"Miss Adele, we meet again!" Huo Lun saw that Adele and others were filled with hatred, but he was shocked and suspicious when he saw that they were dignified. My heart was suddenly relieved.

"Why do you have this kind of expression? Ha ha, didn't you expect that the little Lord was still alive?"

Adele and others gnawed their teeth, but they did not speak.

But it's not that they don't want to speak, it's that people can't speak at this time. In fact, they have a kind of inexplicable difficulty in breathing.

Although the blue and white count did not release a trace of prestige from the beginning to the end, even the breath of authority was not felt by people.

But that kind of creature's instinctive perception of danger and death gives people a kind of fear from the depths of their souls.

This kind of fear, even the audacious girl Youya, and the most hot-blooded lengtouqing holder have a rare dignified look.


At the moment when people felt that they were about to suffocate, a figure suddenly took a silent step forward.

People a trance, this just found that this figure is Zhao Chengfeng.

Just one step, everyone immediately felt relaxed, and then found that their backs were already wet with sweat.

"It's terrible. Who is this man? He doesn't have any authority fluctuation, and he doesn't release any pressure on us deliberately. The casual breath almost suffocates us. What rank is this?"

Look at Zhao Chengfeng again. He looks calm, but he doesn't seem to be affected.

All of them were relieved and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with more worship.

"Qianzhi is really a strong man. Even in the face of such a terrible existence, he is not moved at all."

And in the angle that people can't see, Zhao Chengfeng quietly put away the dagger of his right hand, and then handed the sword to his right hand.

He didn't look at Huolun even one more time. At this moment, the only thing in his eyes was the middle-aged man.

The first time the blue and white count appeared, Zhao Chengfeng felt that this person was definitely one of the strongest people he met after he came to the world.

Well, it's one, not the only one.

The first strong man he met was naturally the count Zifeng, who was across the bridge from him. The second one was the Lord of the city, who did not really meet him, but had a feeling. This man was the third one.

Among the three, the Lord of the city is undoubtedly the strongest, and the next is the man. Although the count Zifeng is strong, he is even worse than the man.

"If you can surpass count Zifeng, second only to the Lord of the city, and have something to do with Huo Lun, the young master of the blue and white society, then his identity is self-evident."

"This person should be the Black Street City, one of the four overlord below the city master, the real master of the blue and white club, the blue and white count."

It was also one of the first names he came into contact with after he stepped into the black street city. Unexpectedly, he met in this situation.

The corners of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth are slightly upturned, his expression is very relaxed, but his fighting spirit is rising in his eyes.

From the moment he saw this man, he felt that there was a blood boiling in his chest.

The strong sense of war can't hold it down.

"After coming to this world, I seem to be a little closer to the monk and become more and more belligerent!" Zhao Chengfeng laughed at himself.

But he didn't intend to suppress his will to fight.

He knew in his heart that this was his nature, but in the earth world, there were too many things that bound him, and at the same time, he lacked the necessary stimulation, so this nature was gradually hidden.

When he came to this power world, many constraints and scruples of the earth world became dispensable here, and there were visible opportunities for strength everywhere, which further stimulated his warlike genes hidden in his heart.

Of course, it is also possible that the pressure on his shoulders catalysed his desire to become stronger.

However, it doesn't matter. Since there is a sense of war in my heart and there is no reason why I have to suppress myself, why should I suppress myself?

"I'm about to touch the edge of the power of the rules. If there is such a battle, it should be further. I don't know if this person's strength is enough. I hope he can be more powerful!"

As for Huolun, after the appearance of Zhengzhu, it is already an unimportant existence.


Seeing the middle-aged man who was suspected to be the count of blue and white getting closer and closer, Zhao Chengfeng was full of fighting spirit. His heart was full of strength, and his will and sword were ready for a fierce battle.

But the count of blue and white didn't say a word, didn't even look at the crowd, and ignored Huo Lun's provocation to the crowd behind him. He just passed by Zhao Chengfeng and Adele.


"Go, go... Ignore..."

All of them couldn't help being absent-minded for a while, and Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

Don't say they were stunned, even Huo Lun didn't respond... What's the matter, my father? What does he mean

"Father..." Huo Lun rushed to the blue and white count and asked, "they..."

"Haven't you had enough?" The count of blue and white looked at him slightly. His cold eyes made Huo Lun feel excited. He immediately swallowed back his words.

But in his heart, he was very unwilling, and he also had a lot of puzzles. "Didn't I make it clear to my father before? No, I've told him about Adele's enchanting blood. I should have told my father about the secret of five-year-old chivalry."

"What's more, when I said this before, my father's look obviously changed, and he obviously cared about it."

"In this case... Why..."

He was in a trance and puzzled. In his opinion.

"Is my father angry with me, so... No, no, it's impossible. It has nothing to do with anger. Even though he won't give me the blood of Meizu, there's no reason to let it go like this with his father's personality."

"Is that because of honor, disdaining to attack the weak? I'm kidding. This kind of pedantic behavior may appear in other people, but my father, he, ha ha... Absolutely has no such possibility. "

"What is that for? Because that Wuchen Qianzhi, no, according to the conjecture of Lady Black and Viscount qiuran, although Wuchen Qianzhi may not be the real Wuchen Qianzhi, according to the conjecture of those two people, Wuchen Qianzhi can never have the power to fight against his father, then... "

Huo Lun's mind suddenly turned, and he couldn't understand it. Suddenly he heard his father's cold hum, "what do you think Meizu is, fool or blind? Don't move that woman's idea any more. At least she can't have any accident before she goes back to the black street city."

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