
Count black feather and the other three looked at this guy who didn't know whether it was a "human" or a creature. No, they couldn't even know whether it was a creature.

Don't worry?

Not a good person?

Is there any logic to this?

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but be stunned. He is also a little confused.

Although he is no stranger to the other party's language, there are more such nonsense people on the major social platforms of the earth world.

The reason why he was confused was that the other party was too familiar with the language.

The suspected undead man, let's call him a man. After that, he saw that all four of them were confused and didn't respond at all. It seemed that they were not interested.

Shaking his head, looking up to the sky with a sigh, a face of "lonely ah, lonely ah" forced appearance.

"Oh, come on, you lower civilized creatures, I think it's a waste of your words. How can you get the wisdom and humor of our king with your brain capacity that you lack?"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his face muscles could not help twitching.

I'll wipe it, even English is out, this product is not really from the earth's Chinese people, right?

No, no, no, it's impossible.

Zhao Chengfeng then shook his head and rejected his idea.

At least it can't be human.

If you see them in other places, they are very similar to the Chinese people on earth.

But just now Zhao Chengfeng saw him emerge from the altar with his own eyes. How can human beings emerge from the altar?

Even if it comes out of the altar, it can't be that kind of "gudu, gudu" way.

There is only one possibility. He or she has ever contacted human beings from the earth, and most of them are Chinese.

The first thing he thought of was someone in the group he came with before, maybe even kids and others.

But then he denied the idea.

One: no one in that group seems to speak in such a mediocre way.

Second: whether it is a kid, or Tang Wei, or other people are not likely to appear here, even here. However, although we don't know when this guy existed in this altar, it is obvious that the other party is unlikely to walk out of the altar before this change.

In other words, it's unlikely that those companions will come into contact with this guy even if they are here.

So who would it be?

As a matter of fact, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't find it difficult to accept that this person will have the opportunity to contact the earth.

After all, the world and the earth world are connected, not completely.

It is said that even some major forces in the West have tried to send people to this world.

Even in a distant past, before the collapse of Mt. paradise, the two worlds should be more closely linked.

However, it is not right from the time point. It was 200 years ago at the latest that the major forces in the western world tried to do this.

At that time, would there be any Chinese people coming from that road? Even if there were, the language could not be this person.

"Do you mean..."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly looked up at the man and asked in Chinese, "what's the relationship between you and the king of thieves?"

"Well?" The man heard his words, originally cynical, slightly evil and disdainful expression slightly changed, eyes suddenly sharp look at Zhao Chengfeng, did not answer Zhao Chengfeng's question, but coldly asked: "who are you?"

However, although he didn't answer Zhao Chengfeng's question, it confirmed Zhao Chengfeng's conjecture from the side.

Zhao Chengfeng felt his heart suddenly pinched.

There was a lot of confusion in my mind.

"How can it be? How is that possible? "

What's the age of the troll?

When he heard about the legend of the robber king before, he joked with Liuli that the robber king might still be a fan of some thief king.

But that kind of words is just ridicule, I know it's impossible.

It's been hundreds of years since the king of thieves died. Although the king of thieves is a lifetime series, master Yoshiro Ota is not so strong as to release the king of thieves a thousand years ago.

Is the space-time between the earth world and the eternal world disordered?

No, it's impossible

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and whispers in his mouth.

Then he looked up again and was about to speak, but he didn't see the man's figure when he looked up, but he felt a flower in front of him. Suddenly, he was shocked, and he woke up from his ignorance, saying "no"

As he was about to move, his collar tightened and a hand appeared in front of him. He was caught before he could react.

But it's the man who doesn't know whether he is immortal or human.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's heart is still in a state of shock, in this case, he can't care about other thoughts.

Whether the "man" is human or immortal, it is related to a visitor of the earth, and whether the visitor of the earth is the legendary king of thieves.

The current situation is likely to be an enemy rather than a friend.

If you really let the other party control it, that's OK.

He didn't think much about it. He held the sword's hand, turned his wrist, turned the hilt upside down, took the sword as a saber, turned it with his forehand, and then made a backhand stroke from bottom to top to grasp the wrist of his own hand.

He did it to force the other side to let go.

No matter what rank or strength he is, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't believe that he dares to ignore his sword.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party really ignored it. He didn't even look at Zhao Chengfeng's long sword.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked and suspicious. He didn't know what to rely on. He dared to do so.

But by this time, he can't stop.

No matter what the other party thinks, he can't have the slightest hesitation when confronting the enemy.

The speed of long sword increases instead of decreasing.


Unexpected things happened again. Although the sword did not hit the wrist of the hand, the touch from the sword made him feel like butter on the cake. Although he still felt like hitting the object, there was no resistance.

Wheezing, I went through that wrist.

But after passing it on, the wrist recovered instantly, without any trace.

"Don't worry. Although it's only one part of the king, it's not something you can hurt."

This strange scene, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but stare big eyes, ear but hear a cold hum of disdain, immediately feel the chest is a tight, then feel feet hard to land.

He was mentioned by the other party.

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