Vicomte qiubearded turned back to Huo Lun, picked up Huo Lun and was about to turn around. Suddenly, his face changed. As soon as he looked up, he saw a figure passing over their heads.

Two people's looks are a sudden change, can be wasted, is a marquis level strong, no, look at the right breath should be quasi wait.

However, there is no difference between the Marquis and the marquis. Neither of them is the enemy of their ability. It's not so good that there are experts at this level here.

Before they could recover, the figure suddenly turned back.

Two people don't know why, but in the heart is not from a tight. The other side goes back and forth, no one knows what it is for.

But the speed of the man didn't give them a chance to think more. In a moment, they came back to the front again. They were about to open their mouth to meet.

But before they could open their mouths, the voice of the other party had already sounded, "who are you? What are you going to do with my son?"

"What? Son? Is it... "The two people were shocked,

Huo Lun, who was held up by Viscount Qiu bearded, raised his head and saw the figure. He was stunned at first, and then suddenly overjoyed.

"Dad, help me, help me!"

On hearing Huo Lun's cry, viscount qiuran instantly confirmed his conjecture. While his face was shocked, he suddenly responded. His eyes flashed fiercely, and he raised Huo Lun to his chest. "Count blue and white, don't come here, or I will kill you..."

He stretched out his hand to hold Huo Lun's throat, but when he said "otherwise, I will kill him", he suddenly got stuck, and his face froze, but he could not squeeze his hand on Huo Lun's throat.

At the same time, there was a terrible blood hole on his forehead, and in the interior of his head, it was stirred into a paste at this moment. The strong vitality of the quasi Earl level could not make him survive.

"Ah ~!" Next to her, Mrs. Black suddenly screamed, turned around and fled to the canyon like the wind. However, she had just escaped a hundred steps, but suddenly she carried her body down. The huge inertia still rolled her body more than ten meters away, but her eyes were dead.

The count of blue and white slowly took back his hand, like doing a trivial thing. He didn't look at it any more. He just looked coldly at Huo Lun, who was lying on the ground coughing violently. He frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

Huo Lun could not help shivering when he heard the words.

At that moment, the joy of seeing the Savior was gone. Instead, there was a deeper fear.


Deep in the canyon, Baron link and Adele, who had escaped from death, ran all the way, until they didn't see the two terrible guys chasing up. Although it was strange, they were relieved at last.

However, people did not dare to slow down.

After running for a while, he finally returned to the position where he had been separated from Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't see Zhao Chengfeng.

"It seems that Qianzhi must have gone in." Baron link's face changed slightly.

The others nodded and looked at each other with a bitter smile.

They have sent signals before, but in that case, I'm afraid Qianzhi adults can't notice at all.

Fortunately, there is no other fork in the canyon, so it is impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to go to other places.

"Let's go on." Again, Baron link.

"Good." Adele nodded.

Others, of course, have no opinions.

In fact, although Baron link is asking, they have no other choice in the current situation.

Although the front is unpredictable, but at least there is Zhao Chengfeng in the backbone, go back will certainly die.

Fortunately, after a short walk, they finally saw a figure in front of them. At first glance, it was not who Zhao Chengfeng was.

There was great joy in the hearts of all.


Little girl Youya jumped up more happily.

But when he came near, he saw Zhao Chengfeng standing there, his eyes closed, and Youya was stunned, "uncle, you ~!"

"Hold on ~!" Liuli grabbed her, her face a little shocked, and some happy way: "don't disturb him, he should be feeling something ~!"

"What do you feel? What are you feeling? " Leisurely elegant smell speech a Zheng, some don't understand.

Others smell speech also don't understand of see to glaze.

Liuli just sounded. Most of the world's cultivation system comes from the authority given by heaven and earth. The cultivation of each stage only raises the authority and spiritual power of this stage to the limit, and then goes to obtain the authority again. Generally speaking, they don't pay much attention to the process of enlightenment.

However, as the same person who practices the ancient martial arts system of the earth, although he doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng is feeling, he knows that it is very rare for a warrior to have some understanding.

But this kind of time can't disturb, it doesn't mean that after disturbing, there will be something like going crazy. It's not so evil.

It's just like the inspiration of artistic creation. It's a pity if we can't grasp it.

Then he shook his head and motioned the crowd to step back.

Although they were puzzled, they did not dare to neglect Liuli when they saw that Liuli was so solemn, but they were just going to step aside to avoid disturbing Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opened his eyes with a sigh and murmured helplessly, "just a little bit, just a little bit ~!"

"I'm sorry, Qianzhi. Did we disturb you?" Although they didn't know what he said, they were almost there, but seeing his helpless face, Baron link and others immediately became uneasy. They guessed that it must be a very important thing, but they were disturbed by themselves and others.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly and waved his hand, "it's none of your business."

In fact, he knew they were coming long ago, but just now he did have some feeling. He felt that he could only understand and use the law a little bit further, so he didn't stop.

At this time, the interruption is not really because of the crowd, but because of the sense that the unexpected guests are coming.

Just as he looked into the distance, two slow figures appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Adele and Baron link were surprised to see who was coming.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was not the old woman and Viscount Qiu bearded, but a tall middle-aged man. However, what surprised everyone most was the young master Huo Lun who was safe and sound behind him.

"Huo lunshaozhu is safe. Who is this middle-aged man? I can't feel the fluctuation of his authority

Adele and others, after all, are only low rank knights. Although they know the name of the blue and white count, they have never really seen it.

It's just that I feel that people's breath is very heavy, so it's not easy to know.

And this person and strange safe Huolun together, and Huolun seems to be very respectful to this person. The other two scary guys are gone.

Who is this man?

But it must be the enemy, not the friend.

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