When Zhao Chengfeng saw that they had already made their stand, he bared his teeth and said helplessly, "OK, but I'll be the first to smoke. After all, you're all acquaintances. After all, I came into contact with you later. I'm not afraid of 10000, just in case."

"Ha ha, brother Qianzhi, you look down on brother Qinghua. Although you have some festivals, I think brother Qinghua's character is reliable." Count black feather said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng sniffed, "character, Chi. The most unreliable thing in the world is character. Anyway, I'll be the first to smoke, otherwise I'd rather quit. "

"OK, let's be the first one!" Count black feather wanted to speak, but count blue and white interrupted him first.

Anyway, he is the last, and it doesn't make any difference whether Zhao Chengfeng is the first or the last.

He opened his mouth like this, and count Zifeng nodded silently.

Black feather count also can only then say: "that's OK, Qianzhi elder brother, you are the first, I am the second, how about Zifeng elder brother?"

Count Zifeng, he rolled his eyes. What's the matter? You are the second. I'll be the third. What else can I do?

In fact, the probability of this kind of thing is the same. Although there will be fewer options in the back, it is also possible that the front will be directly taken away, so he did not fight.

On the other side, the count of blue and white was ready. He pushed forward and said, "come on?"

Zhao Chengfeng is tense face, although the situation in the jade pot he can see clearly, but the face is deliberately made a nervous look.

Then he gritted his teeth, reached for his hand, and gave a loud drink, "that's it. If you die... Er..."

See this palm pure white flawless Chen bead, his heart is very calm, but a face black line on the face.

The other three were stunned for a moment, and then laughed together.

Among them, count Heiyu was the least reserved, laughing directly to cover his stomach.

Count Zifeng coughed with his fist in front of his mouth.

The blue and white count turned his head, only his shoulders twitched.

A long time ago, the count of blue and white turned around and coughed, "cough, young master, since the result has come out, I'll trouble you."

"I want to see the remaining Shouzhu in the jade pot and pour it out." Zhao Chengfeng, with an indomitable look, gritted his teeth.

The more he was like this, the more happy the blue and white count was. With a smile, he turned the pot and three green pearl fell in his hand.

"Anything else to say?"

Zhao Chengfeng's face changed several times. He said in his heart, "it's almost done. It's too much to act again."

Immediately a cold hum, conveniently put Chen bead to the bosom a Chuai, way: "the man big husband is pure and white can still go, green Yingying is not this little style."

His words were actually a loss to the three people. Naturally, the three people also heard it, but they didn't care.

They all laughed.

"In that case, brother Zifeng and I will be responsible for diverting those undead species according to the previous plan, brother Qinghua will be responsible for taking care of them, and the rest will be up to brother Qianzhi, but be careful. You can't do anything by force."

Zhao Chengfeng heart sneer, this bullshit I still need you to say, I don't know not reluctantly.

However, he said: "no, the plan needs to be changed. You and count Qinghua will take care of the immortality. I hope count Zifeng will come. Among the three of you, when it comes to character, I only believe in brother Zifeng."

Three people smell speech is a Leng, purple wind count didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng in three people unexpectedly choose to believe him.

It was a bit of a surprise to him.

According to reason, although they are not enemies, they are not friends. But count Heiyu and Zhao Chengfeng should be the most innocent.

However, for Zhao Chengfeng's request, he did not refuse, nodding is agreed.

On the other side, count black feather gave a bitter smile, and only he knew what he thought.

But the blue and white count's reaction was flat. Anyway, they were estranged from each other, even enemies. It's right that the other side didn't trust themselves, just as they never trust each other.

There's nothing wrong with it.

So he just nodded and said nothing.

So these four people, a strange combination, each of them had his own way, but they began their first formal cooperation.

The black feather count and the blue and white count, one left and one right, jumped at the galangan snakes, trying to distract the undead species.

But the process is not smooth, those Jialan snakes seem to be guarding something in general.

They rushed for several times, and although they were furious, as soon as they left a certain limit, the animals gave up their pursuit in an instant.

But they were very tired.

After several successive failures, although they were strong, they could not bear it.

"Oh, no, these animals are too smart to be moved at all. Moreover, these animals are more troublesome than they think. The blue Galan snakes are OK, but they can use some ice system permissions, and they rely more on brute force. The red Galan snakes are very upset, and they are actually the permissions of the spiritual system. If they are not careful, they will fall into illusion. It's terrible. "

Count black feather, breathing heavily, said with a lingering fear.

Zhao Chengfeng and others can't help frowning.

"This is really not good. Even if you can lead him away, brother Qianzhi will not have enough time to destroy the altar crystal. Otherwise, once he is surrounded, he will fall into illusion, not to mention that he is a Viscount immortal, but a baron immortal."

Count Zifeng didn't live up to Zhao Chengfeng's trust. He was very responsible for Zhao Chengfeng's safety.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and didn't speak. After a long time, he put down his arms and said, "if you can't, you can only force it."

"Hard to come?" A few people smell speech all facial expression tiny coagulate.

Thousands of viscount level undead species, even if all four of them have count level fighting power, they can't be forced. If they can, they won't have to spend so much money at the beginning.

If it's a common undead species of other types, it's better. This kind of undead species with spiritual authority is the most troublesome and can't be prevented.

Even though they are all count level and tough willed, they can't be influenced by one end or two ends. If they are numerous, they can't stand it.

"If you can't, give up." The count of black feather is not reconciled.

Zhao Chengfeng was silent again, sighing helplessly in his heart.

If it was before, he would be the first to give up.

But when he saw the suspected Chinese characters engraved on the edge of the altar, he was a little reluctant to give up.

If it's really Chinese symbols, who left them?

King of thieves?

Or the one who died?

No matter which one can leave Chinese characters, it means that he may also come from the earth world or China.

East Asia, at least.

Then maybe we will leave some information about the earth, such as how to get back to the earth.

This is very important to him, to all the earth companions in this world.

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