"It seems that the situation is exactly what brother Qianzhi guessed. This great change may be the plan of that man." The count of black feather suppressed the shock in his heart.

Count Zifeng nodded and agreed, "yes, it's really worthy of being the king of thieves. Even that one was cheated by him in that war. After this time, I'm afraid that there will be big waves in the two realms. "

The other three could not help nodding.

Then the four said a few words of emotion.

Finally, count Zifeng said: "three, I feel that this incident has gone beyond the scope we can participate in. After here, I'm afraid that there will be some super strong people coming soon. No one knows what will happen at that time. I think I'd better try to withdraw from the scope that may be affected before then."

"Yes, I agree with brother Zifeng's proposal." Count black feather immediately nodded his head and agreed. Then he took a look at Zhao Chengfeng intentionally or unintentionally. "In addition, I suggest that we should not let anyone know that we have been in contact with that adult. Not only that, people who come here today should also give a warning not to let them talk nonsense. We can't afford to offend any party in that kind of struggle. "

"Brother Zifeng, brother Qinghua, brother Qianzhi, what do you think?"

Hearing his proposal, count Zifeng also subconsciously took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, and nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's good. It's better not to talk about this kind of thing, so as not to be misunderstood."

"I don't mind." Only the blue and white count didn't take a look at Zhao Chengfeng from the beginning to the end, but he didn't object to their proposal.

Zhao Chengfeng is always smiling. He knows that Zifeng and Heiyu are selling him a favor, but that's what he expected.

As he said to the man suspected of being the king of thieves before, as long as these three people are smart enough, they will not easily stand in line.

This kind of rash stand in line behavior, not necessarily can get benefits, more likely to die.

For example, the robber king has been dormant for thousands of years, making such a big move and coming back.

And it's so weird.

Who knows how many means he has, and who can be sure of the final outcome.

Now stand in line. What if you make a mistake?

Even if you don't stand wrong and stand right, will the stone emperor give any great benefits to a mere count?

I'm afraid it may not be possible to ignore it.

And even if the robber king failed, how hard would it take to kill several earls?

Because of this consideration, Zhao Chengfeng stopped the mysterious man from killing before.

Otherwise, if all three hang up, he will live alone.

That's really suspicious.

Besides, there are those people outside. Have they all been killed?

However, even so, he didn't refuse the two people's favor. For so many years in society, Zhao Chengfeng has long understood that it's not a bad thing to owe others.

Many times, the more you owe others, the more they don't want you to die. On the contrary, if others owe you more, they may want you to die.

This subtlety exists in one mind.

After a discussion, they returned to the other people's positions immediately. They called each other and didn't explain much. They only restrained each other, and then they kept on retreating to the forest.

Other people don't have much doubt. After all, it's normal to run early because of the state of the withered stone forest.

It's a brain pit to stay in and die at this time.

Along the way, they met a lot of ranking people, just like they did when they came here. However, most of them were very embarrassed. They used to drill inside, but now they are running outside to rescue the lost dog.

Seeing that they were approaching the edge of the forest, people were relieved.

"Damn, I'm really worried about this trip. I didn't expect that such a big thing happened. Now the Black Death world is afraid of peace."

"Who said no? It's really bad luck. My brother is half injured this time. Ah, how can I go back and explain to their family?"

"Ah, it's impossible to win in wealth insurance. In other words, it's impossible to avoid danger if you want wealth."

"Yes, actually you're pretty good. Those who enter the core area are just unlucky. I saw several teams go in and never come out again."

Seeing that they were out of danger, the monks began to talk with each other.

Some people sigh, some sigh.

There are also many people who speculate about the mysterious existence on the altar.

Some people say it's a kind of undead that never appeared.

Some people say it may be a conspiracy of the underworld.

Some even said that it might be one of the generals under the Lord of extinction.

"In the last hundred years, the undead species have been severely suppressed, and the influence of the longevity formation is not just the longevity world. I think this is probably a counterattack planned by the Lord of extinction."

Many people make such a guess.

Of course, some people have guessed the robber king of a thousand years ago.

But not much, and even if someone guessed, they dare not say more. Only those with bad brains can speak out.

Zhao Chengfeng and others mingled in the crowd, listening to these remarks, and rarely expressed their opinions.

However, the four people, including Zhao Chengfeng, have some guesses in their hearts.

Although they have basically confirmed that the mysterious man is probably the robber king.

But the king of the robber is really reborn with the help of the altar, and even the altar and the undead are swept away. Is there any background of the Lord of extinction?

And Zhao Chengfeng thought more.

"Why did the mysterious elder give himself such an important thing as time and space gate? Is it because he has become immortal now, so he can no longer leave the world?"

"If so, what is the existence of undead species? Why can a once human being on earth become an undead species?"

"In other words, is it really possible for humans to become immortal? If not, is he really the king of thieves? "

What is he?


Just as Zhao Chengfeng and others escaped from the edge of the forest, there were three figures in a place hundreds of miles away from the withered stone forest, just like three streamers, rushing to the withered stone forest.

Three, two men and one woman.

Age can not be estimated. It seems that they are all young people in appearance, but their temperament and eyes are different from those of ordinary young people, revealing the vicissitudes and tenacity that have been honed for a long time.

"It seems to be a little late. What the adults have planned has already happened."

Among the three, the woman took the lead. At this time, she suddenly stopped, frowning. Her deep eyes seemed to see through the layers of space, gazing at the withered Stone Forest hundreds of miles away.

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