"What?" The blue and white count, seeing that he was defeated by a blow, had been calm, as if Zhizhu could not help showing a trace of horror on his face.

At the same time, Adele and others who watched the battle on both sides were also shocked. Up to this time, they still did not see any movement of the blue and white count. Although the latter did not cover up, his speed had far exceeded the limit of people's eyesight and perception.

But the dense space ripples and countless air bullets pierced the residual traces left by the air. This time, they finally saw it clearly.

And these are still too fast for them. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng under the dense attack coverage, they can't even shout and remind.

No, it's too late to even remind.

When they came up with this idea, the ground not far in front of him had already heard a dense puff of rain.

"Back up, back up!"

The crowd had no time to think about it, so they quickly backed back.

Although it's too late at this time, if they're not lucky, all of them have become beehives at that moment. No, it's probably not beehives but meat sauce.

But if it's too late, they still have to withdraw. Otherwise, if there's another wave, will they be so lucky.

Another wave... Wait a minute, how about Qianzhi?

Just as they thought of Zhao Chengfeng, they suddenly heard a dull hum, followed by a loud "click". A sword gas from nowhere suddenly cut on the cliff on one side of the canyon, and the gravel splashed all over the place.

When I look at it again, I can see that a crack nearly five meters long has been cut out on the rock wall. The crack is dark and I don't know how deep it is.

"It's a sharp sword. It won't split the cliff directly, will it?"

People take a deep breath, can't help but have this idea.

Of course, everyone knows that's impossible. That cliff is almost half a dry stone forest. It's better to avoid it.

But look at the depth.

That cliff is not ordinary soil, but the rock that has been honed by wind and rain for thousands of years.

They can't cut more than ten centimetres of traces even if they have the strength to strike, and that sword Qi is just spread, but it's so terrible.

Is that cut by Qianzhi adult? Then he should not be hurt?!

The crowd looked up to see what was going on in the clearing room, but there were only two shadows that could not tell who was who.

People can't help laughing bitterly in their hearts. They can't even watch this kind of battle, let alone participate in it.

Their eyesight is not to say that they can see their attacks clearly, and they can't even capture their bodies.

The only thing you can see is the ground and the rock walls that have been devastated by the aftershocks of the two men's attacks.

Just for a moment, none of them were intact within a radius of tens of meters around them. There were frightening cracks everywhere, black holes like honeycombs.

Let the public a burst of panic, the position also does not live back.

Everyone knows that once they are involved in a battle of this level, if they can't even resist it, there will be no bones left.

"Is this the real master's fight?"

On the other hand, Huolun is not calm and excited.

In any case, he did not expect that this Wuchen Qianzhi could really fight his father to such a degree.

It's incredible.

My father, he's waiting. No one in the whole black street city can be his opponent except the one in the Lord's mansion?

"That kid, he..."

All of a sudden, one of the two entangled shadows sprang up in the tension and worry of Huolun and Adele, and jumped into the sky.

After the figure leaped into the air, it seemed that he wanted to pause for a breath. But almost at the same time, another figure opened a pair of words composed of spiritual power behind it, and then followed up like a tarsal bone.

"Ah ~!"

The former figure didn't seem to think that the latter had this ability, and let out an angry roar.

"Ha ha, count, do you think I don't have the ability to stay in the air? You can't bully me with this!" The latter figure laughs.

"Hum ~!" Before the figure heard this, a cold hum, "it's just a dissimilation weapon, what's to be proud of! However, Wuchen Qianzhi, do you really want to fight with me? "

"Ha ha, how can you do it? But your excellency, you don't like to talk well, so I have to do it. But since I've already done it, of course, I'll do it cheerfully! "

"Besides, why should I die and you live instead of killing each other?"

Between the words, the movements of the two figures didn't stop at all. People still couldn't tell who was who.

But from their conversation, they were slightly shocked.

In the sense, it seems that Qianzhi has the advantage. However, the count of blue and white, who was so powerful before and even thought it was wasteful to look at people one more time, seems to want to shrink back.

"It's incredible!"

Although Adele and others have been worried about Zhao Chengfeng, they are still very surprised to hear these conversations.

After all, it was a blue and white earl, whose prestige has long been popular.

And master Qianzhi, although he is really strong, is he really so strong?

Adele and others are like this, not to mention Huolun. At this time, he has been dull.

I can't stop saying, "no, it can't be."

Eyes are tightly staring at the two shadows in the air, eyes are bloodshot, hands are also tightly clenched fist.

At the same time, the blue and white count in the battle heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, and his heart was completely aroused anger.

"Good, very good. If you want to use this seat as a grindstone, how can you not understand it? In this case, this seat will complete you!"

With these words, the blue and white count suddenly stopped and hovered in the air. At the same time, a breath of terror that made the whole world tremble suddenly burst out from him.

All of a sudden, the whole popularity changed.

For a moment, it seemed that he suddenly changed from a silent mountain to an erupting volcano.

Even if it is around the sudden observation, but also instantly feel a tremendous pressure of terror, suddenly like an invisible mountain like pressure down.

They turned pale and had to retreat again. However, they also noticed that the blue and white Earl's back had a huge hole in his armor at the shoulder blade, and half of his clothes were boasted, revealing a large area of skin on his back with blood on it.

"Sure enough, it was the blue and white count who suffered."

However, when Zhao Chengfeng also stopped, many people found that his clothes were also broken in several places, including a blood hole in his left leg, calf and right arm.

Adele turned pale with fright. Suddenly, she didn't know who had the upper hand between them.

And then, these two... Are even more unpredictable.

