Zhao Chengfeng and others came back to the black street city without danger, and all of them fell to the ground.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no crisis at all.

No matter Zhao Chengfeng or count Heiyu, although they are calm on the surface, they are still vigilant in their hearts.

Because everyone knows that the storm in Kuishi forest is not over yet.

After such a big movement, there must be some top experts coming, including the legendary emperor Shi.

The withered stone forest was caused by the war with the robber king in those years, and the death of the robber king was also heard.

But now the king of the robber didn't die. He not only saw the world again, but also made so much noise.

To some extent, this is almost hitting his Majesty in the face. After all, it is said that the king of thieves was beheaded by his majesty.

Now that the robber king is not dead, doesn't it mean that either the original rumor is that the stone emperor blew the bull, or the stone emperor was cheated by the robber king in those years.

It is very likely that the robber king who was killed at the beginning was a puppet, or a substitute or something.

In short, no matter which one, this is not a glorious thing for the stone emperor.

Sure enough, not long after Zhao Chengfeng and others returned to the black street city. There was another movement from the withered stone forest.

Hundreds of miles away, they still feel the whole black street city shaking.

It's not enough to listen to the legend of such a terrible movement. Even Zhao Chengfeng can't help but feel uneasy from his own experience.

But even though he was worried, he didn't pay much attention to it. Fortunately, everyone in the whole black street city is telling about the withered stone forest. Even if he didn't ask for special information, he could still hear the news.

It's just that there's too much news and all kinds of rumors.

Some people say that his majesty Shi Huang has a clever plan. He has long predicted that there will be changes in the dry stone forest. Now he has come to the dry stone forest.

Now the two thousand year old enemies are fighting another battle in the dry stone forest. This time, I'm afraid that the giant robber king is really mysterious.

It is also said that this is the calculation of his majesty Shi Huang.

There is also a rumor that his majesty did not come at all, but sent his disciples from the top ten kings to come.

Every one of these rumors has a nose and eyes, as if those people had seen it with their own eyes.

It's hard to tell which is true and which is false.

If it's normal, it's easy. It's a hundred miles away. Just go over and have a look, and you'll know whether it's true or not.

But this kind of opportunity, as long as a little brain, no one dare to get close to the dry stone forest.

It's too late to hide. Why don't you move on, that movie?

After returning to the Black Street City, Zhao Chengfeng declined the invitation of count Heiyu and others, but still chose to live in Elsa's smelter shop.

But this time Baron link and his companions were added.

Originally, Zhao Chengfeng still wanted to let Baron link and others go to the hotel first, because he felt that the red lady was not so easy to talk.

But to her surprise, Madame red just glanced at Baron link and others for Zhao Chengfeng, the boarder, who had brought back a group of freeloaders. Then she dropped a sentence, "there are many vacant rooms in the back. You can choose for yourself, but you'd better be quiet and don't disturb the work of the craftsmen."

Hearing her words like this, Baron link and others couldn't help frowning. In their eyes, who is Qianzhi? Even the count of blue and white is a loser. Even the Lord of the city was afraid.

How could this woman be so rude.

"Red lotus..." of course, they are not happy just frown, can't say more, one side must follow you ya but quit, immediately will attack.

Zhao Chengfeng quickly grabbed her and said with a smile to Madame Honglian, "thank you, Madame Honglian. Don't worry, I will restrain them. I won't let them disturb the craftsmen."

Zhao Chengfeng knows that with the character of this lady Honglian, it's very, very face saving to have such an attitude. It's probably the result of Miss Elsa's advice, and it may also be taking into account Youya.

For you Ya's identity, others don't know, lady Honglian should know some.

However, I don't know much, otherwise I would not be so indifferent. Of course, I may know a lot, or even some inside information.

But anyway, they live here for nothing, and they still want to learn other people's technology. Where else can they stand and care about other people's attitude.

Relying on their acquaintance with Elsa and their relationship with Youya, they take advantage of each other and act as masters?

Zhao Chengfeng feels that his skin is not so thick.

So even as he winked at Baron link and others not to be rude, he said thanks to Madame Honglian.

Then just to you ya tiny shake head, let her don't care.

"Well." Mrs. Honglian gave a hum and didn't say much. Just toward you ya slightly bend over to salute, then no longer pay attention to people, busy oneself of go.

Until after Zhao Chengfeng and others left, she just looked at the back of Zhao Chengfeng and others, showing a slight frown.

As Zhao Chengfeng expected, her attitude is the result of Elsa's repeated admonition.

However, she still felt that the five-year-old was not qualified for Miss Elsa's special treatment.

But since Miss Elsa had asked, she could only do so. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng brings people back. Of course, she still wants to report to miss Elsa. If she has a chance, she also wants to advise Miss Elsa.

As for miss Youya, she does not know much as Zhao Chengfeng guessed. She only knows that she seems to come from the clan behind the Lord of the city. However, she vaguely feels that the status of this noble lady should be rather embarrassing. Otherwise, how could the Lord of the city pretend to ignore her?

If it is true, she does not approve of Miss Elsa's too much contact with Miss uya, but it is not her turn to intervene in some matters, which she knows.


"Baron link, you may be wronged to live in such a place, but make do with it first. When the storm subsides, let's talk about something else."

After arranging for Baron link and others, Zhao Chengfeng smiles and asks everyone to have a rest. Then he says to Adele, "Captain Adele, old Bill and Xiao De, you should go back first. You know where I live now. If there is no accident, I should be here for a while. Please come to me if you have anything."

"Oh, by the way, I'll go to the count of blue and white to get the seven color pansy. You'll come and get it in two or three days."

"Well, my Lord, let's go first." Adele unconsciously also used the name of adult, and then took out the metal token and gave it to Zhao Chengfeng, "adult, this is the keepsake of the blue and white society. Since you are going to help us get it, this keepsake..."

"No more." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand. As long as he went, would the blue and white count repent? What's the difference between having this keepsake or not.

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