"Do you think that I will put a seven color pansy on my body? Hum The count of blue and white snorted coldly, turned his eyes and said, "this blue and white iron card is the keepsake of our blue and white society. You can go to the blue and white society now or at any time to find the vice president, viscount Sifang, and tell him it's my order."

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes twinkled for a moment, and then he didn't say any more. He handed the brand to Adele.

He didn't worry about the blue and white count playing tricks. Anyway, he could run away, but the monk couldn't run to the temple. Unless the count of blue and white left the whole blue and white club, he would not be able to run away.

"Thank you, Qianzhi." Adele's hand trembled because she was excited. She took the iron card and stroked it gently. Then she hid it carefully.

For her, this is not a metal Keepsake only, it is a hope after a lot of hardships.

Although seven color pansy is still not available, but with this metal brand, it's almost seven or eight points.

She knew that all this was because of Zhao Chengfeng. Otherwise, they would have been killed long ago, and even their blood would have been drained.

Originally resolute, her eyes can't help getting a little wet at this time.

Old Bill and holder were also excited to see Adele put away the iron card.

Zhao Chengfeng saw their expression, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile, but there was still a question in his heart.

Then he looked at the count of blue and white again, "the last question, I don't know if the count can answer me?"

"I want to know the count of blue and white. Do you know about it in advance? If you don't know, I don't know if young Lord Huolun told you just now. How did he know that Captain Adele had the blood of Meizu? "

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng ask such a question, old Bill and others immediately raised their heads. This question is also what they really want to know.

But Adele suddenly interrupted him and said, "forget it, master Qianzhi. This is the end of it."

Zhao Chengfeng, old Bill and others were stunned. They were surprised to see Adele, but they didn't understand. But then they all realized something.

Old Bill's heart thumped, as if he thought of a possibility, and his face became very ugly.

The next holder saw that his face suddenly turned pale and asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing, just a little tired." Old Bill gave a reluctant smile and didn't say what he thought.

He didn't want to tell holder whether it was true or not.


If that were the case, Adele would be very poor.

He couldn't help looking at Adele again, only to find that Adele seemed to have recovered her usual strength and fortitude after a brief move.

Slightly charming face, although full of dust, but the expression is abnormal calm.

"Count of blue and white, you don't have to answer the question of Qianzhi. In addition, as long as I can get the seven color pansy, I can promise that I will never ask them to continue to investigate the matter if there are Meizu people one day." She said plainly and sincerely to the blue and white count.

The blue and white count looked at her for a moment, looked at the suspected Meizu woman seriously for the first time, and then nodded.

Then he looked at Zhao Chengfeng, "is there any problem?"

"... no more." Zhao Chengfeng was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"Ha ha, now that your problems have been solved, are you interested in going to the altar at the bottom of the valley? This time there was such a big movement in the dry stone forest. No matter whether it was bad or lucky, our black street city was so close that we couldn't stay out of it. "

When Zhao Chengfeng confronts with count blue and white, count black feather and others have been watching with a smile. Until this time, they come forward again and ask with a smile.

After a pause, he said, "if there is any crisis, it is needless to say that no matter who is among us, we can not solve it alone. Even if it's a real treasure, I'm afraid there will be a lot of experts coming soon. We just need to unite at that time. "

"Ha ha, Lord blue and white, although there is some misunderstanding between the two, there are priorities and internal and external differences. Although the young master is not the original resident of our black street city, he is at least half a resident of the black street city. Ha ha, isn't he?"

This black feather count is totally different from the silent purple wind count and the cold blue and white count. His eloquence seems to be quite good, and every time he speaks, he smiles without saying anything, and looks very friendly.

Zhao Chengfeng is silent for a moment. In his previous thought, no matter whether the change of the withered stone forest is good or bad, he doesn't intend to go through the muddy water.

It's really too much news. I'm afraid they can't cope with it at this level, no matter it's bad or lucky.

But it seems reasonable to think of count black feather's words.

It's not a big problem to look at the situation, and it's not blind to deal with the situation.

After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded and said, "well, what Lord Heiyu said is reasonable. As a semi resident of the Black Street City, and my friends are all in the Black Street City, I really can't stay out of the crisis."

"Well, since you don't dislike it, then count me in."

|"But I'm low in rank and weak in strength. I can't say if I can make a contribution. I hope I don't drag you down."

He said with a smile and nodded to count Zifeng. As for others, they just look around and pass by.

Count Zifeng didn't change his look, but he nodded back.

The others, barons, did not dare to neglect him when they saw him nodding.

No matter what I think in my heart, after all, this is a person who can confront with the blue and white count, and even suspected to hurt the existence of the blue and white count.

And a group of viscount, the performance is more ambiguous.

The Viscount on count black feather's side was good, at least on the surface.

Some of the Viscount on count Zifeng's side, especially the one who had confronted Zhao Chengfeng before, looked unnatural. Some of them didn't like it, and some of them hummed coldly.

In a word, few people are particularly friendly.

There's no way.

This is the second contact between the two sides. Seriously speaking, although they are not enemies, they seem to have nothing to do with friendship.

"Qianzhi, you are too polite." The count of black feather laughed again when he heard his words, "your honor can join us. No matter what's bad or good in front of us, it's like a tiger adding wings to us."

"If there's no problem, I think we'll go."

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