"Not bad." Count black feather didn't think so.

After all, Zhao Chengfeng, one of the three teams on the scene, has few hands except him.

But the other two teams all have the master of viscount level, and the two teams together have as many as six or seven people of viscount level, and the rest almost have the level of quasi viscount.

This kind of power, even if someone comes, what are you afraid of.

Unless the Marquis level is strong, even the quasi Marquis level can not let them even have no chance to send a letter.

But since Zhao Chengfeng had already proposed, and he got along well for the time being, count Heiyu didn't want to hurt his kindness.

So the party went on, and still didn't touch any undead seeds along the way.

After a while, suddenly the spiritual power in front of him fluctuated strongly.

People instantly realized that there must be a large number of undead species in front of them, and the altar that might have changed was in that position.

Count Heiyu made another suggestion. This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't object any more. He told Adele and others to wait here.

The count of black feather and others also left their men in the same place, not even a few viscount.

In this kind of environment, it's useless to have a large number of people. On the contrary, it will become an obstacle.

Anyway, they don't plan to go straight to the hard steel. They plan to investigate the current situation closely first. If it's really impossible, they should retreat first.

If we can have a World War I, we'll let the others know.

Less than 1000 meters away, the undead species that disappeared all the way finally appeared.

But the four of them, together with Zhao Chengfeng, couldn't help taking a breath of air.

"Brother Qianzhi, that's what you call nearly a hundred heads... This is not nearly a thousand heads... No, it's not nearly a thousand heads at all. At least it's ahead." The way of count black feather.

The other two looked at the hundreds of Kalan snakes, and the "Suo Suo Suo" and "hiss ~ ~ hiss ~ ~ hiss", which could still reach their ears through hundreds of meters. The numbing voice made the scalp of several count level masters tense for a moment.

What's more, these hundreds of Kalan snakes are not mostly blue as Zhao Chengfeng saw before. At least most of these Kalan snakes are of the red red type with a scepter.

Judging by the breath, the ordinary blue galanga snakes should be in the early stage of viscount, while those red galanga snakes all have the power above the middle stage, and some of them are more powerful than the count, even close to the quasi count.

There are thousands of viscount undead species, among which there are more close to the existence of quasi earl.

This kind of power can't be withstood by count level strong people.

It's no problem to take one to ten, take one to 100, OK, you can try.

But with ten thousand, hey, no kidding, OK?

Quantitative change is equal to qualitative change, which is not a casual statement.

What's more, the characteristics of undead species are doomed. Unless these animals can be eliminated at a very fast speed, they will not play any more.

However, these are not the most let Zhao Chengfeng care about, what he cares about most is that the possible existence of alienation undead species did not appear.

What level should it be? Where is it?

What ability?

They know nothing about it.

"What shall we do, gentlemen?" The count of black feather asked in a bitter voice.

"Come all come, can't you just retreat?" Count Zifeng was a little reluctant.

The blue and white count's eyes twinkled and he didn't know what to think.

Zhao Chengfeng did not speak.

In fact, he felt in his heart that although the number of these undead species was amazing, it might not be impossible to fight.

One can't be a thousand, but they're not alone.

And they don't have to.

But he didn't want to do it.

He had no idea of the secret of this change.

Even from the beginning, he didn't really want to go through the muddy water.

So, when they were talking, he didn't cut in.

"Brother Qianzhi, what do you think?"

Asked count black feather suddenly.

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a while, then touched his chin and said: "it's not easy to do. Although there are many undead species, it's OK. Count blue and white and I are good at speed. If we really can't, we can still deal with them slowly. But the problem is that undead species can be resurrected, so the only one is... Eh? "

Zhao Chengfeng said that on the one hand, he opened his mind and tried to extend it.

But all of a sudden he stopped, and his face could not help changing slightly.

The three people nearby saw that he was different, and their eyes narrowed slightly.

Count black feather asked, "what's the matter, brother Qianzhi? What's the only one?"

"Oh, nothing. I wanted to say that the only way to catch a thief is to catch the king first. We have to find a way to destroy the crystal of the altar first, but suddenly I thought that there might be a dissimilated immortal species here, so... Ah, it's a bit of a headache?"

As he said it, he kneaded his eyebrows deliberately and made an appearance of racking his brains.

But in my heart, it's rough.

"What symbols, Chinese characters? No way. How can there be Chinese characters here? "

Before his expansion of divine consciousness, he wanted to see where the alienated undead species might be hiding.

I didn't expect to see a few symbols on the edge of the altar.

"Unfortunately, it's too far away. I can only have a vague concept when my divine sense extends to such a distance. I can't see whether it's a Chinese character, or a symbol similar to a Chinese character, or what a Chinese character is."

His first thought was to look closer.

But in the end, he restrained this impulse. First, it was too dangerous to get close to the past.

Second, he didn't want the three to know anything.

"Ah, it's really troublesome. In this case, it seems that we have to give up." Count Heiyu shakes his head and sighs, quietly observing Zhao Chengfeng's reaction.

The other two, seemingly motionless, were also observing him.

They both know that count Heiyu's words seem to be baffled by Zhao Chengfeng's words, but in fact they are deliberately testing.

Deliberately said to give up, to see what reaction Zhao Chengfeng is.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is not particularly clear about this subtle thought, he is still instinctively cautious. He doesn't care much about it, but he just has some regrets and says: "yes, I can only give up. Originally, I wanted to see if it was the king of thieves' treasure, but now it seems that I can only count on it. "

"Well?" The count of black feather and others secretly wondered how the boy really gave up.

Did we read it wrong just now? Didn't he see something?

After seeing Zhao Chengfeng finish, it seems that he really intends to go back to his home.

Count Heiyu stopped him and said, "ah, brother Qianzhi, if you really want to go like this, you have to have a try."

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