Between speaking, the breath of the blue and white count has accumulated to the peak.

"Speed authority - wheel, pole, empty!"

This time, the blue and white count did not recite, but slowly jumped out of his lips word by word.

Every word seems to weigh more than Wan Jun, and every word seems to contain some mysterious power. After he spits out the three words of wheel, pole and space, Zhao Chengfeng feels that the whole world seems to have changed.

Danger, extreme danger!

Zhao Chengfeng almost instinctively clenched the handle of the sword, as if there was a voice in his heart urging him, "run, run, no, you can't run, interrupt him, yes, you must interrupt him!"

Hearing this sound, Zhao Chengfeng's sword moves instantaneously, but suddenly stops.

At the same time, the feeling in his heart that was separated by a layer of window paper suddenly seemed to be captured again, and this time there was not even that layer of window paper, but it was still a little bit thin, like fog, so that he could not really capture it.

"Just a little, just a little."

Zhao Chengfeng has a very positive premonition that what he wants to understand is within this wave of attack.

Zhao Chengfeng soon made a decision: at this time, he could not escape or even interrupt the other party.

Since I want to use the other side to sharpen myself, I must be aware of this danger. How can a battle without danger be called sharpening?

With this in mind, Zhao Chengfeng quickly suppressed the palpitation and uneasiness in the depths of biological genes, which seemed to come from the ancient wild age and hidden in his own genes.

The war will rise again.

Blue and white Earl's reaction to Zhao Chengfeng seems to have been expected. He can't help but turn his mouth slightly and show a sneer of sarcasm. At the same time, he has some complicated emotions in his heart.

This complex emotion, mixed with anger, and a little reluctant to admit the admiration.

The anger is because Zhao Chengfeng's behavior, in his opinion, has provoked and trampled on the honor and pride of a prospective strong man.

He had noticed before that Zhao Chengfeng was fighting with him not only for Adele, but also to break through himself with the help of the pressure of fighting with him.

In this regard, he first disdained, until he saw the strength of Zhao Chengfeng, not willing to admit that this person is not blind arrogance.

Not only do they have the ambition to be powerful, but they also have the strength almost equal to their own, and even the awareness and courage to face life and death.

For this, he even has some jealousy and fear.

Because deep in my heart, I also know that for a monk, the desire to fight, the ambition to become stronger, the courage and wisdom to face life and death in awe of life and death, all of them are necessary conditions for continuous progress, or even indispensable.

However, some of these things he still has, and some he may have, but along the way, most of them have been worn out.

For the first time in nearly a hundred years, he felt that he was old, which made him inexplicable and uneasy.

"Kill him, this man will die!" The count of blue and white seemed to hear a voice shouting, "you have to kill this man, or I'm afraid I'll be unstable."

At this moment, he no longer considers the secret that may exist in Zhao Chengfeng. Killing this person is his only idea.

This kind of pure killing thought together, strangely eliminated other thoughts in the blue and white count's heart, and a kind of fighting spirit and desire almost forgotten by him seemed to revive quietly in his heart.

Even he did not find that with the resurrection of this will, the momentum of the blue and white count once again climbed a step, and his eyes were burning with the same fighting spirit.

But after all, he is a quasi strong candidate. This potential mood change was soon noticed by him. He even felt that even the rank of authority had been loosened, which seemed to be more satisfactory.

Realizing this, the blue and white count was ecstatic.

I can't help laughing... OK, good. This boy wants to use this seat as a grindstone, but I'm afraid you can't think of it. Instead, you've become the grindstone of this seat.

Originally, I had less than 10% confidence in the rank of marquis, but now if I go to prove the rank of marquis, I have at least 40% confidence. When I kill this person, my mood and rank will be more perfect. At that time, I will have 70% confidence. No, 80% confidence can carry the rank of marquis.

So, thank you very much.

Blue and white count coldly looking at Zhao Chengfeng, eyes and war, spit out the last four words: "disordered dance."

"Kill me!" Suddenly a burst of drink.

The blue and white count seemed to burst suddenly. No, it was just an illusion.

The Earl of blue and white is still the Earl of blue and white, but every muscle and joint of his whole body trembles violently at this moment, which gives people the illusion that the whole person is divided.

At the same time, there are countless impact bullets from different positions of his body to eject around, like an explosive fireworks.

Unfortunately, there is no fireworks gorgeous and beautiful, only the terror of cutting and destruction.

And Zhao Chengfeng has been on guard, and the field of divine consciousness and wind has expanded to the limit.

At the moment when the blue and white count's "human fireworks" exploded, his whole body suddenly moved.

Under the great danger and pressure, the wind field suddenly broke through to a limit at this moment. He could only use and control the power of the wind to a certain extent, but at this moment, he felt like he was integrated into the wind.

Even the blue and white count's actions and attacks seemed to be clear all at once, and the surrounding wind seemed to turn into his physical senses.

"See, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see

This wonderful change made Zhao Chengfeng very happy, but this joy did not last long.


With a loud bang, Zhao Chengfeng felt as if he had been smashed, and the whole person smashed to the ground uncontrollably.

"I didn't dodge, I felt it, I saw it, it's very clear, but I still didn't dodge!" Body pain, like broken, but the mind is unusually calm, the heart is not the slightest chagrin, even calm in the process of falling, further stimulate the wind field, the body incredible twist.


There was another loud noise, the ground cracked, and Zhao Chengfeng was smashed into the earth.

But Zhao Chengfeng can't care about the pain of his body. The flying immortal's body method starts in an instant and disappears from the pit. The next second, an impact as big as a shell is hitting the pit, and the pit bursts again.

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