Huo Lun was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly understood something. But he heard the blue and white count say it again with a cold hum. He knew that it was his father's anger that he was hiding something from him.

Huo Lun secretly took a breath, a little cold.

He knew that no matter what happened in the end, Meizu's blood or the secret of Wuchen Qianzhi had nothing to do with him.

He worked hard, but finally he made a wedding dress. Maybe you'll take advantage of your half brother.

At the thought of this, he felt as if he had been gnawed by countless ants. At the same time, he hated Adele and Zhao Chengfeng more.

In his opinion, if Adele had not been a woman who refused to submit all the time, and had not been a child who suddenly stepped in, he would not have been exploited by Lady Black and Viscount Qiu bearded.

There would be no such thing as the following.

But no matter how unwilling he was or how hateful he was, he did not dare to disobey the blue and white count's words.

"Wait a minute!" Just when Huo Lun was unwilling, there was a light drink behind him.

Listen to the voice is that five Chen thousand childish.

Huo Lun originally hated this voice to the extreme, but at this time, he was as happy as rain in a long drought.

I almost couldn't help laughing.

"Well, ha ha, the boy who didn't know how to die, even came up to look for his own death!"

However, although he jumped up in his heart, he did not say a word on his face. Although he wanted to go back and challenge Zhao Chengfeng, he knew that at this time, he could not hide from the count of blue and white.

So he can only suppress the stupidity in the heart, desperately with the idea to that may be fake Wuchen Qianzhi refueling.

"Wuchen Qianzhi, no matter whether you are Wuchen Qianzhi or not, you will continue to die. Don't give up."

Soon his prayer seemed to come true, but it scared him to death.

After listening to the sharp sound of breaking the air behind him, I looked back and saw a sharp sword light cutting directly at him.

"Ah, this bastard, unexpectedly..."

Huo Lun never thought that Zhao Chengfeng had no effect after shouting, so he started directly.

Looking at the sharp and swift light of the sword, he almost instantly judged that he could not resist it, not to mention that he could not even dodge.

Fortunately, although the blue and white count is indifferent, he is also very angry. He conceals and acts arbitrarily, but after all, he is his own son, so he can't watch him die.

As soon as his figure flashed, he stood in front of him and grabbed him.

"Click ~!"

The sharp light of the sword was broken under his grasp.

Then slowly raised his eyelids, cold eyes staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

At that moment, anyone with eyes could see that he was killing.

Although he didn't intend to deal with these people at this time, even though he heard Huo Lun say that speculation, even though he was also interested in the secret, in his opinion, no matter who the real identity of this person is, he can deal with them at any time.

It's just not the right time.

But this mole ant dare to fight in front of him. If he ignores it again, his blue and white name will become a joke.

And behind him, Huo Lun also recovered at this time, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Then the whole person was angry, "Wuchen Qianzhi, you want to die, you dare to fight in front of my father! Oh, no, no... "

Huo Lun said here, suddenly a sneer, "or I should not call you Wuchen Qianzhi, because you are not Wuchen Qianzhi at all."

The so-called speaker is not intentional, and the listener is intentional. After hearing this sentence, Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli can't help but be stunned... No, this boy even knows the secret.

Does he know that we are earthlings?

This is a big surprise for both of them.

Because it is reasonable to say that no one can know this secret at present, unless other people from the earth world reveal it, that is to say, this person has seen other people from the earth world besides us.

Who is it?

"Why, I'm right? Ha ha... "Although they are not the kind of people who can easily be cheated out of anything, but this boy's words are too important for them, so even if they calm their mind quickly, they still have some subtle expression fluctuations.

Huo Lun saw the fluctuation in his eyes. He thought he had guessed correctly. He could not help laughing. At the same time, he secretly looked at his father.

He found that the latter frowned slightly at the beginning of his mouth, but when his face changed slightly, he stretched out again and seemed to acquiesce in his behavior, which made his heart suddenly calm.

The corner of his mouth sneered and said, "you are really powerful. Wuchen Qianzhi is very childish. Oh, no, to be exact, I should call you... Count Wuchen more than ten..."

He deliberately dragged the words "Wuchen Shiyu" and "adult" for a long time. He also wanted to see Zhao Chengfeng's panic and even panic expression.

But to his surprise, Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli were just stunned when they heard this sentence, and then they burst out laughing.

Adele and others were surprised.

They all know that on May 9, the ancestor of my count, who belonged to the Wuchen family, seems to have disappeared.

At this time, Huo Lun said that Qianzhi was not Qianzhi, but more than five years old. What do you mean?

It's not true, is it?

They were surprised and suspicious.

Although it sounds ridiculous, there are many secret skills unknown to ordinary people in this world. If we say... It is not impossible.

And what Huo Lun said just now is that Qianzhi's expression is really different, isn't it

"Idiot ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes in silence.

In the heart then secretly scolds, "Damn, almost frightens Lao Tzu to jump, did a long time is guessing."

Well, sure enough, it's not so easy to find other people.

At the same time, Liuli was also disappointed.

Seeing the change of their expressions, Huo Lun was stunned.

"What's the matter? Am I wrong?"

Others, including the count of blue and white, were also stunned. But then the reaction was different.

Adele, old Bill and others were relieved to see Zhao Chengfeng's reaction.

"Fortunately, it's not. It's true that you Qianzhi have always been noble and kind to us. How can you be such a person? I was... Ah, shame. " Several people feel guilty for their previous instant doubt.

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