"Just a second." After Liuli promised, he planned to leave, but Zhao Chengfeng remembered another thing and had to shout Liuli again.

Liuli had to stop again and turned back to look at him. Although he didn't say anything, the corner of his mouth pulled slightly.

"Well, there's one more thing about that." Zhao Chengfeng himself was a little speechless. He coughed and covered up his embarrassment. Then he continued: "although most of the materials collected this time have been taken away by Youya, I still have some. Haha..."

When Zhao Chengfeng said this, he showed a sly smile, and then he took all kinds of materials out of the dimensional things.

With a crash, a material Hill suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, why so much?" Liuli heard that he didn't care about it. He couldn't help but stay for a while when he saw this scene.

It's just hiding some?

That miss Youya has been busy for a long time, but she is not as good as you. Besides, there are at least thousands of Shouzhu of various grades. In addition, there is a molecular level material.

When Liuli thinks about Youya, if the girl sees her, she has to grind up her tiger teeth.

However, it seems that there are a lot of undead species in that altar. It seems that the total number of undead species in that altar is just like this, but some of them are in Youya, and more undead species die of self explosion. It's possible to leave some materials. Is it impossible for Shouzhu to stay?

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said cunningly, "most of these are gifts from the Viscount of silver armor."

"You take these things to Wansheng building and exchange them all for birthday beads. By the way, it seems that there are a lot of them. Can you take them? If not, go and call Baron link and let them go with you."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly regretted that he had given the dimensional object to you ya so early. Although she deserved it, she could consider using Liuli first, and then compensate her from other aspects.

But now it has been sent out and can't be taken back. And this one dimensional thing is not convenient to give to Liuli, which can only make her a little trouble.

"Well, I'll call Baron link." Liuli took a look at the pile of things and figured that he couldn't take it alone, so he nodded and agreed, and went out to call Baron link.

A moment later, a group of people went back to Zhao Chengfeng's room and saw the pile of materials and Shouzhu for a while.

It's not the first time for them to take an adventure in the Black Death world, and there are not a few undead species to hunt. But in the past, their harvest was calculated according to the "share". Generally, it took ten days and a half months to take an adventure. For Baron materials like this, if they could harvest more than a hundred shares at a time, it would be the best.

It's amazing to harvest such a mountain made of materials and Shouzhu at one time. I've never imagined it, let alone seen it.

"Sure enough, big people are different. Baron level immortal materials are calculated by pile."

"All right, don't be a fool. Work quickly." Baron link was the first to come to his senses and called the people to work.

First of all, he separated all the materials from Shouzhu, and took out all the baggage. After a long time, he cleaned up this exaggerated pile of things.

"Well, my Lord, here is a jade slip." In the process of sorting out, a piece of jade plate fell out from a pile of materials and Shouzhu Ding Dong.

"Well?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng first thought that the Viscount of silver armor had accidentally put it into these materials. He could not help but feel a little happy and some expectation.

But when I looked at it, I felt very familiar. Then I remembered that Zhao Feilong had given it to him in front of the portal in Tiantang mountain. It seemed that my father was still mysterious at that time. It seemed that this thing had a big secret.

He also said that he might be able to save his life after he arrived at a different dimension.

At that time, he didn't have time to study. Later, when he came to the eternal world, he took it out and studied it, but he didn't study anything. It felt like an ordinary jade slip with good texture.

So later he didn't pay attention to it, and then he almost forgot its existence. When I replaced the dimensional object before, I was probably careless, so I clamped it into these materials.

Seeing the face of this thing clearly, Zhao Chengfeng was greatly disappointed and couldn't help laughing bitterly. He said thanks to Baron link, and then took it. He didn't take it seriously.

While playing with it in the palm of your hand, he said to Liuli, "take these Shouzhu with you. Let the Wuhe steward of Wansheng tower change them into Yuezhu and Nianzhu. After that, you don't have to give them to me. You can put them on you. Part of them will be used for expenses, and part of them will be given to Baron link and captain Adele..."

Baron link, who was carrying things out with all the people, said hurriedly: "Sir, you can ask Miss Liuli to give captain Adele a share. We don't need it. It's your blessing that we can walk out safely this time. It's not enough that we dare to share the Pearl of longevity."

However, when other people heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, many people's eyes lit up. Then they heard that Baron link refused. Although many people immediately agreed, they said that they couldn't, couldn't.

But Zhao Chengfeng still noticed that some of them were insincere.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care either. He laughed and waved his hand and said, "OK, don't say these salty words. I've done a lot of work, so I'm in the lead, but you've followed me all the way. No matter how much, what you should have or what you should have, even if you're a part of the audience. "

"No, sir, I mean..." Baron link suddenly turned around and said solemnly: "Sir, Shouzhu or something, I don't want it. Of course, if other people want it, I'll take him to thank you for your generosity..."

He said a little, suddenly put the burden aside, then suddenly half knelt on the ground, one hand on his chest, seriously said: "my Lord, compared with Shouzhu, I hope you can allow me to be loyal to you and follow you. Your approval, my Lord. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect him to come out of the blue, but he had already felt that Baron link had such an intention.

It's just that the other party has been hesitating for more than one reason, and he doesn't care.

I didn't expect that this boy took this opportunity to make a decision at last.

So he immediately began to smile.

The rest of Baron link's party, however, were slightly stunned. Only the girl with horsetail responded immediately and knelt on the ground like Baron link, "please allow me!"

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