"The rite of passage... Oh, I almost forgot that Elsa was going to be 13 years old." Youya was stunned for a moment, then remembered that according to the family rules, male members are 15 years old, and female members are 13 years old to hold a ceremony.

According to the requirements, the ceremony must be conducted by oneself, which can be regarded as a test for these young girls who are about to become adults.

The test is not rank, combat power, or even knowledge, but dealing with people. This is a necessary quality for a cultured adult.

It also shows that everyone needs to be responsible for themselves from now on.

"You know how to run around as a girl. You even forget your sister's rite of passage. Don't forget this time." The city leader of Lihu laughs. His majesty is gentle.

Then she said, "Elsa didn't grow up in the clan since she was a child, and she didn't take part in the initiation ceremony of the same year. In this respect, you are not only your elder sister, but also an experienced elder. If you lose someone, you will lose face."

"Ha ha, don't worry, uncle. It's on me." Youya didn't expect that uncle would make such a joke. He thought it was very interesting. He was also motivated. He immediately patted his chest and assured him.

She just thought that the rite of passage was an unwritten subsidiary item. She subconsciously wanted to ask what she wanted to ask, but she didn't ask after thinking about it. After all, she was a younger generation, and some of her turn was not up to her.

The powerful Marquis saw that she wanted to talk and stopped, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, but he didn't take the initiative to mention anything.

At this moment, the ground was shaking at the foot, and a sound like the collapse of a mountain came from the direction of the dry stone forest. Even at such a long distance, it still gave people a feeling of rolling thunder.

Uncle and nephew's attention both involuntarily shifted to the distance.

"Lord of the city..." several attendants suddenly came forward and whispered to the Lord of the city. They didn't know what to say.

The latter look slightly tight, then nodded, "I know."

Finish saying again to you ya way: "well, you first meet city Lord mansion, I still have a little thing to do?"

"You guys, escort miss Youya back to the house."

"Yes." A group of entourage hastily agreed.

One of them seemed to know Marquis Lihu's plan. He whispered to Marquis Lihu in a worried voice: "my Lord, I think..."

"Well, I'm just going to have a look. Hum, I'm a marquis. Even if it's a battle of kings, even if I can't participate in it, I still have the qualification to look at it from a distance. " Marquis Li Hu waved his hand to stop his subordinates from going on.

Youya understood that Marquis Lihu was not going to visit here, but was planning to go to the dry stone forest to watch the war. His face could not help changing.

But without time to say anything, marquis Lihu has risen into the air, turned into a streamer, and disappeared in her vision.

Leisurely elegant not from a Leng, open mouth, wry smile a again closed.

But then I thought about my uncle's strength and life experience, and I felt that I was really worried too much.

With my uncle's strength and life experience, is it safe or dangerous? Doesn't he know better than me?

"Forget it, I don't have to worry about my uncle. Let's go to see Elsa first. In a twinkling of an eye, this girl is going to hold a rite of passage. Ah, I suddenly feel that the beautiful girl seems to be getting old." The girl sighed with unforgettable years on her face.

The subordinates of the Lord of the city nearby all talked a little. They didn't know what to say.


Marquis Lihu's speed is much faster than that of Zhao Chengfeng and others, and he has only one person. He can't help but worry about the pace of the team, so his speed is naturally faster.

Within a moment, others had appeared on the edge of the dry stone forest.

But the scene in front of him made him dazed for a while.

"Is this the dry stone forest, where is the forest?"

The whole dry stone forest is gone, and replaced by a very messy basin.

In such a scene, marquis Lihu almost thought he was in the wrong place.

However, he was a little confident in himself, and did not doubt whether he was a marquis or not. He didn't even have this sense of direction.

"But how could it be like this? That war didn't turn into this situation at that time?"

But then he realized something. His eyes twinkled slightly, and he murmured: "it seems that the adult should not be at the top."

"Yes, those two adults controlled their own power to the extreme, so the forest was able to exist in that war. It was only at the back that a scar canyon was made, and the aftereffect of power created a dry stone forest. Now it seems that neither side of the war has such control."

Marquis Lihu didn't think that he was talking to himself alone. There was a reply behind him. When he looked back, his face changed slightly. "Are you here, too?"

The visitor smiles, nods, and then walks slowly to the position beside Marquis Lihu. Then he slowly stands down and says with a smile: "ha ha, brother Lihu is here too. Brother Lihu is not afraid of danger, so how can I be lazy? Otherwise, if you have a family in law in the future, I'm going to teach brother Lihu to look down on you. "

Marquis Lihu's face changed when he heard this, and then he snorted coldly: "hum, it's too early to say that now."

There were two other people with him. One of them was wearing silver armor and looked arrogant. The other was a big fat man. When they talked, they rolled to their sides like a meat ball, but they had to stand a little less than half a step.

At this time, the man didn't speak, but the fat man said with a smile: "it's not early, it's not early. Isn't miss Elsa going to hold the bar mitzvah soon? At that time, there will be only one family in elephant city and black street city. "

"Who are you? I don't think you have the right to interrupt when I'm waiting to speak!"

Marquis Lihu knew these two people. The proud man seemed to be the leader of elephant City, but he didn't remember his name.

And he didn't remember the fat man at all.

But this person and the Marquis of elephant city should also be a person of elephant city.

But no matter who this person is, his attitude makes him dislike very much. His face is cold, and the old Marquis's power is also in the past.

He didn't expect the fat man to laugh. He just stepped back half a step and relieved the pressure he released.

Marquis Lihu discovered that he was also a marquis. Even the Lord of the city had the rank of marquis.

This made Marquis Lihu's heart clap and frown subconsciously.

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