After Adele and others left, Zhao Chengfeng saw that Youya, the little girl, was still on the side and refused to go. He had a headache and said, "I said Miss Youya, you are still waiting for me to treat you to dinner? I tell you, don't think about it. I'm just scratching my own food. "

"Hee hee, I don't care where I rub my rice. It doesn't matter where I rub my rice." The little girl sniffed and laughed, but she didn't plan to leave. "Besides, why do you want to drive me away? Do you still owe me money? And we are partners. Now that the adventure is over, it's time to share the spoils. "

The little girl is smiling like a fox in human skin.

Zhao Chengfeng speechless, "what's dirty? Before, the battlefield was cleaned by your old man's own team. If you want to divide, you can give it to me, right?"

"Ah, I can't understand what you said. I'll give you what you said. I just picked up a few moth shells. Didn't you pick up all of them?" As soon as she heard this, she immediately covered the dimentional object around her waist and was full of vigilance, for fear that Zhao Chengfeng would rob it.

Zhao Chengfeng is angry and funny when he sees this. This girl is really speechless. This trip all the way through, this little girl simply yanguolashi, also don't know how many things.

However, he didn't care about those things. After all the people left, he gained nothing. What's more, the mini pyramid called time and space gate by the mysterious man was the biggest gain of his trip.

But, don't return don't, in the mouth but sneer a way: "be, just a few moth shells, that take out to see."

"Well, I don't have to. It's too shabby to show you this little money. What's more, there are some girl things in my dimensional things. How abnormal your uncle looks. " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is trying to take her dimension, the little girl immediately gets nervous and walks back with a fake smile.

All of a sudden, she patted her forehead fiercely. "Ah, I remember this big change. Elsa and the Lord must be worried about me. Uncle, I have to go back early."

Then he turned and ran.

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are happy to see this. Zhao Chengfeng's heart is full of fun. He chases her back and shouts, "Hey, don't run. If you run like this, the previous account will be wiped out."

The girl who is running away suddenly falters when she hears the last sentence, and almost falls into a dog's dung. She turns her head and grins at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "Uncle stingy, you'll buckle to death."

With that, he turned around and walked out of the machine shop angrily with his ponytail.

But out of the gate, the girl was happy again.

Calculating the harvest of this trip, I couldn't help humming a light ditty.

If you don't say anything else, you can make money just by one dimension.

No, uncle stingy's dimension seems to be bigger, and it can also change its shape. Its value is more than 100 times that of her one.

"A hundred times. I seem to be losing money. No, no, later uncle killed so many undead seeds in it alone. How many Shouzhu and materials did he get? And later, he and count black feather went to the bottom of the valley together. Did they get anything good? There must be. You can see from the eyes of count black feather's people that they must have made uncle pit a lot. "

The more you think about it, the more you feel cheated. You are fooled by a stupid greasy uncle. It's insulting to the reputation of the first beautiful girl.

"Damn it, cunning uncle, it's so cunning. This is a big loss. Do you want to go back to him? " The girl hesitated for a while, and finally let it go.

I don't believe it when I have a chance to calculate him. Benmei's wisdom can't match a greasy and cunning uncle.

Just as she was thinking wildly, the ground under her feet was suddenly shocked violently, and the girl who was wandering almost fell down.

You Ya's face can't help changing. She looks at the direction of the withered Stone Forest in horror.

"Who is fighting in the end? Is it true that his Majesty the stone emperor came in person?"

It's like an earthquake. Even a lot of unstable houses on the roadside collapsed, and cracks appeared on the walls and the ground.

It's hard to imagine what the central position is like.

"Fortunately, we escaped in time."

The girl patted her chest in fear.

Before she could stabilize her mind, there was another violent vibration on the ground. Even though she had gathered up her mind, she still almost stood unsteadily.

At this moment, a soft force suddenly held her.

At the same time, I heard passers-by exclaim, "Lord of the city."

"It's the Lord of the city."

"Meet the Lord of the city."

Youya subconsciously looked up and saw a tall man standing in the air above his head.

Clearly not tall, but standing there gives people a feeling like a floating castle.

"Uncle." See this person, you ya instinct of a burst of joy. But then I couldn't help getting nervous.

Although the uncle had loved her since childhood, she had a lot to do with her leaving home this time, which she knew in her mind.

During this period of time, the uncle, according to the guess of the stingy uncle, should have known that he was coming, but he has been avoiding.

I didn't expect to show up here today. Is it a good thing or a bad thing.

"Well, you still remember my uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'll see you and your aunt." The Lord of Lihu snorted, as if to blame, but there was a trace of doting in his eyes.

You ya a see this kind of eyes, in the heart instant big fixed, cunning of vomit tongue, pathetic way: "I this is not afraid of you scold me?"

"Just know you're scared." The city leader of Lihu snorted again, as if he wanted to pretend to be serious. But seeing her mischievous and cunning appearance, he finally showed a smile. However, even though she regained her dignity, he waved his hand slightly and said to all the people, "no need to be polite."

Then he said, "it seems that some changes have taken place in the withered stone forest this time. But you can rest assured that as long as you are here, the black street city will be as stable as a rock."

His words are understated, but the more they are, the more stabilizing they are.

Originally, the black street city was only a hundred miles away from the withered stone forest.

The residents of the city, strong or weak, are uneasy about such a big movement.

But hearing the words of the Lord of Lihu, I can't say that I'm sure, but I'm at least a little relieved.

The Lord of Lihu pacifies all the people.

This just came to you Ya's side, reached out to touch the girl's head, and said with a smile: "don't worry, your father has written to me at home, and entrusted me to take care of you. It won't be OK for the moment. As for the others, your father and I will try to find a way. You go back to the city Lord's residence first, and play with Elsa these two days. Don't run around. It will be Elsa's rite of passage in a few days. Help he

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