The group headed by the Baron with the big nose hesitated. He even blamed Baron link for making such a decision without consulting them.

If they just follow Zhao Chengfeng, they don't care. But if they swear allegiance, they will be hesitant.

Yes, Qianzhi is really powerful, but once he swears allegiance, he will lose his freedom.

Since then, it is equal to sharing the fate with the object of loyalty.

It's not easy.

Yes, they admit that this adult is very powerful and has a bright future, but they are not so confident in themselves. With their talent and strength, even if they follow this adult, what role they can play, whether the adult will attach importance to them, and whether they will be abandoned in the future.

It's better to control your own destiny than to do so.

But Baron link and Leia have already taken the lead. If they don't follow, will they annoy the adult?

If that's the case, then if nothing else is said, will the benefits promised to them by the adults also fail?

Baron link looked at their hesitation, sighed in his heart, and was about to persuade them.

Zhao Chengfeng has already said, "I'm glad and honored that you two have made such a choice. I've also seen your conduct all the way. Then I've announced in my name that I will accept the loyalty of you two. From then on, you will be my five-day plan, sharing weal and woe."

Baron link and Leah were overjoyed and saluted, "I wish to share honor and disgrace with you. I, link (Leah), hereby swear that I will be loyal to you forever from today's period. I have no regrets in life and death."

After the swearing in, Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly and touched his heart. "Even if these two people are my first subordinates in this world, I will have my own people in this world from today on."

Although Liuli swore allegiance before, he didn't accept it, so it can't be counted, and Liuli is not a person in this world.

As for those people in the city on May 9, they are not even included.

Although the strength of these two people is very weak, but this is a beginning.

"Get up ~!" With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng lifted them up. Then he swept away the big nosed Baron and others who were a little uneasy. He said with a smile: "as for you, don't care. Link and Leah can only represent themselves. I respect your choice very much."

"And what I said before is just as effective."

Then he said to Liuli, "Liuli, as I said before, everyone who sees you has a share. In this way, everyone can come to you to get 200 beads later. Adele, they follow that standard. "

"Thank you, my Lord." The Baron with big nose and others were relieved to see that Zhao Chengfeng didn't blame them. They were overjoyed to hear that every one of them had 200 beads.

Two hundred sun pearls. Even the strongest Baron with a big nose among them, it takes almost half a year or even a year to earn two hundred sun pearls without eating or drinking.

This time, they just ran after Zhao Chengfeng.

If only such a good thing could happen every day.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, then said to Baron link and Leah with a smile: "since you two have made a choice, then this time there will be no one for you. How about it? Do you regret it?"

Baron link and Leah were shocked to hear that Zhao Chengfeng had promised to give 200 beads to Baron big nose and others.

I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would give so much.

But when Zhao Chengfeng asked himself, they both laughed.

"Ha ha, I'm joking. Your generosity really surprised me, but compared with just 200 beads, it's not comparable to being able to follow you."

When he said that, he took a look at the rest of the people, and secretly sighed a pity for these friends.

But they missed the chance.

But each person has his own choice, and there is no real right or wrong.

Every choice must bear its own gains and losses.

On the other side, the maiden with two horsetails nodded with a smile. She was simpler than Baron link. She was thinking, are these more idiots thinking that they would suffer if they didn't get Shouzhu?

They don't think about it. Adults are so generous to outsiders. Are they afraid that it will not be good for them to follow adults?

Well, what a bunch of shortsighted idiots.

"Ha ha..." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and nodded.

The reason why he gave so many Shouzhu all at once was that he really didn't care about it.

Second, I also took the opportunity to see their mood changes.

It's a little test.

Fortunately, both of them responded well.

I'm also very satisfied with their attitude.

As for other people's choices and reactions, he also understands. In fact, if he is in such a position, he may make the same choices as Baron big nose and others.

Of course, there may be some differences in mentality.

Of course, he will not be unkind to those who follow him.

Although the two hundred sun pearls of Baron link and the girl with two horsetails are not available for the time being, he will certainly have more benefits than the two hundred sun pearls in the future, but now is not the time to say that.

So after he laughed, he waved his hand to all the people: "OK, everyone go first, help the Liuli to finish this matter, and then rizhu will get it from her, please."

They quickly happily agreed, and then ordered to leave the door.

Liuli is at the bottom. She knows that Zhao Chengfeng must still have orders. After all, except for some of the basic expenses reserved and Shouzhu, the surplus still accounts for three-quarters.

But Zhao Chengfeng said that he didn't need to give this part to Shouzhu, so there must be other uses.

She asked Zhao Chengfeng in Chinese, "my Lord, are you going to let me use the rest of it to carry out what you ordered before and collect the world's technology and knowledge about array, weapon refining and medicine refining?"

"Not bad." Zhao Chengfeng nodded a smile, look at her, "after this matter to you in charge."

"This, ok..." Liuli looks a little bitter when she hears that she has received training and training in the past, including fighting, investigating and assassinating, but she doesn't manage the accounts. Zhao Chengfeng now gives her both financial and intelligence collection.

But that's not what she's good at.

Well, there's a lot of pressure.

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