Eternal world, December 1st city.

"Miss Wei, mother-in-law, please come over."

As soon as Tang Weigang returned to his residence, a maid came to invite her, saying that her mother-in-law invited her to come, saying that she had something important to tell her.

"What's the matter with grandma yuan RI? OK, I see. I've just finished my boxing. I'm sweating all over. I'll go with you in a minute

Tang Wei was surprised to hear her maidservant's words.

Her mother-in-law of Yuanri is the noble person she met after she came to the eternal world. She is also her present master.

But usually she is used to calling her old mother-in-law, or Yuanri mother-in-law, just like the people around her.

Yuanri is not her mother-in-law's name, but her title.

As for why she has such a title, Tang Wei doesn't know. She only knows that the old man has a superior status in the Shouchen family on December 1. Although he is a foreigner, he has no less power and status than the patriarch. This is also the reason why talon and woody, the two children of the Shouchen family on December 1, come to please and pester her.

It was also because of her mother-in-law that she was able to enter Yuanri city and live in the manor of Shouchen family in Yuanri city.

Although Tang Wei doesn't value the luxury of Chen's manor, she doesn't plan to stay like this.

Comfort and stability are not what she came to this world for.

What she is most eager for now is to adapt to and understand this heterotopic world as soon as possible, and then try to find Zhao Chengfeng and other people, of course, to enhance her strength and find a way to return to the earth.

But she also knew that if she had not met her mother-in-law and failed to enter the Yuanri City, with her current strength and the state that she had not been accepted by this aspect at that time, the experience would not be so good.

Therefore, in her heart, her mother-in-law is not only her noble, but also her benefactor, although she may never think so.

Although some strange mother-in-law why suddenly want to see her, also said that there is something important, but did not dare to neglect.

Moreover, she has not seen her mother-in-law for many days. After all, although her mother-in-law has accepted her as a disciple, it is not easy to see her mother-in-law at ordinary times.

Because my mother-in-law seems to be closed most of the time, listening to other people in the manor talking in private, my mother-in-law seems to be sleeping to keep herself in a certain state.

Tang Wei doesn't know much about this, but she worries about her mother-in-law.

"Is it possible that what my mother-in-law wants to say has something to do with it?" Tang Wei thought in her heart, but she didn't ask the maid who came to invite her.

Although the other party is her mother-in-law's maid, she must know something, but she thinks that if she should know something, her mother-in-law will tell her. If her mother-in-law doesn't want her to know something, the maid will not tell her.

"Miss Wei, your mother-in-law is in there. Go in."

At the door of the small building where her mother-in-law lived, the maid who led her stopped and motioned herself to go in with a smile.

"Good." Tang Wei took a look at the small building in front of her, nodded to the maidservant and said thanks with a smile. Then she stepped up the steps and entered the small building.

Although Yuanri's mother-in-law's status in this Shouchen family is superior, the location of this small building is also the core position of this huge manor which is similar to the city in the city.

But her residence itself is very simple.

It's a simple building with simple furnishings.

But as soon as Tang Wei walked into the small building, he felt very comfortable and peaceful.

My mother-in-law's residence, in Chinese words, seems to have a sense of simplicity.

My mother-in-law's temperament is very similar. Her white hair is like snow, her face is also covered with wrinkles, and even some old age spots are faintly visible. At first glance, she seems to be a very simple old lady.

This is also the reason why Tang Wei and the old man saw each other for the first time and regarded each other as an ordinary old man and made some trouble.

Think of at the beginning, Tang Wei can not help but some pretty face slightly red, even now still feel a little embarrassed, fortunately, her mother-in-law did not blame her, but very appreciate her temperament and kindness.

Thinking about this, Tang Wei involuntarily showed a smile and called out, "grandma, I come in."

"Come in when you come. Mother-in-law needs to be so formal here." Seeing Tang Wei, the wrinkles on the old man's face were blooming, showing a kind and loving smile.

"Sit down." He motioned for Tang Wei to sit down. The old man picked up the teapot on the table and planned to pour water for Tang Wei.

Tang Wei didn't dare to let the old man do this for her in turn. She snatched it. "Grandma, you'd better let me do this. Can you pour water for me?"

"This child, it doesn't matter." Her mother-in-law laughed, but she let go and gave the teapot to Tang Wei.

While watching Tang Wei make tea and pour water, he asked with a smile: "Xiao Wei, what's the matter? Have you made any progress recently? Should the repulsion of the plane have been eliminated? "

Tang Wei didn't hide her mother-in-law's origin. In fact, she couldn't.

At that time, she had just come to this world, and the exclusion and suppression of the plane were very obvious. Most people just wanted to pay attention to it. The existence of her mother-in-law could be seen at a glance.

Of course, what is more important is that she can feel that her mother-in-law has no malice and can be trusted, so she tells the truth about her coming from the earth plane.

Sure enough, Yuanri's mother-in-law didn't care too much because she came from another world, just as she expected, except for curiously asking about the local conditions and customs of the earth world and the civilization situation. Others didn't even ask much, including her cultivation system and methods.

Instead, she taught her a lot of secrets to eliminate plane exclusion.

Until later, Tang Wei felt that her skills and the earth's cultivation system were not very useful to her mother-in-law, but the mountain stones could be used to attack jade. Maybe she could learn from them. This was a little reward for her mother-in-law, and then she took the initiative to tell her mother-in-law something that was not secret.

My mother-in-law didn't refuse, and after listening, she also said that she really felt something. But for Tang Wei did not mention the part is still not the slightest exploration.

It is also because of these that Tang Wei shows great respect for the old man in front of him.

Hearing the old man's question, Tang Wei nodded and replied, "well, it's completely eliminated, but there seems to be some suppression in terms of strength. It seems that my previous accomplishments can't be fully exerted."

"Ha ha, of course, the power you use is essentially different from the rules of the world, and the rules of the world are certainly suppressed. That's one of the things I asked you to say today. " The mother-in-law seemed to have expected that she was blowing the tea in the cup and said with a smile. Then she took a sip, looked up at Tang Wei and said, "it seems that you still have to take the rank."

"The rank of syndrome?" Tang Wei has been in this world for some time. Of course, she knows what is the so-called rank in this world?

"But, mother-in-law, didn't you say that I should not take the rank?" Tang Wei frowned slightly.

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