However, in order not to make people suspicious, he deliberately didn't show much enthusiasm. At this time, even though he didn't want to give up, he didn't show it very well, so as not to appear too contradictory and suspicious.

And in this case, he just wants to be honest and can't even confess.

How do I say this?

Do you want to say: "I come from the earth, and there is a word of the earth world on that altar?"

He really said that. Count black feather believed it or not. If he didn't say it, he would be convinced.

What about the trouble after that? He can't cover his strength now.

He was in a dilemma, but the blue and white count next to him spoke first.

"It's too hasty to give up like this."

Blue and white Earl is still normal face paralysis, voice is also cold light, but Zhao Chengfeng heard him say so many words, this sentence is particularly intimate, almost no excited praise him.

But he frowned and said: "I think brother Heiyu also wants to give up hastily, but the situation in front of him is really difficult."

"Yes, no one wants to give up easily. Isn't it impossible to break through? There are so many immortals in the spirit department, many of them are even close to the rank of quasi earl, and they can't lead them away. What can we do? Is it really hard?" Count Heiyu thought that Zhao Chengfeng had the same point of view with him, but he didn't realize that Zhao Chengfeng had directly admitted that count Qinghua had made a "hasty" evaluation of his decision.

But now the situation is two to one on the surface. The count Zifeng on the other side frowned and did not say what he was thinking.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't sit still when he saw that the blue and white count was "powerless". He supported count Heiyu's "give up" point of view. It was just a disguise.

He can't really let these three people retreat.

Immediately he felt his chin with an affectation of meditation.

"Well, actually the count of blue and white has a point. In the current situation, from the immediate point of view, a temporary retreat is undoubtedly a wise choice. "

"But the problem is that in this situation, I'm afraid it's related to the change of the whole withered stone forest. If we really shrink back, maybe I don't lose the opportunity."

"It is very likely that the change of withered stone forest will affect dozens of human settlement cities within a radius of thousands of miles around it, causing a major reshuffle of power."

"As for the insects and animals that are also in this range, not to mention the undead species and borers."

"For example, what is the cause of this situation? Is this situation limited to the range of withered stone forest, or will it expand in the whole black death world?"

"If it's the former, it's better. If it's the latter..."

Zhao Chengfeng said here, even his heart can't help sinking, and his voice is also a little dry.

After taking a breath, he slowly looked around the three people, and then slowly said: "three, I'm afraid that the whole human beings in the Black Death world will have to find a way out early, otherwise it will be a disaster."

The other three, including the count himself, turned pale when he said this.

"Well, how serious is this?"

Count Heiyu's eyes were wide open. He looked a little confused and felt unbelievable. But Zhao Chengfeng's words seemed to have clear logic.

In fact, they all feel that there are too many assumptions and concepts in Zhao Chengfeng's words.

But to some extent, his assumptions are not completely impossible.

Moreover, because the scope of the scenes described by Zhao Chengfeng is too large and macro, as the leaders of several major forces in a city, they can not say that they have no overall view at all.

But even for them, they usually think about the scope of a city, and at most consider the surrounding cities.

However, Zhao Chengfeng directly rose to the category of all human beings in the whole underworld. The problem is not the problem of a certain city, a certain place or a certain power, but the problem of the whole underworld.

It's so far-reaching and awesome that even three people were shocked.

So many problems, without careful consideration, can't be reflected at once.

Zhao Chengfeng was amused to see that the three were confused for a moment.

But he also knew that he was too evil, so he coughed and his tone changed again.

"Of course, I'm talking about the more extreme situation, but who dares to say that it will not happen at all, and even if it does not develop to such an extreme, it is inevitable that our surrounding areas will be affected."

"So, I don't know what you three think, but personally, this trend can't be reversed by our power, but I think it's necessary to be a little bit forced."

Zhao Chengfeng said here, a meaningful smile, no longer say.

Count black feather heard his last two words, but their faces moved again.

"Yes, it should be a bit of a force." Count black feather nodded seriously.

He got up and didn't have what he showed in his heart, so he really believed Zhao Chengfeng's words.

They are all Foxes of a thousand years old. Who doesn't know a little about Liaozhai.

Zhao Chengfeng's point of view before, just for a moment, he felt the great moisture in it.

But it has to be said that Zhao Chengfeng's words really changed his perspective on this matter.

What he had seen before was only the possible historical origin of this incident, which may involve the so-called treasure of the king of thieves.

No matter how inconceivable the change of the whole withered stone forest is, it's just the birth of a treasure and the looting of the heroes.

This kind of thing, in fact, really rushing in front does not necessarily mean that you can really get the moon first. What's more, it's more likely that the rafters will rot first.

So he chose to retreat temporarily, which is actually a kind of strategic retreat.

But if we look at the situation from another angle, it will be totally different.

Considering the influence of the subsequent reshuffle of local forces and the fact that these altars have changed, the core secret of this change may be hidden.

Then this head has to come out.

Otherwise, once the secret is cracked by other forces or people, and they are kept in the dark, it will be dangerous.

After all, the potential treasure can only be strong enough for a few people, while the secret may affect countless people.

It may even involve the general situation.

At that time, those who can grasp the secret may not be able to grasp the general trend, but those who do not know the secret of the change will definitely be excluded from the general trend and become people who can't see the trend clearly.

As the leaders of one side, they all know how terrible it is to be in the situation but not to see the trend clearly.

Three people can't help nodding again, repeat: "must have a little force number."

The three earls didn't realize that the word "forced number" is not really a master, not even a strong one.

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