With a loud bang, a mushroom like smoke rose, blocking everyone's eyes, including the blue and white count.

But he didn't relax. On the contrary, the attacks were more intensive, and countless attacks poured down into the smoke.

But in this intensive attack, there is a figure shot out from the smoke, straight to the blue and white count in the sky.

As soon as the blue and white count saw this figure, his eyes were awe inspiring. Although he had expected that this man could not be killed so easily, he was shocked that he could fight back so quickly as if nothing had happened.

"Hum, disordered dance ~!"

Blue and white count a cold hum, is about to suppress this person again, but suddenly feel a breath of danger, heart can't help a Lin, at the same time hear ear ring out a light chant.

"Kill me with a sword

But the sword was faster than the sound. When the count of blue and white heard the sound, the fierce sword spirit had arrived first.

The breath of Mori Han made people's heart tremble. Even the blue and white count did not dare to despise it. They poured out one after another, trying to break the sword light.

But soon the count of blue and white knew that he had made a mistake. The light of the sword was unusually condensed. Instead of being scattered, it penetrated his attack and went straight to his face.

The blue and white Earl was shocked, "the power of speed, the dance of flash ~!"

The figure of the blue and white Earl flashed, so fast that he didn't think about it. He almost disappeared in the same place and appeared in another place in a flash.

"Ah ~!"

But in another position, there was not only the blue and white count, but also a scream and a blood light.

He was injured again, a deep visible bone wound extended from the shoulder to the chest, almost chopped his whole arm.

Because of a moment of wrong judgment, even if his authority was speed, he could not completely dodge the sword.

But he didn't care about the wound. Instead, he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng in horror. "It's not a power skill. Can you add the power of power to the sword move?"

But on the other side, Zhao Chengfeng did not move. After a successful counterattack, he did not take advantage of the victory. Instead, he looked down at his sword, as if in a daze.

Seeing this, the blue and white count realized that Zhao Chengfeng must have learned something from the attack and defense just now.

"No, we can't let him succeed ~!" There was a flash in my eyes,

Zhao Chengfeng's body moves in an instant.

Raise your hand and hit Zhao Chengfeng!

"In the battle, I dare to distract myself and seek death!"

"Speed of authority, empty fist!"

The injury of the previous sword has made it impossible for him to start the disorderly dance which has a great burden on his body again.

Once Zhao Chengfeng really realized, this change and the other, he is afraid that he will no longer be the enemy of this person.

So he knew in his heart that he had failed in this chance to sharpen each other's swords.

But if he fails, he can't make this person succeed, otherwise it's not as simple as failure.

At that time, the life and death of his blue and white count will be controlled by this man's thoughts.

"Well, how can the life and death of my blue and white count be controlled by others?"

So you die!

Although you can't use disordered dance, in terms of power, empty fist is one of the strongest attacks.

However, the dissimilation weapon on this person's body is not weak in defense, so it can only hit him in the head.

The count of blue and white gritted his teeth. In order to make sure that in case, he almost used all his life's strength to hit the most lethal position of most creatures... The head.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly raised his head and gave him a smile, then he felt a flower in front of him.

Zhao Chengfeng disappeared.

"What?" The blue and white Earl hit the empty place with one punch. He was shocked. It was unbelievable.

Zhao Chengfeng can avoid his attack, he can understand, but can be fast enough to let him lose the target, that is what kind of speed.

How can this person have such a terrible speed? It's impossible?!

No way!

Speed, that's what he's good at?

He himself is the person who controls the power of speed. In the same rank, it is almost impossible for anyone to be faster than him.

In front of him, he did show great speed in the previous battle. It seems that he can still use and control the authority of wind. But from the previous battle, he is still above him in terms of speed.

Did this person hide his strength before? No, it's impossible.

But then he realized something.

Just at that moment, this person must have broken through something! That's why his speed soared ~!

"Oh, no!"

Because of the impact in his strongest field, the blue and white count was a little absent-minded for a moment. At this time, he suddenly realized the danger and lost his face.

The body spreads to move, hastens to retreat abruptly.

At the same time, I scan around quickly to find Zhao Chengfeng's figure.

"Ha ha, is the count of blue and white looking for me?"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs. He doesn't know when he is standing on the top of the blue and white count's head. He raises his silver sword high. At the moment when the blue and white count raises his head, he cuts straight down.

"Ah ~!"

The count of blue and white screamed in horror, but when he could only give up half a sound, he had to stop suddenly, because he was frightened to find that the wind around him had moved before the sword fell. The originally calm and soft wind suddenly became chaotic and violent, which not only blocked his voice and breathing, but also affected his movement ability.

It's hard to take a step with all the strength, but the sword has arrived.

"Chi ~!"

A sharp blade cut into the flesh and blood of the voice, severe pain let blue and white count almost fainted, also let him instantly lost the ability to float in the air, coupled with the aftershock of the impact, his whole person involuntarily fell to the earth.

In the process of falling, he looked up and saw Zhao Chengfeng standing in the air, looking down at him with a slight smile, even casually shaking the blood on the blade.

Seeing this scene, he had a sense of familiarity in his heart. He remembered that many times, when he killed his opponent, he had a similar behavior.

At that time, his opponent who was killed was like a piece of waste that was humiliated and dusty, without any garbage that let him see more.

But unfortunately, this time he has become that fall into the dust of scrap.

"Damn it, damn it ~!"

Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

The count of blue and white whispered in his heart. Then he seemed to hear a dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. He didn't know if it was himself, because he didn't feel it at this time.

Then he saw that the figure above seemed to be falling slowly, but he had blurred.

"Father! Ah ~..., no, father ~! "

He felt a voice calling for himself and turned his head hard. Then he saw the son he didn't like very much. He was frightened and couldn't believe it. But after a short period of panic, he didn't run to himself as he expected. Instead, he let out a scream and then turned to another direction to escape.

"Ha ha..." the count of blue and white gave a smile of unknown meaning, and then slowly closed his eyes

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