When Zhao Chengfeng said this, he glanced at the others, and finally fell on the blue and white count again. He sneered: "it's so bold to try to capture the blood of the Meizu. You want to die yourself. Please don't involve us and other innocent people in the Black Street City, OK?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly raised his voice, "what do you think Meizu is..."? Look at the forest and canyon in front of you. This is the result of the battle between an emperor and a king. Can your father and son's broad bean brain be able to survive such existence? "

"Among the Meizu, how many royal ranks exist, and whether there are royal ranks, are you sure about the blue and white count?"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice is getting louder and louder. It seems that he is filled with indignation to the extreme. Of course, this is half true and half false. His words are not only for the count of blue and white, but also for all the people present. Although you ya says these people dare not, Zhao Chengfeng knows a sentence called "the ignorant are fearless".

If we don't get the point across, there will always be people taking chances.

So while he was talking, he was also observing the changes in the looks of the people around him. Sure enough, many people changed their looks after hearing what he said. It was obvious that many of them were making up their minds before.

But now he has pointed out that these people should be more cautious and more concerned.

And the blue and white count was originally in the old God, at this time is not so calm.

His face was constantly changing, and he seemed to feel that things were more serious than he thought.

There was a moment's silence, and then he said in an astringent voice, "I didn't know about it."

"Ha ha, you don't need to tell me if you know it or not. I think once Meizu knows about it, it should find it soon. At that time, the count will tell them your words, but I don't know if they will listen to them." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

The blue and white count was silent again, and then his eyes suddenly looked at Huolun, his face suddenly became cold, "Huolun, come here!"

"Father, you don't listen to his nonsense, she..." the latter suddenly felt cold when he came into contact with the blue and white count's eyes. He subconsciously took a step back, faltered in his mouth, and her eyes couldn't stop spinning, trying to find an excuse to persuade the blue and white count and others.

However, just as he racked his brains to find a pretext, the blue and white count's arm suddenly soared and stretched for more than one meter out of thin air. His arm was longer than ordinary people. This stretch pulled Huolun, who was nearly two meters away from him, back in an instant.

"No, I..." Huo Lun was shocked. Even if he knew that his father was cruel, he didn't expect that he would be so determined to kick his legs, but the count of blue and white didn't pay any attention to him.

One hand stuck in Huolun's neck, cold eyes.

This move, not to mention Huolun, surprised other people.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a Zheng, immediately face a change, hastily want to stop.

He said so much not to let the count of blue and white kill Huolun himself, but for the seven color pansy in the hands of the blue and white club.

But he was slow to stop it.

Before he could speak, he heard a click, and then he saw Huo Lun, who was caught by his father's neck, with his head tilted and his legs pedaled a few times.

"It's so cruel. It's really... So cruel." Zhao Chengfeng to stop the words were also stuck in the throat, hand raised to half, sighed, helplessly put down.

"How about this? Is it satisfactory?" Blue and white count coldly looked at Zhao Chengfeng, then slowly swept the crowd, and finally fell on Adele. Their eyes were opposite, and Adele's body was a little stiff subconsciously.

"Now, the main culprit who is trying to capture the blood of Meizu is already in danger. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Adele, is that ok?" The count of blue and white did not wait for Adele's reply. He glanced at Huolun, who had been caught by him, and then threw him on the ground like a shoe.

Then, as if nothing had happened, count chaozifeng and other humanitarians said, "are you also here for the change of the altar in the valley? How about going there together? "

"Ha ha, I have no problem. How about Zifeng?" When the black feather saw that the blue and white count killed his son, he talked about the changes of the altar in the valley like nothing happened. He was a little bit wary of the blue and white count, who was one of the four leaders of the black street city.

I don't know if this person is the first among the four of us, but his coldness is really unique.

However, although he was alert in his heart, he did not say a word on his face. After that, he looked at count Zifeng with a smile.

Count Zifeng didn't speak. He was a man who didn't smile. He was just like the Zifeng gun on his back.

Silent and sharp.

Hearing count Heiyu's inquiry, he just looked up at count Qinghua, then nodded and said he had no opinion.

Black feather count ha ha a smile, also order to nod, immediately he unexpectedly toward Zhao Cheng Feng to open mouth to ask a way: "five Chen's thousand childish young Lord is?"? Are you interested in going with us? "

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng sees three people three eyes two languages, is about to leave, brow can't help a wrinkle.

"Colleagues are not busy for the time being." Zhao Chengfeng said faintly, and looked at the blue and white count again, "the blue and white count's righteous killing of relatives is really admirable. However, there is another thing I'm afraid to ask the blue and white count to hand it in."

"You may not know that Captain Adele and I are not here for the treasure that may exist in this forest. What we need is a seven color pansy. To be more precise, it is because of a mission issued by Huo Lun Shaozhu of the blue and white Association in the trade union that we came here, and the reward for that mission is seven color pansy. "

"Now young Lord Huolun has been killed by the count of blue and white, and that task has been confirmed, that is, he wants to cheat captain Adele and others to come here to facilitate his hands, and set up a trick."

"Count of blue and white, could you please give me that seven color pansy, so that I can draw a successful end to this task?"

Zhao Chengfeng looks at the blue and white count quietly.

Adele clenched her fist subconsciously, and looked at the blue and white count straightly.

The blue and white Earl's face twitched slightly, and his eyes looked back at Zhao Chengfeng coldly. Just when people thought he was going to turn over, the man turned his hand and threw a metal brand to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng reached for the sign and saw a blue flower engraved on it and a blue "green" on the other side. He frowned again, "what is this?"

Although he probably understood that this should be a keepsake of the blue and white club, what he wanted was seven color pansy. What's the use of such a brand.

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