"What, you, you, you dare to be like this, asshole, let me go, young master..."

At this time, he finally understood that the two men were not only taking advantage of him, but also counting his father.

He could not imagine what he and his father would face if things were as the old woman said. The most terrible thing was that they would have to run away as they were calculated by each other.

Of course, they can also choose to be frank after the arrival of Meizu, but in that case, these two people will be chased to death by Meizu, but he and even his father will definitely die in front of them.

As a little master of one power, he knew that the existence of Meizu would not distinguish anything from him. Everyone involved in this matter had only one end.

He struggled madly, but Mrs. Black didn't pay any attention to him at all.

Instead, he turned to Adele and others, and walked towards them with a smile and without saying a word.

She looked like she was walking at leisure. She didn't pay attention to the possible resistance of the people, and didn't even give in to them.

But it's not too fast, and it's not very powerful, but Adele and others feel as if they have been given the body immobilization method, and they can't move at all.

All kinds of strategies that I had thought about before seemed to be a joke.

For a moment, people were very anxious, but they couldn't think about it. Only the big sweat beads on their forehead rolled down.

Just for a moment, everyone knew that the old lady was far more than several times stronger than the former Viscount Binghua, and they could not ease their anger.

On the other side, there was a bearded man. Although he didn't move, his deterrent power didn't have to be less than that of the old woman.

Obviously, it's a more powerful existence than the old woman.

For a moment, everyone was sweating.

"What to do, what to do?"

Adele and others feel that time seems to be infinitely lengthened and infinitely shortened.

Even though they already had the ready sending equipment in their hands, they did not dare to move or even turn their heads to escape.

Everyone has a feeling that if they make an inappropriate move in this world, they may die faster.

Just as they were about to despair, a sudden change happened behind them.

Hundreds of undead species wandering around the edge of the altar cover still did not leave, suddenly burst out at this moment.

This sudden change, even the black lady and the vicomte Qiu bearded, could not help but for a moment be diverted attention.

"Right now!" Viscount link was the quickest to see the opportunity. Although he didn't know what had happened, he couldn't take care of it any more. He shot his messenger into the sky. At the same time, he grabbed the nearest two horsetail girl Leah and yelled, "go!"

Then he dragged Leah to the altar.

Everyone else responded. Without any hesitation, old Bill pulls Youya, who is of lower cultivation. Adele subconsciously looks at Liuli, but finds that the latter is not slower than himself.

In the heart slightly surprised, but this time actually is inferior to think much.

They all followed Baron link to the depths of the canyon branch.

"Well, I still want to run ~!"

At the moment when they all rushed to the branch line of the canyon, the black lady and the Viscount Qiu ran suddenly came back to their senses. The former saw that these ants, who had not been noticed by her at all, wanted to run away even under her eyelids. She was angry and angry.

As soon as I raise my hand and grab it, I can see a mass of cyan and black breath condensing quickly.

"Go ~!"

With a light drink, black gas suddenly into dozens of black gas needle, in her throw, such as the sky like rain shot at the back of the people.

In an instant, people felt the breath of death suddenly hit.

Looking back, I saw the dense air needles all over the sky, shooting all over the world.

People can't help but be shocked.

Although the speed of the air needle is not very fast, it is far faster than the speed of their running. There are too many, so many, and just sensing the breath, they know that these air needles must be highly toxic. They can't even block them.

"It's over!"

At this time, a terrible breath of terror in the depths of the canyon soared into the sky.

"Boom ~!"

The whole Canyon trembled, and the aura in the canyon seemed to be drained instantly.

Then the overwhelming air needle suddenly became lax.

This sudden change made everyone feel at a loss.

In particular, Adele and Baron link and others were unable to respond all of a sudden. It was just too unexpected and exciting.

Fortunately, even at this time, their feet did not stop. On the contrary, the black lady on the other side was accidentally broken her talent skills. Her breath was in a mess, and she couldn't keep up.

Look again, Adele and others have run far away.

If you want to attack again, it's beyond her skill coverage.

Moreover, two successive changes made her uneasy. She did not dare to use her natural skills easily. Looking at Adele and others who had already run away, she said angrily, "a group of mole ants, want to run, can you run?"

"Wait a minute, you stay here and watch the boy. I'll take care of those people!" She was about to chase, but the voice of viscount Qiu bearded was thundering in her ear.

"What, why, do you doubt that I can't catch those insects?" Mrs. Black's face changed and her anger flashed.

At this time, their faces changed, and they looked at a certain place like a feeling in their heart. There was a terrible smell in that direction.

"What's the smell of this, so horrible?"

I'm not waiting for them to come back.

"Boom! Boom

The continuous loud noise and vibration, the whole dry stone forest in all directions even in this moment, one after another, there are dozens of hundreds of terrible breath skyrocketing.

For a moment, the whole dry stone forest seemed to be shaking.

Even the black lady and the Viscount Qiu bearded could not help but tremble with fear.

But at the same time of fear, both of them happened to ring out the legend about the withered stone forest, and the treasure of the king of thieves, which let countless people never forget.

"Is that legend true? Is this sudden change because the treasure of the king of thieves is coming out?"

They both saw the greed in each other's eyes, and then they both looked to the depth of the canyon branch, because one of the points of the previous incident was there, and it was the first place where the incident happened.


"Take this trash with you and go inside together!"

"Good ~!"

This time, they quickly reached an agreement.

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