When people saw this, they were shocked.

"Ha ha, this guy is so determined to escape that he doesn't even care about his own Laozi." Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Huo Lun, shaking his head and laughing.

"Ha ha, but he fled in that direction just for death." Baron link saw that the direction of Huolun's escape was the bottom of the valley. He laughed with glee.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Old Bill suddenly thought of something. His face changed and he cried out: "Oh, I can't let him run away, seven color pansy ~!"

With this cry, Adele and holder woke up, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Don't worry about him." Zhao Chengfeng stopped the crowd and said, "he will come back soon!"

"And it doesn't matter if you don't come back." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's wings close behind him, he slowly lands on the ground. Only when he is about two steps away from the blue and white count who is still lying on the ground with his eyes closed, can he stand still. Do not speak, just condescending, smiling at the latter.

They realized that the count of blue and white should not have died, and they were all relieved.

As long as the count of blue and white is not dead, whether Huolun has escaped or died, it has little influence. The only thing is that he feels a little cheap.

But I saw the blue and white count lying on the ground, his eyes closed, a blood hole in his chest, often bleeding, but there was no breath all over him.

Adele and others could not help frowning slightly.

Just doubting whether the blue and white count was really alive, the latter suddenly opened his eyes, but still lay on the ground motionless, with only one pair of eyes watching Zhao Chengfeng quietly.

After a while, he said, "what's the trick you just used? How could you have such a terrible breath?"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and is about to speak, but behind him comes a scream of panic. Then a figure stumbles out from the bottom of the canyon. It is Huo Lun who has just escaped.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng and others, his face changed. He stopped at a place 100 meters away from the crowd and did not dare to move forward. But he subconsciously looked back at the bottom of the valley and did not have the courage to go back.

Just for a moment, what he saw almost frightened him, and he was still in shock.

However, I don't know why, those monsters didn't chase him, which made him a little relieved.


He took another look at Zhao Chengfeng and others, but found that Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at him at all, and didn't seem to see him return at all.

If before, there was still some displeasure and even hatred for Zhao Chengfeng's attitude of ignoring him, now his only reaction was to be relieved, but he did not dare to contact Zhao Chengfeng, subconsciously sweeping the blue and white count lying on the ground.

It was only then that I found that the count of blue and white was in a daze with his eyes open, and then he was overjoyed.

"Dad ~!"

Huo Lun is about to run forward, but as soon as he moves, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes suddenly sweep over. Huo Lun immediately feels that a little white rabbit is watched by a falcon in the sky. It's cold all over his body. Even his feet are frozen by an invisible force.

Huo Lun swallowed his saliva, looked at the blue and white count on the ground, and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't dare to step out.

For a moment, he took back his feet and lowered his head.

Even though he had hated Zhao Chengfeng to the bone in his heart, he did not dare to show any more.

And the blue and white count lying on the ground never looked at Huolun more, as if he had no consciousness of Huolun's return.

After asking Zhao Chengfeng, he always kept calm and looked at Zhao Chengfeng's posture. For a long time, he slowly stood up.

Although the movement is not fast, but also did not appear slow, as if the previous injury is not serious, no impact on him in general.

And the vision also looks at Zhao Chengfeng all the time, after a moment, just ask a sentence again, "what move did you just use?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that this person should be so persistent and moved in his heart.

Then he realized that the opponent probably felt that his attack method was different from the general permission talent skills.

However, he looked at each other's eyes, curiosity mixed with more or doubt.

Knowing that the other party is only slightly aware, but did not really see what is different, and even doubt their own judgment.

"Ha ha, what's the trick? Why should I tell you? If you want to know, you can continue to do it!" Understanding the other party's mentality, Zhao Chengfeng neither denied nor answered anything positively.

However, this kind of reaction is a wake-up call for Zhao Chengfeng.

The ancient martial arts system of the earth world and the rank and authority system of the world are two different power systems, even the way of evolution.

No matter in the form of power, or in the breath and fluctuation, there are huge differences. Some low-level people don't have to worry about it. Anyway, they can't see anything.

But it's not hard for a real strong man with a sharper sense than ordinary people to sense this surprise.

Just like the blue and white count in front of him, once he makes a move, he will be noticed.

This is undoubtedly a problem.

"But this kind of thing doesn't need to worry too much at the moment. At least the ordinary masters below Marquis can only admit it. As for the future, there is no way to solve it."

For most people in this world, this is another civilization they have never been in contact with.

So even if ordinary people can see some, they can't see the real way.

Secondly, although he didn't have any idea to carry forward the ancient martial arts knowledge of the earth world, he never really meant to hide it.

A little bit of things like hamsters hidden tucked in, it will never be a major event bearing and mind.

Only by turning it into a chip can anything move more things.

At the right time, he doesn't care to use them as chips to exchange more resources or knowledge belonging to the world.

Anyway, this kind of thing can't be concealed forever, unless he never uses it, or never uses it in front of experts, but what's the point?

This is a common sense in the earth world of the 21st century.

He had already thought about this kind of consciousness for a long time, so he didn't worry about the so-called guilt at all.

But this is certainly not now.

Blue and white count heard his words, his face immediately sank, and his eyes became sharp.

"Ha ha, don't stare at me. If you want to do it, you can do it quickly!" Zhao Chengfeng remained calm. Continue to stare at each other: "but the opportunity is only once, and then shot, I can not be polite."

Zhao Chengfeng holds his arm with a smile and looks at the blue and white count quietly.

"Hum." Blue and white count a cold hum, in the heart is very unconvinced, feel that just Zhao Chengfeng just hit him by surprise, otherwise, he would never be so easily defeated by the other side.

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