"Ha ha, does Baron blackfeather think I'll make fun of this, or does Baron blackfeather worry that I'm lying to you?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered.

"No, don't get me wrong." Count black feather waved his hand quickly, "I certainly believe that you will not make fun of this kind of thing, let alone cheat me, because there is no need."

"It's just that it's so strange. Not only have we never met it, but we haven't even heard of it. One undead altar can produce several different undead species at the same time, and the rank span is so large!"

Count black feather did not wrinkle slightly. He shook his head unconsciously as he spoke. It was obvious that he was shocked.

The look of other people nearby is not different. Only a few people look at Zhao Chengfeng with suspicious eyes and don't seem to believe it.

Although Zhao Chengfeng really has no reason to joke about this kind of thing, who knows?

Anyway, that's ridiculous.

"Hundreds of Kalan snakes, thousands of Baron undead species, even if you are a count, it is difficult for you to retreat?"

"And now all the way here, you haven't seen a Viscount level undead. Where's the Kalan snake? Have you killed all of them? Is your Lordship, in fact, a strong Marquis

Most people are suspicious, but they don't say it. However, some people sneer and sneer directly.

It was the Viscount of the purple wind club who had confronted Zhao Chengfeng in the battle of the black street city. His name seemed to be Viscount Chongyue.

In the purple wind will also be second only to the count of purple wind, one of the several major experts, has almost reached the level of half step count.

This person's opening, purple breeze count tiny frown, but also didn't stop.

Count Heiyu smiles as if he didn't hear it, but he looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng completely ignored his smile and the Viscount's provocation.

While touching his chin, he continued the previous topic: "at first my guess was that there might be more than one altar in it, but later I found that it didn't seem to be the case."

"Because although the undead species are of different kinds and ranks, they are obviously related to each other. For example, the speed of the birth of the galangan snake is obviously closely related to the speed of killing other low-level undead species."

"So, I guess the situation may be that the altar itself or some other existence is in the process of advancement. That's why there are different levels and different kinds of undead species. However, this advanced level and the birth of new undead species are not out of thin air. It seems that there is a law of conservation. "

When Zhao Chengfeng talks about this, he suddenly stops. It seems that he has grasped something

Count Heiyu and others were dubious at the beginning, but they believed most of them, and even showed their meditation unconsciously.

But at this time, the Chongyue zijue sneered again, "poof, the altar will be advanced. Ha ha, I really have a long experience today, and I still have the law of conservation, which seems to be true."

"Shut up ~!" The count of Zifeng, who had been half acquiesced in Zhao Chengfeng's provocation, sternly reprimanded the Viscount Chongyue. Then Zhao Chengfeng looked apologetically.

"Yes." As soon as the latter's face changed, he quickly lowered his head and did not dare to say more.

But there was a flash of anger in his low eyes.

"Hum." Black feather also snorted coldly, "Chong Yue, what brother Qianzhi said at this time is to remind us that it is for our good. You should listen to this kind of good advice carefully and analyze it carefully, not treat it with this kind of resistance."

Then he said to the public, "you are the same."

Others agreed.

This time, even the blue and white count nodded slightly to the words of the black feather count and agreed.

Although he and Zhao Chengfeng have grudges, what he is better than Chong yuezijue is that what he knows is not to abandon words for others.

However, their attitude made Viscount Chong Yue feel more and more indignant. He felt that the five Chen chivalry had given people a lot of soul soup. Even the count of blue and white believed this unreliable remark. It was crazy.

I've never heard of an advanced altar.

After yelling at Viscount Chongyue and others, count Heiyu pondered for a moment and said, "the changes in other parts of the withered stone forest before, combined with the information and conjecture provided by brother Qianzhi, I think brother Qianzhi's previous experience is not limited to one place. I'm afraid that the whole withered Stone Forest, most or even all of the undead altars have the same changes."

"And all this, Qianzhi, Zifeng and Qinghua, do you think it's a coincidence or someone behind the scenes?"

Count Zifeng, count Qinghua, and Zhao Chengfeng fell into a short meditation when they heard his question.

"If it's a coincidence, I think it's a bit far fetched. However, it's not so much behind the scenes, I prefer someone to set up the situation in a certain period of time, but now I don't know why it has been touched. " Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, shook his head and said: "I'm afraid this dry stone forest is even more strange than the legend."

"Well, it makes sense." Count black feather nodded.

"In addition, I got the news that there was a strange moment vortex in the core of the dry stone forest, and even a large number of borers escaped. I don't know if it has any connection?" Count Zifeng spoke so many words for the first time.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking at him in surprise. He was almost dumb before.

Then he nodded thoughtfully.

After that, even the Earl of blue and white and the Earl of black feather, as well as a number of viscount also said a lot of speculation and information, which let Zhao Chengfeng also have a better understanding of the current situation.

I can't help saying in my heart: "sure enough, one person is short and three people are long. It's right for me to take the initiative to throw out some information. If I don't throw a brick to attract jade, the information these people have won't tell me."

And in the process, the relationship between people, at least on the surface, is a little more harmonious, except for some people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the situation is even more serious than we expected. Let me make a suggestion. Why don't the four of us go inside first and have a look while the others wait here for the time being. What's next, we'll tell you by signal. " Count black feather stopped suddenly and said seriously.

"I agree." Count Zifeng agreed. Count Qinghua was alone. One of his sons had been crushed to death. Of course, it didn't matter.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "go inside again. This position is still a little too far away. I'm afraid that in case there are other people coming."

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