Baron link and others have similar reactions to Adele and others, but in fact they are still dubious. However, Baron link and others are not so concerned about whether Zhao Chengfeng is five Chen chivalrous or the five Chen ten count who occupies five Chen chivalrous skin.

However, if it is the latter, we must be more careful in the future.

You ya just rolled her eyes and sneered: "you are really an idiot. You can say all these stupid words. What can you do to occupy other people's bodies and keep their souls in such a high fit? Please tell me, ha ha..."

Hearing her words, everyone was shocked, which reflected.

It's really impossible.

The human soul is the biggest secret in the world. I'm afraid no one can really understand the secret of the soul except the Lord of eternal life and the Lord of extinction, even the emperor.

The world has never heard of anyone who can occupy other people's bodies, but also can make the soul completely fit without being excluded.

Even those kings, or even the imperial rank, could not exist, let alone a little count.

They almost believed this ridiculous remark.

For a moment, not to mention all the people, even the count of blue and white realized that he really wanted to interrupt before.

I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

At the same time, the final interest in Zhao Chengfeng also disappeared, no interest, but the intention to kill is up, no value, so it doesn't matter to kill.

Heart read a move, no hesitation, body a flash, instantly deceived into the body of Zhao Chengfeng, hand is a grasp to Zhao Chengfeng's head.

"Hum ~!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that this person was really straightforward. If he didn't move, he would kill people. Who says villains must talk a lot?

"But it's not enough."

Zhao Chengfeng sneered and didn't want to hide. He didn't even move his right sword, but when he raised his left hand, it was also a grab.

At the same time, he yelled at Adele and others: "you step back!"


The collision of the two forces immediately broke out a circle of strong wind and waves.

Everyone was shocked and quickly retreated.

At the same time, the two men in the field also won the fight.


"Kick kick kick!"

Different from people's imagination, it was not Zhao Chengfeng who seemed to be less powerful, but the blue and white count who was ready to kill.

Zhao Chengfeng just stepped back a little.

But the blue and white count retreated three or four steps in a row, and then he stepped on the ground to stabilize his figure.

But this time, the blue and white count's face that kind of high above, ignore everything expression can't maintain.

Instead, they have sharp eyes like a sword.

be amazed!

I'm really surprised.

Even before Zhao Chengfeng happened in the Black Street City, he had heard about it occasionally, and his son had mentioned this person.

But apart from the "secret" that made him care about, he didn't take Zhao Chengfeng to heart. For him, he didn't say that this man was just the Earl of the Wuchen family, even if it was true.

He's a perfect count, a quasi Marquis, and he can prove Marquis's authority at any time if he's ready.

What is a count of Wuchen?

But just a fight, he knew he was totally wrong.

At the same time, it also confirmed that the previous guess was completely false, and the man in front of him could not be the five-hour-old man.

Don't say that the five-year-old can't have such strength. Even if he has it, he can't exert such strength even if he occupies other people's bodies.

Even though he didn't do his best just now, it was obvious that the other side didn't do his best either, not only didn't move the sword, but even deliberately used his left hand.

This made him feel a little embarrassed and angry at the same time.

For Zhao Chengfeng this behavior, he does not think it is aboveboard, do not take advantage of him, but feel that the other side is in contempt of him.

"But even though this man is not a man of five or ten years old and has such strength, he can exert his power no less than that of a count. It's true that he has a secret, and it's probably more precious than the so-called possession of soul to other people's bodies."

At this moment, the blue and white count's mind turned for several times. Although he had confirmed that his son's conjecture must be false, his heart became hotter and his intention of killing was stronger.

But the more fierce the killing intention in his heart, he was more cautious than before.

This time he did not immediately hand, but looked up to Zhao Chengfeng, the first time solemnly asked: "Wuchen Qianzhi is it?"

"Not bad." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what he thought in his heart and didn't care very much.

He was just thinking about the fight just now. To be honest, he was a little disappointed.

He thought the other side could give him enough pressure.

But if it's just that, it's a long way off.

"However, this person should have underestimated the enemy before." Zhao Chengfeng had a good idea of this, so he soon put away his contempt to avoid the sewer capsizing.

What he wants is to sharpen, not to commit suicide.

But his disappointment was keenly perceived by the count of blue and white. His anger flashed in his heart and his voice was suddenly cold. "Good, good. I underestimated you before. This kind of strength is barely worth my efforts. "

Zhao Chengfeng's mouth slightly tilted, slightly shook his head, and said in his heart: "Damn, will you die if you don't pretend to force me?"

But as soon as he shook his head, before he had time to speak, he suddenly felt a sense of danger. He didn't have time to think about it. He was so lucky that he turned his head.

Almost in an instant, he felt a "Chi" sound in his ear, followed by a slight "Pu" sound behind him. Without looking back, he knew that it was the sound of shooting through the cliff behind him.

Because the sound was very similar to the sound of bullets shooting into the soil, he was also very familiar with it.

"But what was that, bullet? No, the world has never heard of guns, and ordinary guns can't have such speed and power. "

"Arrow? It doesn't seem like... It can't be air, can it? "

Zhao Chengfeng heart shock, he did not see each other's action.

They didn't see what they were doing.

But for a moment, there was one thing that was true, that is, he really underestimated each other.

"Ha ha, it seems that it won't be so boring!"

Zhao Chengfeng's fighting spirit was once again inspired.

The rest of the people around were stunned.

There are only two moves in the two men's fight, but both of them surprised everyone.

The difference is that Zhao Chengfeng surprised people for the first time.

Adele and others have long been convinced by Zhao Chengfeng, but even if they overestimated Zhao Chengfeng, they did not expect that he could defeat the blue and white count.

Even let them can not help but give birth to the "original blue and white count is no more than this" idea.

Before their idea was settled, the second hand of the blue and white count shocked them mercilessly.

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