Without waiting for him to speak again, Zhao Chengfeng first said to the three humanitarians, "three, I have a few words to say with this adult. Let's go and have a fight with you first. I'll be there later."

"Oh, yes, yes!" Count Heiyu and others are still shocked that this mysterious man is the legendary king of robbers. However, when they hear Zhao Chengfeng's words, they immediately come back to their senses.

Although they don't know the reason, they also know that Zhao Chengfeng is saving them. They dare not hesitate. They promise to turn around and leave. They dare not even look at the mysterious man.

"Forget it, no more." At this time, the man suspected of being the king of thieves suddenly changed his mind.

Then he turned back and said to Zhao Cheng in Chinese, "now that you have guessed the identity of our king, you still have to save these people's lives. Aren't you afraid that they will let out your conversation with me?"

Well, did this person want to kill me before?

No, probably not. Although I don't know what kind of mentality this man is, he should not be so kind as to help me do the killing.

He said that, should also be a kind of temptation.

With this in mind, Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "it's not that I don't worry, but it's useless. They don't only know what I enter here. There are many people who know it. If anyone doubts, as long as I go out safely from here, there will be people who doubt it."

"And they may just be able to help me prove my innocence. As for the leakage, as long as you are there, they don't know the specific relationship between me and you. Who dares to disclose it? "

Zhao Chengfeng smiles.

The mysterious man, who was suspected to be the king of robbers, chuckled, "I can't see that you still have some brains."

He said that he didn't care about count Heiyu, who was standing on one side. He suddenly looked up and looked at a place far away. I don't know what he felt. He lifted his sword eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Zhao Chengfeng again. "It's rare to meet a fellow countryman. Unfortunately, I don't have much time now. I really want to hear you say something about my hometown. By the way, how is my hometown now?"

When it comes to the situation of the earth world, Zhao Chengfeng's face is not very good. He pondered and said, "it's not so good."

"Not so good?" Asked the robber king, frowning.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, but did not elaborate. Suddenly he thought of something and asked: "by the way, Lord robber, from your speaking habits and diction habits, it seems that it is very close to my time. Can I venture to ask when you left the earth?"

"How about 2018? How many years is it from your time?" Asked the king.

"2018?" Zhao Chengfeng looks tight, and then some dry answer: "I left the earth in 2020."

"..." the robber king was silent for a moment, but it didn't seem to be particularly shocked. Instead, he whispered: "sure..."

"If so, what do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

He didn't understand why the other side was so calm. Did he know something.

"There are some things I can't tell you now. If I can see you again in the future, I'll let you know." The man who was suspected to be the king of robbers looked relaxed again, as if he had opened a knot in his heart, with a cynical smile on his face again.

"What, my Lord, no, senior..." Zhao Chengfeng was very anxious when he heard that. Later, he was predestined to say that he could not wait for the future.

If the time and space of the earth world is the same as that of this world, then he still has some time, and he still has assurance and hope to go back.

But if time and space are not synchronized, he is not sure at all.

But the robber King ignored him and said with a smile, "young people have a little patience, and you have to find some answers yourself. Oh, by the way, there's one thing that should be considered as a gift from Wang to your fellow countryman. Maybe it will help you. "

The king said, shaking his hand and throwing an object to Zhao Chengfeng. Then he turned and walked back to the altar again.

Zhao Chengfeng still need to ask, see an object flying to catch up.

Then he was startled. Seeing that the thing was only the size of his fist, who knew that the weight was amazing. Zhao Chengfeng's strength didn't hold it for a moment, and he quickly used his two hands.

But still was falling down, even hand with that thing together hit the ground, pain he a burst of bared teeth.

"What the hell is so heavy?" When Zhao Chengfeng looked at it, he saw that it was not only fist size, but also dark, with mysterious luster. The whole shape was like a shrinking pyramid.

It's not an Egyptian pyramid.

A few years ago, he saw a piece of news on the Internet, saying that the remains of a suspected pyramid were found in a place in China, with photos.

He vaguely remembered that the appearance of the pyramid was very similar to that of the miniature pyramid in his hand, just like a delicate model made according to the former.

Even the little pyramid has an unspeakable feeling of desolation and mystery. In particular, the subtle but extremely complex patterns carved on the body of the pyramid add an indescribable mystery.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked and didn't know what it was.

But I also know that it must be extraordinary.

On the other side, count Heiyu and his three friends, seeing that the mysterious man suddenly lost something to Zhao Chengfeng, couldn't help but stare with surprise.

They don't know what it is, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't catch it. They also know that the weight of the thing is amazing.

So a small thing, can it have this kind of weight, can it be ordinary?

Three people think of here, in the heart all cannot help a burst of hot eyes.

However, the three also know the strength of Zhao Chengfeng, plus the mysterious man, even if the three are hot eyed, they dare not have the slightest change.

Sensing the three people's eyes, Zhao Chengfeng came back and tried to lift it, but the force did not move.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng feels embarrassed. He can't help looking up at the mysterious man and seeing him looking at him with a smile on his face“ This guy didn't mean it, did he

Zhao Chengfeng heart secretly abdominal Fei, suddenly his heart read a move, "since can't lift up, don't know can receive dimensional things?"

Thinking of this, he immediately communicated with the dimensional object that had been changed from an earring to a pendant.

Then he saw a Shua, the small pyramid that pressed his hand disappeared, and his hand was also loosened.

"Hoo As soon as he saw the success, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved.

Straighten up the waist, shake hands, some resentment of a look, that suspected robber King mysterious man.

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