Count Zifeng, who seldom spoke all the time, said, "yes, it's no harm to try."

The count of blue and white even said, "I agree to have a try. This altar is so strange, even the whole dry stone forest. In case of an accident, I'm afraid the first one to suffer is the black street city."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't intend to leave at all. Several people's words were right to his heart, but he scoffed at the words of the count of blue and white. He didn't even hesitate to crush his son to death, and he would care about others' life and death.

When did you feel so compassionate.

"This..." he was about to give up, but suddenly he felt wrong. Count Qinghua's words and count Zifeng's reaction were too inconsistent. Wait a minute, these three guys were still testing me.

But then I thought that the three people had already said so. If they refused too firmly, they would also be suspected of concealing.

Then he said, "if you try, I don't have any opinions, but how do you try?"

He pretended to be vigilant and afraid of losing money.

Seeing his reaction, the three were even more uncertain for a moment.

Count black feather asked: "brother Qianzhi, do you have any good suggestions? By the way, brother Qianzhi said that he was good at speed. Why don't you ask brother Qianzhi to help you get rid of the undead. Brother Qianzhi, you should try to get close to the altar as soon as possible and see if you have a chance to break the crystal of the altar. "

What he said is reasonable, and it's in Zhao Chengfeng's heart again. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng's vigilance, I'm afraid that he would have agreed immediately.

But he already knew in his heart that the three were testing himself, so he would not be so easily deceived.

Before count Heiyu finished, he laughed, looked at the former with a meaningful look, and said: "although my speed is OK, but if you want to talk about speed, we should be the first blue and white count to master the power of speed. I don't think it's better. Brother Heiyu and brother Zifeng are responsible for diverting those Kalan snakes. I still have the power of wind, It's just a good way to help count blue and white, and to meet him by the way. "

"Brother Heiyu, brother Zifeng, count Qinghua, what do you say?"

Three people see him a face cunning, a pair of I see through you, just won't give you when cannon fodder expression, in the heart more suspicious.

What's the matter? Are we really wrong? He didn't find anything, but he was really worried about the possible existence of the alienated undead?

Or that the anomaly he found was not in the direction of the altar.

Yes, although this person's rank is vague, he is definitely not in the rank of marquis, so he is unlikely to have a mind. He should not be able to find anything strange from such a long distance.

Or is he really worried about the existence of a dissimilated undead.

If there is such a foreignized undead, then it's really dangerous to be close to the altar.

Thinking of this, the three people's expressions are serious.

The blue and white count, in particular, snorted coldly, "it's better to give me a hand than to give me a hand. What's more, if I beat you... "

He said here, a little meal, and then squeezed out the second half of the sentence from his teeth: "how can I lose to you?"

When the other two heard this, they were shocked.

Although I had guessed before, I still didn't expect that the count of blue and white really lost to the five Chen thousand childish.

"Ha ha, count blue and white, you finally admit defeat, but you didn't say that before. I remember you seemed to say that you were just careless." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and looks like he's mad when he learns about it.

The blue and white count was so angry that his teeth were almost broken. He opened his mouth and said, "this seat is..."

He subconsciously wants to say, this seat is not careful originally, otherwise how can lose to you?

But then I realized, no, this is not the time to worry about it.

Take a deep breath and say, "I've lost, and I can afford to lose. It's true that you are faster than me."

Count Heiyu and count Zifeng sighed in their hearts when they saw the blue and white count's every word, as if they were at last at a critical juncture. "The blue and white man is cold-blooded. He doesn't care about almost everything. Only face is the most important thing. Now in order to push this boy to take risks, he even says such words. It's hard for him."

Zhao Chengfeng seems to be very happy and laughs. He claps his hands and says: "it's good if you know. It's good if you can afford to lose. However, there's one thing you're wrong about. If you win less, you don't win in speed. It's not a race. Who wins faster, who wins?"

"Ben Shao wins because you win by wisdom and fighting talent. Of course, these things are too profound for you to understand now, but it doesn't matter if you can't understand them. Slowly understand them!"

Count Heiyu and count Zifeng are watching Zhao Chengfeng's proud face. They can't help but quietly cover him. The strength of this man is second. But this mouth is really... Blue and white.

And the count of blue and white finally couldn't bear it. He roared, "you're enough! There's no need to fight, draw lots, who will draw! "

Then he looked at the other two, "you are the same."

Count black feather and count purple wind were watching the excitement when they suddenly froze.

"Well, blue and white, we are not good at speed..."

"Hum." The blue and white count snorted coldly. Ignoring their opposition, he took out four birthday pearls from his arms, three of which were sun pearls and the other was Chen pearls.

Then he took out a jade pot which could isolate the fluctuation of spirit power and breath, and put four longevity pearls into the pot.

"This jade pot can isolate the fluctuation of spirit power and the sense of breath. Now there are four birthday pearls in this pot, three of them are sun pearls and one is Chen pearls. Each of the four of us takes one. The person who draws Chen pearls is responsible for breaking the crystal of the altar."

Zhao Chengfeng has been messing about for a long time, because this jade pot can isolate perception, but it can't isolate divine consciousness.

In this way, he can draw the Zhongchen pearl without being doubted at all.

Because the rules and props of the game are the same as those of the blue and white count, who is the worst to deal with him. Even if he wins, no one will suspect that he is deliberately approaching the altar to check, or even sympathize with him, thinking that he has been cheated by the blue and white.

However, although he was happy in his heart, he vehemently objected: "no, this jade pot and Shouzhu belong to you. Who knows if you will play tricks?"

The blue and white count's face was very blue. If he hadn't thought that he couldn't beat Zhao Chengfeng, he would have slapped him.

But at this time, he could only forbear: "I'm the last one to smoke. Is that ok?"

The other two had doubts, but they were relieved when they heard him.

One after another: "no problem, anyway, we have no problem."

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