But she has no way to refuse. After all, the only people who can do these things are her and Zhao Chengfeng. If she doesn't, she must have Zhao Chengfeng to do them.

But Zhao Chengfeng can't have the energy to manage these trifles now, so she can only do it.

In addition, although Baron link and Leah have vowed allegiance, she knows that Zhao Chengfeng will not let them participate in some matters related to the earth world for the time being.

"If only I could find someone else earlier." Liuli said with emotion.

"Yes." Zhao Chengfeng also nodded, "if only we could find other people earlier."

Although it is the same, but the inner thoughts are not exactly the same.

Liuli hopes to gather more people from the earth, so that someone can help her lighten her burden.

Zhao Chengfeng is more worried about ghosts, shadows and Tang Wei.

Of course, it's more about Tang Wei. It's not that he doesn't care about ghosts and shadows.

But compared with Tang Wei's girl, ghost and shadow have much more experience in life.

Er, Tang Wei, who has been a policeman and has the experience of fighting against bad people, grew up in the city of a peaceful world and was cared by her elders since she was a child.

There is no comparison between the first two people and their understanding of the world.

What's more, the girl's sense of justice is bursting. It's too hard for people to rest assured.

Although I had told her before, if that girl was stupid, she would have a sense of justice in this world. I can't imagine the consequences.


In fact, Zhao Chengfeng underestimated Tang Wei and the world.

Although the world is indeed a thousand times darker than the earth's, people who are honest and have a belief in justice may not always suffer.

In fact, after Tang Wei came to this world, the situation was not bad, at least much better than Liuli, who almost became a slave hunter's commodity.

This is probably because there are always people in the world who are lucky.

Tang Wei is just like that.

At this time, she was sitting in a garden with flowers and trees, pavilions, winding bridges, and rockery reflected by the lake.

However, part of the garden's flower trees, pavilions and persimmon winding paths were all demolished and turned into a martial arts training ground.

In the middle of the martial arts training ground, a young woman with a strong and beautiful figure is fighting a boxing method that looks like the world's Military Boxing.

This woman is no other than Tang Wei.

Of course, she did play Military Boxing with a little change, which Zhao Chengfeng taught her after the rectification.

At that time, she had not practiced ancient martial arts.

Now she has been very skilled in this boxing.

This is not the pursuit of complex, only the pursuit of simple and direct boxing, and she repeatedly I do not know how many times, also can not be pure.

Up to now, after her first punch, she doesn't need to command with her brain at all, and her body will naturally reflect every move incisively and vividly.

So she was fighting, but she didn't know where to travel.

Just as Zhao Chengfeng is worried about her, so is she.

Although compared with Zhao Chengfeng's confidence in her, she has more confidence in Zhao Chengfeng.

But as she learned more about the world, she could not help worrying about Zhao Chengfeng.

Apart from other things, the exclusion of foreign visitors from this aspect alone is enough for all foreign visitors to drink a pot.

It's only because she met a noble person that she's so safe now.

And is that guy as lucky as she is?

Moreover, just as Zhao Chengfeng is very worried about her sense of justice, she is also uneasy about Zhao Chengfeng's ability to cause trouble.

"I'm afraid it's hard to live anywhere with that guy's mischievous nature."

In the earth world, he is almost at the top of the food chain, with his uncle and his master behind him. There are many experts in this world, ah

"Good boxing ~!"

"Miss Tang Wei, this fist technique has been simplified for a long time. It's really exquisite ~!"

After a set of boxing, there was a sound of admiration on the edge of the arena.

Originally, the whole person was completely immersed in boxing and missing. Hearing these cheers, he couldn't help frowning.

I knew immediately that there was another nuisance coming.

Sure enough, as soon as she glanced, she found that there were several more young people with bright clothes and extravagant faces around the training ground.

The leader was dressed in white.

Seeing that Tang Wei's boxing was finished, the man stepped forward slowly, playing with two bright pearls the size of eggs in his hand, fearing that Tang Wei couldn't see them.

"Miss Tang Wei, the boxing is more and more exquisite. I wonder if you are interested in competing with talon."

Tang Wei glanced at him and saw his gorgeous clothes. She didn't know how many accessories he had. She felt speechless.

Immediately sneered: "exchange or free, I'm afraid you dirty this valuable clothes, I can't afford to pay."

Hear her say so, there are a few small Si and maid nearby all can't help but cover mouth to turn to snicker.

However, Talon didn't seem to understand it at all. On the contrary, she was very proud and said, "Miss Tang Wei really has good eyesight. She can see the value of Talon's dress at a glance. Hehe, this dress is really valuable."

"Miss Tang Wei may not know that this dress is made by Miss xuanyue, the most famous designer in our December City, and its main material is very rare dark sea silkworm silk. Miss Tang Wei knows about dark sea silkworm silk..."

Tang Wei didn't expect that this man was so stupid that she couldn't even hear the irony. She was still complacent.

But this person's that many attendants, hears this person's boasting, one after another sends out a sound of praise, one by one leaves the saliva to be full of envy appearance.

It's disgusting.

Just as she felt impatient, a frivolous laugh suddenly rang out in the distance, "ha ha, who am I talking about? It's master talon. But I'm not talking about you, master talon. You're too blind. Miss Tang Wei has just finished practicing boxing, but you still have to compete with others. You have to be shameless. "

"What's more, it's just a Viscount level weapon. It's flashy, and it's worth showing off."

As he spoke, he saw a man coming along the stone path in the distance. He was also dressed in luxurious clothes, and he was also followed by a group of followers.

Tang Wei and Tyrone frown at the sight of the visitor, but their ideas are totally different.

Tang Wei frowns because she knows that this person and Talon are just like each other, and Talon frowns because he knows that the purpose of the visitor is the same as him.

Boxing is simple and direct, that is, it's not fancy, and it's not much to watch.

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