"Hum." Tyrone snorted, "woody, what are you talking about when young master Ben talks to Miss Tang Wei? Dark sea silk robe is nothing, but can you take it out? "

"What are you talking about? Ha ha... "The visitor heard the banter on his face and turned to the attendant behind him and said," listen to master Talon's idiotic question, do you still need to ask? Of course, it's to get in your mouth. "

Of course, he turned back to tell Talon the second half of the sentence. The latter turned black when he heard it, while the attendant behind the visitor burst into laughter.

"Master Talon's interesting question?"

"Yes, yes. It seems that he was the only one talking just now. Then our young master intervened. Of course he did."

As soon as the comer came, he got the upper hand. Talon's face was blue and his eyes were sharp. He swept the followers behind him, but they didn't doubt him because they had Woody's support.

Although no longer speak, but one by one are beaming, winking.

It makes Talon even darker.

Gnashing his teeth at woody, "woody, do you want to fight?"

Woody exaggerated a cover chest, "Wow, this young master is very afraid?"

"Damn, you want to die. Beat them to death." With a wave of his hand, Tyrone's followers rushed up behind him.

Woody is not ambiguous, the same wave of a hand to shout, "dry them!"

Two groups of people immediately scuffle together, talon and woody and entangled together.

Both sides are fighting and scolding, and all kinds of foul language are unbearable.

Just as the two sides were fighting hard, someone suddenly called out: "don't fight, don't fight, two young masters, don't fight, Miss Tang Wei has gone!"

"What?" The two sides of the fight were suddenly given a meal.

Looking around, Tang Wei's shadow has long disappeared.

"Damn it, this woman ran away."

"A woman of an alien race, not with the help of our race, can't even enter the city of December 1st, she can only become a barbarian outside the city."

"It's true that now she can not only live in the city safely, but also live in our family. She has a good life every day. How dare she ignore my young master?"


"Hateful indeed!"

"How hateful

When they found that Tang Wei had already gone, they were both angry and resentful. Just now they were fighting with reyao. They felt that they wanted to kill each other. At this time, they subconsciously answered each other sentence by sentence.

But neither of them noticed.

The younger brothers behind them also helped one after another.

In the middle of the conversation, the two groups of people suddenly found that they were chatting together. The scene suddenly quieted down and they looked at each other.

"What are you looking at?"

"What about you?"

"Try another one!"

"Try, what do you do to me?"

Both woody and Tyrone stare at each other fiercely. It's been many years since they don't deal with each other. They often hate each other when they meet.

But just now, I was not careful. I had to share a common hatred with the other party.

This makes the two people who have come back to their senses feel very shameful.

Especially in front of a group of kids.

It's a shame.

But this time, no matter two people, or two people behind the attendant did not start again. They just stare at each other, then turn their heads and hum.


The previous common hatred did not ease their relationship.

Their respective followers also glared at each other's people, "hum", and then turned to follow their boss.

Woody and Tyrone lead their own followers to go their separate ways, but their thoughts are surprisingly consistent at this time.

Two people at this time are secretly gnashing teeth, in the heart secretly hate: "Tang Wei, you don't think this little really take you have no way."

Two people think so in the heart, each is also thinking about how to deal with Tang Wei, at the same time also want to grab in front of each other, anyway can't let each other do things.


Black Death world, black street city.

After seeing off Liuli and others, Zhao Chengfeng's relaxed and indifferent expression suddenly disappeared, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Then I couldn't wait to close the door.

He even took out his few moon beads and pressed two of them into the embedded groove of the array, which instantly activated the array of protecting the room and shielding exploration.

Although it's a bit wasteful to start such a low-end array with Shouzhu of Yuezhu level, he can't care so much now.

Because just now, when he took the jade slip from Baron link, which was handed over to him by his father Zhao Feilong, he did not know why. When he was about to put it back into the dimensional object, it suddenly became hot, and he almost threw it away.

The sudden change surprised and pleased him.

Although this change came and went quickly, it was only a flash. When Liuli and others went out, its temperature had returned to normal.

But Zhao Chengfeng was still excited.

After all, before he left, Zhao Chengfeng gave this jade slip to him, and solemnly said that it should be useful when he arrived at the ectopic plane.

There must be a reason.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that, full of expectation, he turned the jade slip around and looked at it for a long time, but there was no response.

It seems that the jade slip has become an ordinary jade again.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the jade slip for a long time, but there was still no response.

"Well. What's the matter? It's the steel that reacts. Is it my illusion. No, it can't be Zhao Chengfeng then shook his head, "so hot asked, he almost threw away, how can it be an illusion. Unless someone's using magic against him. "

If it's not an illusion, what's going on?

"Well, the old man really is. What's the secret of this thing? Just tell me how to check it. It's really a pit to sell things. "

Everyone else is a pit father, but my father is a pit son.

"Was there something that triggered the reaction of this thing just now? What would it be?"

No, maybe it's not a specific thing, maybe it's an action, maybe it's a sentence.

While touching his chin, Zhao Chengfeng recalled his every move just before the jade slip was hot.

But after thinking about it, I didn't think of anything special.

Even he imitated the previous action by himself, but Yujian still didn't react.

"Well, forget it. We can only talk about it later."

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head helplessly, and plans to throw it back into the dimensional object again. But the next second, Zhao Chengfeng can't help saying, "ah," what's the matter? He can't take it in... "

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