But the count of blue and white didn't do it again. Of course, he didn't admit it. In fact, he was timid. He just gave himself an excuse and said, "this battle will not end here. I admit that you are really powerful, but you use me as a grindstone, hum..."

"Stop!" Without waiting for him to finish, Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand and interrupted him. He dug his ears speechless. "You've said that before. I admit that I really treat you as a grindstone. How about that? I'm just happy. What do you do with me? Bite me?"

Zhao Chengfeng also ignored the blue and white count. His face was very blue and his eyes turned white.

"It's really speechless. I've been pretending since just now."

"Come out and try to talk to you. It's like being deaf. I have to do it. Do you do it, or do you pretend to be forced? Are you used to it or what? "

Zhao Chengfeng also admitted in his heart that in the process of fighting with this man, he really wanted to take advantage of this battle to seize the aura in his mind that he could not grasp, and the result was very good.

Before that one always seems to be separated by a layer of clouds of light, at this time, although it can not be said to have fully understood, but at least have seen about.

The sword that finally cut down the count of blue and white is already a prototype.

But if it wasn't for this man's arrogance, Zhao Chengfeng could hardly force him to do it.

I've been beaten down and can't put it down.

However, Zhao Chengfeng also knows that this person's strength is really extraordinary.

Today's battle can be said to be the most fierce one he came to this world.

Even now, although he has defeated this man, if he really wants to escape, he is not sure that he can stop him.

Even if we can stop it, I'm afraid it's only a matter of life and death. It's impossible to capture it alive.

Otherwise, he would not talk to him.

Of course, if this person wants to leave, he must pay a price, and it is also impossible for him to retreat completely.

Both of them are equally aware of this.

So the blue and white Earl is the same. Even though he is pale by Zhao Chengfeng, he is still suppressed and does not really turn over.

At this level, no one dares to make fun of life easily unless he really has full assurance or the need to divide life and death.

Two people looked at each other for a moment, beside Adele and others, as well as Huolun, are very nervous, especially Huolun heart seems to jump out of the throat.

In the current situation, if you really tear the skin completely, it's hard for others to say that he is sure to die. It's not easy for Wuchen Qianzhi to leave his father, but it's a matter of doing everything to leave him.

"... Mr. Black feather, Mr. purple wind, this is the direction. This is one of the changes just now, and the change here seems to be the earliest position."

At this time, the direction outside the canyon suddenly heard footsteps and voices.

"... there's someone coming again, it won't be..." hearing this voice, everyone's faces changed, especially Adele and Baron link's relaxed heartstrings, which immediately strained again.

On the other side, Huo Lun's face also changed, but then he couldn't help showing a trace of joy. No matter who came, it seemed that he couldn't be worse.

During the conversation, the visitor has already appeared in the public's sight.

Seeing the person coming, everyone's looks changed again. "Count black feather, count purple wind, I didn't expect that they were really these two."

This time, there were quite a few people, 20 or 30, who were divided into two groups. The two leaders were just two of the four forces in the black street city.

Zhao Cheng recognized one of them. It was the count Zifeng who looked at him across the bridge.

And the other one is just another of the four forces, the leader of the black feather society, count black feather.

"I didn't expect that I was really predestined with the so-called four forces in the black street city. It's only how long ago, and now almost only the eldest of the White Bear Club, count white bear, has not met. I don't know if he came to this dry stone forest

In fact, it's not much of an accident. Now there's such a big change in the withered stone forest. The nearest Black Street City, not to mention the leaders of several major forces, is just afraid that the people who can get a little bit of it have to come and have a look.

It's just

Zhao Chengfeng thought deeply in his heart, but he didn't make a sound on his face. He just glanced at him and took back his eyes.

Glancing at the blue and white count, he found that his eyes were looking at the visitor, and the light in his eyes was turning, but he could not see the joy and anger.

At the same time, the visitors also noticed that people, especially the blue and white count, naturally fell in the eyes of the visitors at the first sight.

"Count of blue and white..." Seeing the blue and white count, all the visitors were stunned at first. Then they found that there was something wrong with the state of the blue and white count. They immediately swept their eyes and noticed that the atmosphere was very different.

Then I noticed Zhao Chengfeng.

Naturally, everyone could see that he seemed to be confronting the count of blue and white, and he seemed to have the upper hand.

Count Zifeng is OK. I met Zhao Chengfeng before. I also feel that Zhao Chengfeng is not very simple. Of course, I didn't expect that he would not be so simple.

Among the people around him was the Viscount who had negotiated with Zhao Chengfeng before, and his eyes were even more suspicious.

As for another group of black feather earls and others, they have never met Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, they don't know each other. The black street city is so big, and Zhao Chengfeng has made a lot of trouble before. As one of the four major forces, black feather society doesn't need to be in the black street city if they don't know.

If you don't know Zhao Chengfeng, I'm afraid it's count Heiyu himself.

However, the people next to him saw his suspicions, and immediately someone approached him to explain in a low voice the identity and origin of Zhao Chengfeng.

After hearing this, count Heiyu's eyes flashed. He couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng more.

Then he asked the count of blue and white with a smile: "count of blue and white, this is the young master of Wuchen. Dare you ask what happened to them?"

Count Zifeng didn't speak, but he came up slowly and stood beside count Heiyu.

However, the position they stood on was very ingenious. Both the distance and the angle were very subtle. They didn't show any attitude. They seemed to be on the side of the blue and white count, but they didn't seem to be.

"Two adults, both of them are this boy. They are all deceiving people too much. He is the young master of Wuchen's family on May 9. He doesn't pay attention to our people in the Black Street City, even my father..." count Qinghua didn't speak, but Huo Lun on the other side seemed to see the Savior rushing forward. As soon as he opened his mouth, he put Zhao Chengfeng on the opposite side of the black street city.

But he said it for a long time, but he didn't get the response from count Heiyu and count Zifeng. They looked at him very subtly.

"Two big..."

"Shut up ~!"

Huo Lun saw that their reaction was totally different from what he expected. He couldn't help looking a little ugly. He was about to continue to add oil and vinegar, but he didn't notice that his father was beside him and his face was livid.

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