Liuli nodded and said, "I'll send him."

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng slightly forehead, thought and said: "by the way, don't talk dead, you can tell him that I am now understanding something, it's not convenient to get away."

Glass smell speech Leng for a while, seems to have puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a faint smile: "we have lived in the property of the Lord of the city for such a long time. It's time to visit the Lord of the city. No matter whether we interfere in this matter or not, we always have to go to talk with the Lord of the city, right?"

Glass eyes a bright, as if really understand what, said a, "understand, by the way, adults, to the Lord's house, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Well, that's fine. Then the deal over the Wansheng tower will be handed over to Baron link and Leah. After you send Wuhe away, you can go to the Lord's mansion with me. " Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

The truth is that one person counts the short, two count the long, and one more person can look at problems from another angle.

"Yes Liuli agreed and immediately turned to go out.

But Zhao Chengfeng looked at her eyes slightly excited, can't help touching the nose, also don't know what she excited, "is it wrong what meaning?"

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and shakes his head. He is too lazy to guess what Liuli is thinking.

Not a moment later, I heard the voices of Liuli and Wuhe outside. The contents were probably his original words, but Liuli must be much more euphemistic than what he said.

Finally, Wuhe said goodbye with disappointment, and then a sound of footsteps gradually went away, which should be the sound of Wuhe leaving.

Zhao Chengfeng was in the room, playing with the jade slip. He didn't know what he was thinking, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

A moment later, seeing Liuli push the door in again, he stood up and was ready to go out. But he looked at Liuli and asked, "what's the matter?"

The color of Liuli changed for a while. Then he came forward and said a few words in a low voice. Zhao Chengfeng's color moved, and then he turned his mouth. "Don't worry about him. Anyway, we're planning to go to the Lord's mansion, aren't we?"

Zhao Chengfeng stepped out of the door, and sure enough, he saw the red lady, as Liuli said, looking towards them not far away.

But beside her is the vicomte Fengzhi. When Zhao Chengfeng looks over, the vicomte Fengzhi is beaming in Madame Honglian's ear and doesn't know what to say. However, from the way he glances at Zhao Chengfeng, he can probably guess that what he should say is about Zhao Chengfeng, and it shouldn't be a good thing.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng looked at him, viscount Fengzhi didn't stop. Instead, he looked at Zhao Chengfeng provocatively. Then he sneered and said, "Oh, isn't this Qianzhi adult? Ha ha, it's worthy of being the young master of the clan. Even if he was expelled, he still has a good eye and hands. I don't know how to curry favor with Miss Elsa, Even Wansheng building's female owner and chief manager have come to see each other for three days. Why do you plan to find another job? "

When Zhao Chengfeng hears his sarcasm, he immediately knows that the Viscount Fengzhi obviously doesn't know anything at all. When he sees Yunhe and Wuhe first and then visit Zhao Chengfeng, he probably thinks that Wansheng tower wants to dig the corner of the smelter shop in the Lord's mansion.

And you can see from his expression that he must be very jealous.

Zhao Chengfeng made up his mind for a while, and his mind at this time was absolutely: "why, why, are miss Elsa and Wansheng building blind? If you dig a corner, you also want to dig a grand Viscount like me. Why do you want to dig a stinky boy abandoned by the family?"

Think of each other at this time the heart may be shouting, Zhao Chengfeng almost couldn't help to puff out a smile, endure very hard to have no gaffe.

Immediately had to pretend not to see him, also did not hear what he said, just toward lady Honglian a bow, "red lady, is to find Qianzhi, what's the matter?"

"Nothing?" Red lotus not salty way: "just heard that Wansheng building Wuhe big tube things come to you, want to ask what is it?"

When she opened her mouth, she saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay any attention to herself. The Viscount Fengzhi, who was angry, immediately gloated.

On the other hand, before Zhao Chengfeng speaks, Liuli can't help it. A cold hum is about to break out. Zhao Chengfeng reaches out his hand and gently stops her, but his face is also cold at this time.

Looking at Madame Honglian faintly, she said, "Madame Honglian, have you made a mistake?"

"Make a mistake, ha ha, do you think we are blind, so many people have seen it with their own eyes, do you still want to deny it?" Madame Honglian did not speak, but the vicomte Fengzhi sneered again.

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at him, and his fingers moved, but finally he stopped. Although he wanted to slap him, they were guests living here after all. The so-called dog beating also depends on the owner. If you really hit people here, you still feel sorry for Miss Elsa.

So he didn't do it in the end, but even so, one of his eyes made Viscount Fengzhi fight a cold war.

When Zhao Chengfeng's eyes moved away, he recovered, and then found that his back was wet with sweat.

This made him scared and angry at the same time. "How can this little bastard's eyes be so terrible? Damn, I was scared by him. Is his strength still above me?"

"No, it's impossible. I'm a grand Viscount, and his breath can hardly feel the fluctuation of rank. It's just his fierce eyes after all. Yes, that's it. That must be it!"

With this thought, viscount Fengzhi's self-confidence was restored again, but his hatred for this "Wuchen Qianzhi" reached a new high.

On the other hand, after Zhao Chengfeng suppressed the idea of starting, he ignored him and looked at Madame Honglian again. "Did miss Elsa ask you to ask those words just now?"

Madame Honglian was slightly shocked by his eyes before. Although Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were not aimed at her, she could still feel the horror of that look.

At this time, hearing Zhao Chengfeng's greeting, he was slightly stunned, recovered, calmed down, and then said: "this, of course not, but..."

"Nothing, but." Without waiting for her to finish, Zhao Chengfeng interrupted her, and then said faintly: "since Miss Elsa didn't ask you to ask, you'd better not ask more. Some things you are not qualified to know?"

"Go ~!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng said hello to Liuli, but he didn't say a word more, so he passed them by.

Madame Honglian didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so tough. She couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was so arrogant, the vicomte Fengzhi immediately jumped up and yelled, "how dare you be so rude to Madame red! Stop! Stop for me!"

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