At any rate, the blue and white count is also a dignified count. He is also very proud in his heart. It is because of his pride that he can act so forcefully.

But Huo Lun's performance was as if he wanted to protect count Heiyu and count Zifeng, which made count Qinghua angry.


Huo Lun didn't understand the blue and white count's expression. He wanted to open his mouth, but he saw the latter's face was gloomy, which made him unwilling to close his mouth.

The count of blue and white was very angry when he saw his expression. It seemed that for the first time, he felt that his son, whom he valued most at ordinary times, was so unbearable.

Then he took a look at count Zifeng and Baron black feather, and said coldly, "this is between us and Wuchen Qianzhi. You don't need to worry about it."

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the count of blue and white didn't plan to take the opportunity to win over the two to deal with himself.

It seems that they are eager to go.

He said in his heart: "it seems that the relationship between this man and these two people is even worse than I thought, and even the degree of face to heart incompatibility can not be achieved."

"Oh, wait a minute." Zhao Chengfeng thought, but instead stopped the blue and white count. He said with a smile, "everything can be said to people. Some things have a witness just right, so as not to make people think that Ben Shao really has prejudice against all his friends in the black street city."

Then he said to count Heiyu and count Zifeng: "since you are here, you may as well give us a witness to see if I really bullied the blue and white count."

Then he turned to Adele and said, "Captain Adele, our blue and white Earl may not know the situation. Tell him about you and let him see if it's true that I have nothing to do, bullied him and used him as a grindstone for no reason."

"Ah..." Adele was in a daze. She seemed unable to react. She didn't know how Zhao Chengfeng had nothing to do with it.

However, since Zhao Chengfeng opened her mouth, she did not dare to question it. She subconsciously looked at count Heiyu and count Zifeng, and immediately suppressed her thoughts and looked at count Qinghua seriously.

"Your Excellency." Adele slightly saluted, but did not lose her courtesy because she was defeated by Zhao Chengfeng.

This is not courtesy to the blue and white count, but respect for the strong.

And then I started to tell the story.

"... I couldn't figure out why the young master of the blue and white club was so kind to me, a woman who had married someone else... I didn't expect that..."

Everything is in the past. Adele thought she was calm, but now because of the need of narration, he had to recall every bit. Finally, anger and grief filled her heart again, and her emotion was also a little difficult to control.

Old Bill and holder both have red eyes and clenched fists at the same time, but they are worried that Adele can't control their emotions. Old Bill wants to narrate instead of Adele several times, but Adele refuses.

Baron link and others, as well as the two groups of people who have just arrived, finally understand what happened after hearing her narration.

In particular, the new arrival of the two groups of people, originally Adele and others have little interest in some of the broken things.

It's only because it's about the blue and white society and the count of blue and white that they are curious. But what they are more concerned about is why the count of blue and white seems to have lost to that Wuchen Qianzhi.

But when they heard the words "Meizu blood", they all opened their eyes and were surprised.

At the same time, he said in his heart, "no wonder I heard that Huo Lun, the young master of the blue and white club, used a lot of means for a woman in an adventure team. He thought it was just for beauty, but he didn't expect that the drunk's intention was not to drink. It's really a good idea."

These people look at Adele again, their eyes are a little greedy.

Zhao Chengfeng was equally surprised.

He didn't have time to ask Adele and others before, and he didn't know the blood of Meizu.

However, compared with other people, he is more suspicious, because he does not know about blood, and he does not know the origin of Meizu.

"Meizu is one of the top families in both the immortal world and the Black Death world. It has one of the top blood in the whole human society. It has been said that the Royal rank is very mysterious. Although it is very strong, it has little contact with ordinary people. It is even said that they are not real human beings, but some kind of human like race. It is also out of place with other big forces. "

"To tell you the truth, even I have never seen the real Meizu before. I didn't expect that Adele's sister was actually a member of Meizu."

Youya seems to know that he doesn't understand and explains it in a low voice, but when it comes to Meizu, even he seems to have a look of surprise.

"It's so powerful. Now, how about the influence of Meizu?" Zhao Chengfeng was shocked to hear that Meizu had even been a strong emperor.

The emperor, who is almost at the top of the pyramid of the world, is the ruler of the food chain.

"I don't know. Meizu is so mysterious that it's hard for outsiders to get in touch with it. However, in the last hundred years, it has been declining more and more, but even if it is declining, it is not comparable to ordinary people. Even if there is no strong emperor rank, there is definitely a king rank. "

"This Huo Lun dares to fight the idea of Meizu's blood. He's looking for death. Does he think he can hide it from the world? He has no idea what higher blood is all about. "

Youya glanced at Huolun on the other side.

Zhao Chengfeng takes a look at her, then touches her chin, looks at Adele who is still talking, and looks at the twinkling eyes of the people around her, with a slight frown.

He didn't expect that Adele was involved in blood, otherwise he wouldn't let Adele say it in front of so many people.

"Don't worry, if Adele really has the blood of Meizu, no matter what the reason is, Meizu will come to find her as long as it knows, and other people will never dare to move her idea again. Once it's open, don't say these people, even those strong Dukes don't dare to move her hair."

Youya knows what Zhao Chengfeng is worried about, and is contemptuous.

Then he took another look at Huo Lun and said with a sneer, "it's lucky that this man didn't succeed. Otherwise, don't say that he himself, even us and the whole black street city will be buried with him."

"The whole black street city?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he couldn't help but open his eyes and half believe it.

Youya rolled her eyes, "believe it or not, this kind of thing has not happened, although it is not Meizu."

"... that's about it, count. I think you'll know what happened after that." On the other hand, Adele finally finished the whole story, and let out a long breath to suppress her indignation.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng stepped forward and sneered again, "count, you know what's going on now. I believe that with your knowledge, count, you should know what kind of disaster your son has committed, eh?"

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