"Say, who are you?"

The man spoke again, still speaking Chinese.

"Brother Qianzhi ~ ~"

At the same time, count black feather finally reacted from the shock. Before that, the three had been in a state of confusion.

It's not their fault.

It's just that what happened before is beyond their understanding.

And it's not just that "man", Zhao Chengfeng's behavior is also one of the reasons for them to be mystified.

First of all, they were shocked by a man who came out of the altar and spoke human language.

Before they could get back to their senses, they heard that "Wuchen Qianzhi", which had been difficult for them to understand, actually spoke a language that they could not understand. It felt like some kind of secret code.

That's all. What they didn't expect was that the "immortal human" seemed to understand the code of "Wuchen Qianzhi".

"What's the situation? Isn't this Wuchen Qianzhi also a kind of immortality?"

Three people can't help but come up with this incredible guess.

Although this kind of conjecture is absurd even to them, what is not absurd now?

Just when they thought that they were about to face two "immortal human beings", the immortal human beings moved.

Three people see this not from frighten, want to retreat, but simply can't respond.

Fortunately, the next moment, it did not catch them, but another "Wuchen Qianzhi" who did not know whether it was also a kind of immortal human form.

And then Zhao Chengfeng's quick reaction to the sword did not hurt the man who was suspected to be an "immortal species of human form alienation". They were not so surprised.

Although that scene was really weird.

But the other party is a very strange "immortal species of human form alienation". What's so strange about this strange ability? It's better to say that if there is no such strange ability, it's even more strange.

However, seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was raised, the three suddenly woke up.

Although the current situation is strange, at least for the moment, Wuchen Qianzhi is still on their side.

But after exclamation, the three did not dare to step forward.

Count Zifeng subconsciously took a half step forward, but when he looked left and right, he saw that the other two were full of vigilance, but not only didn't plan to move forward, but also stepped back a few meters. Then they held their weapons vigilantly and made a defensive posture.

Count Zifeng hesitated for a moment, and finally took back his feet. But his eyes hesitated for a moment, and he didn't run back after all.

It's not that he is more loyal than the other two, but that he is more proud than the other two.

Of course, there is also the reason for the previous half step.

That half step has already been taken out, and it's just to take it back.

If the other party did not start the premise, and then run back, his pride can not be allowed.

This kind of reaction of the three people was seen by the man, but they didn't care at all. They didn't even look at it one more time.

In his eyes, there was only Zhao Chengfeng, and at this time, his face did not have the strange smile and cynical look before. The whole person was like a sword that was taken from his waist but did not come out of its sheath.

"Who are you and why do you speak Chinese?"

The voice was a little colder than before.

However, Zhao Chengfeng, who was raised in the air by him, was surprised and angry in his heart, but he felt that his mood seemed to fluctuate fiercely.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng's heart move.

"This man is so excited when he hears Chinese, which seems to be a little inconsistent with my guess."

Although Zhao Chengfeng felt extremely humiliated and angry. But know that anger and sorrow can not solve the problem, and through the immediate crisis.

He has to calm himself down.

At the same time, he analyzed each other's performance and speculated about all kinds of possibilities.

In the mouth actually makes the painful appearance, difficult way: "you, you let go, how do you let me talk like this?"

"Well, how do you speak? Don't you speak so well?" The man suspected of immortality hummed coldly all his life, but he released his hand and put Zhao Chengfeng back on the ground, but his eyes looked colder at Zhao Chengfeng.

It seems that as long as Zhao Chengfeng's words are inappropriate, there will be a killing opportunity.

But Zhao Chengfeng did not feel murderous from him.

And a few words of buffer, this person's mood fluctuations seem to be calm some.

"Cough... Cough..." Zhao Chengfeng observed the person's emotional changes, while making a painful look, rubbing his neck, but in his heart he was quickly considering how to react, what to say and what not to say.

What is this person?

Why is there such a big response to Chinese? It doesn't seem like a person, or any other creature, who has only been in contact with the earth, should react.

There are only three possibilities for such a reaction.

One: this person has a deep hatred with the earth visitor he once contacted. Of course, it can also be friendship and love, but Zhao Chengfeng still feels that the other party's reaction and hatred may be higher.

Second: there is something in the earth that he covets. He is very urgent.

Third: he himself is a visitor to the earth world.

Of the three possibilities, the third seems to be the lowest on the surface, because the other party is an undead, although somewhat strange.

But I don't know why, judging from each other's emotions, Zhao Chengfeng vaguely felt a trace of desire, that kind of wandering son's unique emotion to his hometown. It's not from any logic, it's just a feeling. Maybe it's because he has this kind of emotion in his heart, so it's a feeling.

Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng felt vaguely that perhaps this impossible possibility was the truth.

On the contrary, the first possibility seems to be the most possible, but Zhao Chengfeng feels that it may be the least possible. Of course, this is just his feeling.

As for the second, it is the one that Zhao Chengfeng is most unable to grasp and most afraid of.

In the present situation, it's better to be frank about your own history, which is not only likely to exchange information from the other party. Maybe it can solve the problem.

But he's afraid of the other side. That's the second situation.

If so, he will not only dig his own grave, but also harm other people from the earth.

He suddenly regretted that he had used Chinese to test each other.

This is mainly due to his wrong judgment. He didn't expect that the other side would react so strongly, let alone that the other side was so strong.

What's more, he is really eager to find any information about the earth.

Because he has to find his way back before the crisis of the earth comes.

And before that, he still needs to find Tang Wei, imp, shadow and others.

Because of this urgency, he was a little impatient.

"But I made a mistake once, and I can't make another mistake this time."

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