But Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli ignored him and went straight through the gate of the courtyard.

"You give me..."


The wind stops Viscount to want to shout again, but the side rings red madam's a cold drink.

As soon as the voice of the Viscount stopped, he turned his head and saw that Madame Honglian's face was gloomy. He couldn't help but wake up and didn't dare to shout again.

Although he is usually proud, he always talks about the grand Viscount, but he does not dare to offend Madame Honglian.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli had disappeared, Madame Honglian's face became more gloomy. Then she glanced at the Viscount Fengzhi and said, "don't you think it's lively enough?"

When Viscount Fengzhi looked around, he found that many people were looking this way in the distance, either light or dark. But he was still unwilling to say: "but, is that ok? That boy is too rude, even if he is rude to me, but you..."

"What else?" Mrs. red interrupted him coldly, then snorted coldly, "what if you call him back? He's Miss Elsa's guest."

The Viscount of Fengzhi was speechless, but very unwilling.

"Hum." Red lady is a cold hum again, "you don't worry, this matter I will report to the Lord and his wife."

"Yes, it should be reported, it should be reported!" Viscount Fengzhi was overjoyed and nodded his head in a hurry. Then he clenched his teeth and said with a distorted expression: "even though this is Miss Elsa's property now, Miss Elsa is still an adult. It's hard to avoid deviation. How can such a person as Wuchen Qianzhi be qualified to be Miss Elsa's friend? Ah..."

The more he said, the more proud he was. Mrs. red drank coldly again. "Shut up, Miss Elsa. Are you qualified to comment?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I forgot." The Viscount Fengzhi was excited when he heard that he was overjoyed, but he didn't think so. He grinned to himself and said, "hum, Miss Elsa is just an ignorant underage girl. I don't have a chance, or I can coax her into obedience every minute. If there is a day..."

He took a furtive look at Madame Honglian, and there was a trace of imperceptible immorality in the corner of his mouth.

But Madame Honglian didn't notice the change of his expression. She was quite satisfied with his obedience.

The Viscount Fengzhi was quite proud before, but since the arrival of Wuchen Qianzhi, he seems to have learned some lessons and obeyed a lot.

In fact, she didn't like it very much.

But because of Miss Elsa, I would never provoke him.

"But I can't help it. I don't know why my wife suddenly let me stare at him and said that this boy might be bad. What do you mean? Is Madame worried that this boy will interfere in that matter? "

"Not so much..."

She was suspicious in her heart, and her eyes swept around those peeping eyes. Suddenly, her eyes became cold. "What are you looking at? Is there nothing to do?"

With this light drink, those eyes, some panic, some slow, but all disappeared.

She just glanced at the Viscount Fengzhi, then lowered her voice slightly and said, "go and follow them and see where they are going and what they have done, but don't let them find out."

Viscount Fengzhi was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would make such an arrangement, but then he was overjoyed and nodded, "don't worry, madam red. I'm here. I'll make sure that their every move can't escape my eyes."

After that, he turned around and quickly ran out of the courtyard. Then he went through the craftsman's area and the shop, and quickly came to the street. But when he looked around, he didn't see Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli. He couldn't help frowning.

"You, come here." A little fellow who was looking for visitors at the door was summoned.

Viscount Fengzhi was also an old man in the workshop, and his status was very high. Naturally, the young man knew him.

However, I always knew that the Viscount always had a high opinion and didn't talk to them.

The other party suddenly called, and his face was ugly. His heart suddenly clattered. He came over nervously and stammered: "big, sir, what can I do for you?"

Seeing the boy's look, viscount Fengzhi enjoyed it very much, but he didn't smile. He asked coldly, "where are Wuchen Qianzhi and that woman going?"

"Ah, what, five Chen..." the boy was stunned, but he didn't react.

"It's the boy who lives in our tool making workshop... Are you an idiot? I don't know about that!" Seeing that he still didn't know who he was talking about, viscount Fengzhi was annoyed and angry. If it was normal, he would teach this young man a good lesson. But now, he was worried about the delay and was far away by Wuchen Qianzhi and Liuli. He could only endure his anger and said, "forget it, I'll ask you if there was a man and a woman from our tool shop just now?"

"Yes, yes..." the boy was frightened and nodded quickly. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction. "He said they went there."

"Well, fool." The Viscount of Fengzhi glared at the boy, and then went after him.

The little boy was scolded in vain. Looking at his back, he secretly spat, "bah, what's the matter? I have the ability to fight those strong people. Sooner or later, I will be killed!"

After scolding, he looked around. Seeing that no one heard him, he was relieved. Then he put on a smile again to attract the guests.


Viscount Fengzhi didn't know the curse of Xiaosi. He followed the direction of Xiaosi for a moment and finally saw the back of Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli.

Seeing them walking forward slowly, they didn't seem to notice that he was following behind them. A trace of disdain passed by the corner of their mouth. "So arrogant, I thought it was great, even I couldn't find such a trace."

Disdain in the heart, so he is also lazy to hide, simply swagger across a distance hanging behind the two.

Where does he know? In fact, before he found Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng found him first.

Later, his swaggering tracking method couldn't even hide the glaze.

"Is there something wrong with that lady Honglian's brain? She even let this idiot follow us?" There is no word in the glaze.

"Oh, well, I don't think that lady Honglian would think that a grand Viscount would be so arrogant, would she?" Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said a fair word for Madame Honglian.

"But it's really hard for us to pretend that we didn't find him." The corner of Liuli's mouth twitched for a moment, then bit his silver teeth and said, "otherwise, I'd better go back and beat him. Anyway, he followed us first."

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