"Ha ha, there is a dimensional object that can collect this time and space gate. It's not bad..." when the mysterious man saw that Zhao Chenggong was able to collect success, he was slightly surprised. Then he laughed and turned a blind eye to Zhao Chengfeng's resentful eyes.

"That's a good fart." Zhao Chengfeng's heart is full of pain. However, when he heard the name of time and space gate, he moved in his heart and asked, "time and space gate, master, do you mean this..."

"Yes, you're right." The robber King nodded, looking a little disappointed and said: "I came to this world from the earth world because of this thing at the beginning, and then I have been trying to use it to return to the earth world. Unfortunately, that transmission seems to have consumed its residual energy, and then I spent hundreds of years collecting resources in an attempt to recover its energy. What a pity..."

The robber king said here, showing a trace of anger and hatred.

He didn't go on, but Zhao Chengfeng vaguely guessed what he was going to say?

Heart can not help shaking, do not know if the other party's words are all true.

If it is, then the other party is too unlucky, and this thing is too precious for him.


He was a little uneasy.

"Master, is it too precious? Do you really want to give it to me? Are you... "

"Well, why don't you, don't you give it back!" Zhao Chengfeng's words seem to touch the pain in the heart of the robber king. His face is cold, and he hums impolitely.

Zhao Chengfeng's face changed slightly, and then he quickly covered the pendant on his chest. He said with a smile, "yes, of course, elder. Anyway, I will remember this meeting gift. If elder has any assignment in the future, I dare not say anything, but I will do my best."

"Well, you'd better wait until you have the ability. Now..." The robber king turned his mouth disdainfully, then waved his hand and said, "I don't want to tell you more, those guys are almost all there. I've been holding on for thousands of years, but I can't delay because of you."

"Get up!"

When the robber king said this, he suddenly drank.

Then, the altar under his feet suddenly had a huge boom.

The soil around the altar cracked.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The altar was suddenly pulled out of the ground.

"What's the situation?"

Zhao Chengfeng had to ask other questions, but he was shocked to see this.

The other three were also shocked.

Just before the four of them could react, the altar flew up.

After hovering in the sky, he dragged the mysterious man who was suspected to be the king of robbers straight out of the canyon, whistling and flying towards the core of the forest.

The thousands of kala snakes on the ground also went after the altar.

"Master..." as soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw the altar flying away, he immediately reacted and yelled, but where there was still a shadow, he could not help patting his thigh and was annoyed.

This guy is going too fast.

He still has a lot of questions to ask?

I don't know when such an opportunity will come.

In his mind, he still has an idea that if such a great God is moved back to the earth, although it is dangerous, but it can succeed, the crisis of the earth world will be almost solved immediately.

Anyway, he felt that even the white jade capital in the inner world was unlikely to have a stronger existence than this great God.

However, although he was in a hurry, he did not dare to chase and could not catch up.

It's just a sigh.

At this time, the voice of the king of thieves suddenly rang out in my mind, "this forest has been under the management of the king for thousands of years. Some things and information may be useful to you, but before you have the power of Duke, I advise you not to seek death."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this voice, he felt a movement in his heart and immediately returned to his mind. "It's not too late to say this kind of thing later, but at least you should tell me how to use the time and space gate. Now you're gone..."

He was laughing bitterly, and suddenly another message came to his mind, which was about the gate of time and space.

Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed and had a good impression of the mysterious elder.

At this time, the other three also recovered from the shock, and their eyes could not help looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

Three people's eyes are a flash, also don't know to move some what year, but finally seem to suppress.

"That, brother Qianzhi, is that really the one just now?" Asked count black feather tentatively.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at the three people and estimated their mentality. Then he said with a smile, "I'm not sure. After all, it's just my guess, but my estimation is that he may be a part of the adult..."

"Part of it? What do you say? " Listening to what he said, the three of them were immediately absorbed.

At this moment, all of them suddenly had a feeling and looked up at the sky.

Then the four couldn't help opening their eyes and mouths again.

Zhao Chengfeng is OK. He has already guessed part of the mysterious man's conversation. The other three just heard Zhao Chengfeng's guess, and they witnessed it with their own eyes.

I saw at this time in the sky, an altar, like a flying saucer across the sky.

There are many undead species of flying behind, and there are also large groups of undead species on the ground, rolling up a piece of smoke and dust.

Many unfortunate practitioners were hit by these undead groups, and they were engulfed before they could react.

For a time, the whole dry stone forest was full of birds and dogs. Everyone was shocked to see this scene, and everyone was in danger.

Fortunately, these undead species seem to have only one purpose, that is, to rush to the depth of the withered stone forest. They will not pay attention to those who are on the way, unless they happen to be bumped into or killed by themselves.

See this kind of situation, that kind of silly looking for uncomfortable lengtouqing is not much.

However, there are also those who have self-sustaining strength. I feel that this is a great opportunity to hunt and kill those Pentium undead species.

It's just that those who do this, except for a few who are really strong and lucky, have gained something.

Most of the others are not good.

Because the lowest of these undead species are Viscount level, even count level.

At this time, the change of the withered Stone Forest happened too suddenly. The strongest one who came here temporarily was the Earl level, even the Marquis level.

Faced with such a large-scale undead population, it's hard to please, and there are altars flying by from time to time in the sky. It seems that there is a mysterious man on every altar.

These mysterious men, who were separated from each other, didn't do much, but when they did, there was almost no life.

Seeing this scene, count black feather couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, in addition to the blue and white count, black feather and purple wind are more grateful. And the Countess of blue and white looked a little complicated.

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