Almost at the same time, Zhao Chengfeng three people also moved.

At this moment, no matter count Zifeng and others, or Zhao Chengfeng dare not have any reservation.

Count Zifeng was tens of meters away, and his long gun had already shot at a Galan snake. A galanga snake is the first to bear the brunt.

Seeing the people on the other side, who just harassed them like flies, but had no real skills, they suddenly tried so hard to fight, and they were furious and would roar.

But it didn't expect that the speed of the human purple gun was too fast. It just opened its mouth, and its roaring voice didn't come out in time.

The purple gun had penetrated into its mouth, and its whole head exploded in an instant.

However, the spear was castrated, and directly stabbed a Galan snake behind it, and its huge body fell to the ground by inertia belt, and then stabbed to the ground by the spear, but it didn't die for a moment, making a piercing and shrill scream.

But at this moment, count Zifeng's people had already followed him. With a quick grasp, the Zifeng gun returned to his hand, and even the blue Galan snake was picked up by him.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng and others are not slow either.

The blue and white Earl smashed it with one punch, and the force of high-speed shock and extrusion immediately changed the head of a galanga snake, and then it broke like a watermelon smashed by an invisible giant hammer.

Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't wield his sword as fast as they did, his power was not weak at all.

Just a sword, silent, directly put two blue Jialan snake into streamer.

Count black feather's hand is strange. Zhao Chengfeng can't see what kind of law he uses or the power of authority. When he waves, a piece of black feather snows down. All the undead species who touch these black feathers howl and even roll all over the ground, but it doesn't help. In a moment, it's like a biochemical crisis, It festers rapidly and then turns into streamer.

Each of the four took the other three's actions.

They were all shocked by their hands.

In particular, Zhao Chengfeng's hand, in addition to the blue and white count, the other two are slightly discolored.

Although they had guessed before that Zhao Chengfeng's strength should not be under them, they still underestimated it.

It's hard to be shocked.

"It seems that the breath of authority fluctuation is very weak. Although I don't know what rank it is, it doesn't seem to be high, but the power of this move is not below us, no, even more than us."

"In addition, his power seems to be quite strange. It seems to be just a sword at random, not like a talent skill. Why does he have the similar breath of authority power?"

In the heart surprised at the same time also gave birth to a trace of fear.

Then, the three looked at each other and marveled at their strength.

In their hearts, they all felt that their strength had improved a lot during this period of time. They thought that they should be second only to the main force of the city, the Marquis of the tiger, plus a white bear at most.

But at this time saw each other a hand, in the heart not from slightly inhale, "did not expect these two guys unexpectedly also improved so much?"

On the other side, Zhao Chengfeng saw count Zifeng and count Heiyu's hand, and his heart was slightly shocked.

He thought that among the five strong men in the Black Street City, the Marquis Lihu should be the blue and white count.

At this time, I saw that the other two were no worse than the blue and white count.

In particular, count black feather's curse like power gave him goose bumps.

This is not to say that count black feather is the strongest, but this kind of power, which can not see the details, but also reveals the strange color, is the most instinctive resistance.

The four of them looked at each other's hand, and they were amazed. At the same time, they could not help but scold: "these bastards, they didn't really contribute just now. If they had done their best, how could they need such ink?"

However, it is clear in everyone's heart that their delicate relationship is taken for granted.

People, most of the time, are so smart.

Only at the critical moment, can we really put down the calculation.

Unfortunately, it is often too late by this time.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng and others are the same.

Before, because of mutual suspicion and prevention, no one was willing to show their strength and cause others to fear.

When they finally realized that it was not good and that they must not let the things in the altar come out smoothly, they finally made a real move.

But unfortunately, it's too late.

Just when the four were fighting and marveling at their strength.

There was a burst of laughter in the crystal of the altar.

"Ha ha, I've come out at last. I've been out for many years..."

Hearing the laughter, the four of them were shocked, and even the movements in their hands could not help slowing down.

"The undead can talk?"

Zhao Chengfeng had killed the dissimilation immortality before, but he was still surprised by the strange situation in front of him.

What's the level of the undead being able to talk?

At the same time, with the laughter above the altar, there was something very strange pouring out of the altar. Yes, it was pouring out, like some kind of viscous liquid or some kind of energy forming air mass.

"Goo Doo, goo Doo ~!"

It keeps coming out.

Not for a moment, just under the gaze of the four people, those strange materials actually condensed into a human shape.

"Er... Human beings, immortal beings?"

No, it's not human, it's just a person, a man, a man with a weird and cynical smile on his face.

"Well, I can't imagine that I haven't come out for so many years. As soon as I come back to this world, there will be guests at the door."

This strange man seems to have just noticed Zhao Chengfeng's four people. His eyes suddenly brighten as if he had just woken up. He seems to be happy that he can see human beings as soon as he comes out.

But although the smile on his face is bright, Zhao Chengfeng four instinctively feel the danger.

Especially when the man walked slowly to the edge of the altar, looked down at them, and put out his tongue to lick his lips, Zhao Chengfeng felt that there was some strange cold-blooded animal on the back of his back. He licked it with his cold tongue, and his muscles were tense.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't worry, don't worry." But the man is still very happy, even more gentle smile, "please rest assured, in fact... Ha ha, I'm not a good man."

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