For Zhao Chengfeng modest words, not only he, in addition to a few prejudiced Viscount, no one will take it seriously.

But considering the feeling of the blue and white count, he didn't say much. After all, their understanding of Zhao Chengfeng's strength was based on the premise that they were suspected of having defeated the blue and white count. It's not good to say that in front of the latter.

"Just a moment, please. I'll talk to my friend." Zhao Chengfeng nods, smiles and apologizes, then calls Adele and others aside.

"Ha ha, the so-called plan can't keep up with the changes, because of a series of changes, some things are still within our expectations, but some things are completely beyond the plan now. Now Huo Lun is dead, and it seems that those mission items are not possible to be completed. Fortunately, seven color pansy is also available, so there is no need to continue the previous mission. "

"Adele, Baron link, what are you going to do next? And Youya and Liuli, you two are the same. Do you plan to go on with me or go back to the black street city first? "

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the crowd, but did not urge them to think.

"Qianzhi, I don't think we need to stay here." Unexpectedly, Baron link, who had always seemed to have great intention to treasure, gave up very simply.

"Why, there's no need. It's the treasure of the robber king. Baron link, you are so weak that you can give up so easily." Will say such words, Zhao Chengfeng don't need to see to know must be Youya that little girl.

However, Zhao Chengfeng automatically blocked her words and ignored her. He looked directly at Adele and old Bill and said, "Adele, old bill, what about you?"

"Ha ha, of course, we don't intend to stay here. Our strength is just a drag. What's more, our goal was originally seven color pansy. Now, although the mission is in vain, with the keepsake of the blue and white Festival, seven color pansy has a place. It's no longer necessary to stay. " Old Bill laughed and answered instead of Adele.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, but saw Liuli frowning Xiumei did not speak, thought she did not want to leave, "what's the matter, Liuli?"

"No Liuli shook his head and frowned: "it's really meaningless for us to stay, but I'm worried that the way out is not safe."

When she said this, people suddenly came over, "yes, it's dangerous to stay, but it's not safe to quit. Now those later adventurers are grabbing cannon fodder everywhere."

All of a sudden, people were in a dilemma.

To stay is to delay Zhao Chengfeng, but if he is caught and used as cannon fodder, he will die.

"Yes, I think it's bad. I've ignored the chaos outside. In that case, you don't have to think about it. Just stay. " Zhao Chengfeng made the decision immediately.

"But..." people hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. Just be careful. If you see danger, stay away." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand.

"Well, that's the only way." After thinking about it, Baron link and others knew that it could only be so now, and they were no longer affectable. However, Baron link said seriously: "however, if you really have to, you don't have to worry about us, master Qianzhi. The road of practice can't be smooth. You have to be prepared to step on this road, and life and death are also a kind of tempering."

When he said this, they all nodded their heads together. "What Baron link said is reasonable. You don't have to worry about us. Although our strength is not good, we are so easy to die after so many years of fighting. "

"Well, good." Zhao Chengfeng was relieved to see that people had this kind of consciousness.

Whether it's the ancient warrior of the earth world, or the Knights of the world.

Although there are different systems, there is one thing that can never be changed. That is to say, facing consciousness and courage is the prerequisite for all the strong, and the most important prerequisite.

People are greedy for life, should also be greedy for life, life only once, do not cherish life, also cherish what?

Ants are still greedy for life, let alone people?

But the reason why mole ants are mole ants is that they are just greedy for life.

Only people, to be exact, can break through the fear of death and face life and death.

I want to be born, and I want to be righteous. You can't have both. Give up your life and take righteousness!

It's an awareness.

A kind of consciousness of sticking to one's own heart.

In front of them, although their strength is still weak, fortunately they still have this kind of consciousness.

This is good. Only with this kind of consciousness and courage, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that they can become strong.


"Qianzhi, have you arranged it?" See Zhao Chengfeng with Adele and others back, black feather count some surprised.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't explain much, just nodded, "it's all arranged, so do you want to start now? Oh, by the way, since we are going to act together, there are some situations I think I need to talk to you about. "

"It seems that this man is really going to take these barons and even barons to set out together. Is this to use these people as cannon fodder? However, other people are all right. It seems that this girl has some unclear relationship with the city Lord's mansion. Besides, this girl may still be a member of the Meizu family. This is... "

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was really planning to take a group of barons, such as Adele and Duke link, or even barons to be, count black feather's eyes flashed. He didn't know what Zhao Chengfeng was going to do.

But after all, the friendship between the two sides is still shallow, and he doesn't say much about some things.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had gone to the bottom of the valley before speaking, he looked at count Zifeng and said nothing more. He just kept up and asked with a smile: "I don't know what Qianzhi said?"

"In fact, it's not a serious situation, and I don't really understand the specific situation inside. However, I came earlier than you, and I met some strange things before. Maybe you can use it for reference."

Zhao Chengfeng even said all the things he had experienced all the way before. Of course, he can't really say everything in detail. There are still some things that are related to him, so it's even more impossible to tell count Heiyu and others.

But even so, Zhao Chengfeng's words still let count Heiyu and others look more and more dignified.

Even the blue and white count, who was always indifferent, was slightly moved.

"Young master Qian, is that true? There are hundreds of kala snakes, and there may be alienated undead species? "

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