"Me? I'm the young master of the Wuchen family on May 9, and Wuchen Qianzhi. " Zhao Chengfeng hesitated for a long time, but he didn't dare to reveal his true origin.

He is not afraid, but who knows what kind of means the other side has?

"May 9, the five Chen family of the city?" Mysterious man smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly, suspicious looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, yes." Zhao Chengfeng replied.

"Hum, May 9, Wuchen family?" Mysterious man a sneer, "so how do you know the earth world language?"

"Learn from others." Zhao Chengfeng has already prepared for this problem.

"With whom?"

"I don't know his name. His name is so strange that I can't remember it."

"Where is that man?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

The mysterious man sneered again, "do you want to play with me?"

"No, how could it be." Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and said innocently, "I really don't know his name. When I met him, he was injured and very weak. He also spoke a strange language. Oh, it was this kind of earth language, but I didn't understand it at that time. Later I learned this language with him, and he said he came from a world called Earth

"And then?" The mysterious man frowned and didn't know if he believed Zhao Chengfeng's words.

"Later? Later I didn't know. He left after his injury. I never saw him again Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and looks like he doesn't know anything.

Zhao Chengfeng himself also knows that his words are not so rigorous, but he has made up his mind anyway. No matter whether the other party believes it or not, he has this set of words.

As for whether the other party will let him go, he has no bottom. He can only take one step at a time. However, he can't help feeling annoyed again that he was too impulsive just now.

I really need to change this habit in the future.

"Did he tell you how he came into the world?" The man was silent for a moment, then asked again.

"Of course I asked..." Zhao Chengfeng also thought that he would ask, so he had a draft in his heart.

At first, he was going to say he didn't know.

But after thinking about it, I think it's unreasonable, and it's too unreliable to say that I don't know everything.

Even weaving lies needs a little truth.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately sorted out the process of his coming from the earth world, changed his taste, and said part of the content vaguely.

Of course, he did not mention others.

Although there is no special emphasis on just one person, but deliberately do such a misleading.

And the mysterious man listened very seriously.

Zhao Chengfeng said while observing him.

But it's still not sure if the other party believed him.

Suddenly, the man put down his hand holding his chin and asked, "can you go back now?"

"To... Where?" Subconsciously, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says he can't go back. Suddenly, he is on the alert and changes his tongue.

However, when I looked up and saw the other person's expression, I couldn't help but clatter. I knew that although I immediately reflected it, the change of tone in a moment still made the other person see the clue.

He was about to find a way to remedy it, but the other side spoke first.

All the time gloomy expression, suddenly ha ha a smile, "you really are from the earth world, really can't imagine so many years, even can see a fellow countryman in this world, the earth world is now what age?"

"Fellow townsman? What's the meaning of fellow townsman? What's the age? I don't know. I didn't ask... "When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was shocked.

But because of the previous lesson, this time, he did not dare to be careless.

So although he guessed the truth in his heart, he had a blank expression on his face.

"Come on, don't pretend." The mysterious man rolled his eyes, then gave him a scornful look and said, "your ability to lie is too bad. Unless I'm a fool, who do you think you can deceive with such a lie?"

"Ah, today's young people are not only so weak, but also so bad at lying."

The mysterious man shook his head and sighed, with a look of the old man's sigh.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at him suspiciously. He doesn't know whether he is cheating or telling the truth.

Hesitated for a while, finally still can't resist the temptation to ask: "what did you say just now, you are also a person from the earth world, but, don't you say immortality?"

"Well, don't you understand the villagers?" The man listened to him to ask so, not from sneer sarcastically.

Zhao Chengfeng touches his nose and talks about it, but he knows that his lies have been completely exposed.

Only a wry smile, "I'm not sure what your origin is, and I don't know your attitude towards visitors from the earth world, in case you have a grudge against people from the earth world."

"How dare you try?" The man hissed.

"Impulsive, mainly because I didn't expect you to be so powerful. To tell you the truth, I haven't been defeated since I came to this world, so I feel that even if I can't do you, it's OK to run away, so... I regret it now. " Zhao Chengfeng laughed bitterly at himself.

"In terms of your strength, you haven't been defeated yet? Is the level of longevity and black death now so low that this kind of rubbish is everywhere The man sneered again.

Zhao Chengfeng mouth micro pull, heart secretly speechless, "this goods mouth how so annoying, speak too vicious?"

"But I'm glad you tried, otherwise you'd be cold now. If you dare to come here with your strength, do you look down on me? " After the mysterious man finished his sarcasm, he shook his head again for a while, and then shook his head, "well, I'll talk about it later. I'll get rid of the rubbish first. I'm not used to being watched when I speak. "

This time, he directly used the universal human language of the eternal world.

Then he looked up at count black feather and others.

The latter several people see this is a surprise, instant each grip weapons.

Zhao Chengfeng thought that he was going to fight against count Heiyu and others. He said hurriedly, "wait a minute, my Lord, can you let these guys go?"

This time, he also used the common language of the eternal world, so count Heiyu and others certainly understood this time.

When Zhao Chengfeng called the mysterious man king of robbers, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

It's kind of incredible.

On the other side, the man was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise, "do you know the identity of the king, guess it, or did you know it before?"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes in his heart and said, "I've been talking to you for a long time, but you've always been my king. Don't I know? I don't know I'm a pig anymore. "

He replied with a bitter smile: "of course, I guess. If I knew in advance, I would not come here even if I died. Even if I did, I would not die."

"Well." The mysterious man, the king of robbers, nodded and seemed to agree with Zhao Chengfeng. Then he looked at count black feather and others again.

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