomy.

Especially when she saw Adele, the old witch put out her tongue and licked her lips. She looked like her index finger was shaking, which made people shudder.

At the same time, viscount qiubearded carelessly threw off the unknown red and white suspicious substance on his fist, and looked at Adele. Unlike the old woman, his eyes were more direct. It seemed that Adele was the only one in his eyes, and other people and he seemed to be worthless.

Under this aggressive gaze, Adele felt like a naked lamb to be slaughtered.

She had a feeling that they were just delicious food in their eyes.

This kind of feeling, even she, can't help but shiver.

She was not afraid of death, but the thought that she would die and be taken from the blood she never knew, and even be eaten as food, made her extremely afraid.

She knew that she should try to delay time at this time, but she couldn't say a word under such eyes.

"You are so bold, not afraid of my father, not afraid of Meizu?" At this time, Huo Lun, who was knocked down by the old woman, suddenly spoke out.

His voice surprised Adele and others, only to find that the old woman had knocked him down before and didn't kill him.

This surprised and puzzled people.

On hearing this, the old lady was not surprised at all. Instead, she gave a smile like a girl. She squatted down and scratched Huo Lun's throat with sharp fingers like bird's claws. Her voice seemed charming and charming. She said jokingly, "I'm afraid. I don't know about the reputation of the count of blue and white. Anyway, I'm afraid. Otherwise, Master Huolun, can you still talk about it now? "

Hearing her words, Huo Lun couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He couldn't believe it... What do you mean, she didn't intend to kill me?

But in the heart actually instantaneous ignited the hope.

He thought he was going to die, but he thought that the black lady and the Viscount would kill everyone who knew about it.

But listening to the old woman, she did not kill him because she was worried about his father.

It made him very suspicious... But if that's the case, then

Thousands of thoughts crossed his mind for a moment, but he pressed them down for fear of being noticed by the old woman.

But his City mansion is just like a joke in the eyes of an old monster like Mrs. Black. He can guess all the thoughts in his heart just by looking at the rotation of his eyes.

What a naive little fool.

Immediately, he giggled again and said, "as for Meizu, you and your father, young Lord Huolun, will be in trouble..."

When the old lady said this, she laughed, but Huo Lun suddenly realized something and suddenly opened her eyes, "you, what do you mean..."

"I think when you get back to the Black Street City, the story about you and your father plotting the blood of Meizu will soon spread, and then you and your father will try to escape... Ha ha..."

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