"Oh, the tone is getting bigger and bigger. They are also Viscount level masters." Zhao Chengfeng joked with a smile.

"Hum, viscount of that degree..." Liuli didn't feel embarrassed because of his joking, but he was a little disdainful and eager to try.

"Oh, you look really confident? How did you find the way to liberate your accomplishments? " Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised.

"That's not true, but with the passage of time and your guidance, there has been some improvement in the plane fit compared with when we went to the withered stone forest. At least in terms of physical fitness, I can't feel repulsion and repression at all. I don't feel that even breathing or even moving before is several times or even dozens of times more expensive than when I was on earth. "

There is a happy way in Liuli's eyes.

"Oh, that's a good thing." Zhao Chengfeng is also very happy to hear that Liuli is so confident in facing a Viscount, "even if you can't use your accomplishments in the later stage of magic martial arts, you are no less powerful than those top old barons in terms of strength. Moreover, since you have recovered, you should be able to use many martial arts and combat skills."

"In this case, you are not afraid of the general Viscount level masters in the world now, but you should not take it lightly. You have seen the world's barons before, although your fighting skills are really not strong, especially in martial arts, no one seems to pay attention to them at all."

"But their power talent skills are very terrible. Even Viscount level seems to be able to directly use the power of rules to attack." Zhao Chengfeng solemnly reminds a way.

"Well." Liuli knows that Zhao Chengfeng is reminding her not to be complacent.

And in Zhao Chengfeng's reminder, she also thought of the battle between Zhao Chengfeng and the ice flower viscount.

If it's the ice flower Viscount, I'm definitely not an opponent, and I can't even escape. Unless my cultivation can be fully recovered, I can defeat an expert of that level.

In this way, she is more and more urgent to restore cultivation.

"Maybe the way that I can recover my cultivation is to gather the order authority of the world."

Thinking of this, she remembered that Zhao Chengfeng asked her to inquire about the method of condensing ranks without the help of Changsheng array.

But I had planned to get it from Wansheng building before, but because of the changes in Wansheng building, I didn't have the chance to ask.

Maybe you can ask the little girl Youya about it, but if you ring the girl to ask, will it arouse some doubts of the girl, and even the Black Street City Lord behind her

While they were talking, they were already near the city Lord's mansion. From a long distance, they saw the buildings standing out in the crowd


"These two people have come to the city Lord's mansion. Are they suing Miss Elsa?" The Viscount Fengzhi, who has been following them with a swagger, still thinks that they haven't found him at all. They don't know that they have already found him.

I almost wanted to go back and beat him.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng didn't bother to pay attention to his small role at this level, so he survived.

He saw that they went to the city Lord's mansion. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng had been ignored by Madame Honglian, so he came to report to miss Elsa. He couldn't help but burst out.

But then he thought, "what am I afraid of? I have Madame Honglian behind me now, and Madame Honglian has the wife of the city Lord behind me, and miss Elsa hasn't even done the rite of passage yet. Can she beat the wife of the city Lord?"

He was proud again.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli who are going to the city master's residence, the corners of their mouths are full of sarcasm, "what's the matter? A little white face is a little white face. It's a pity that they ran to find a little girl to complain. It's just a pity that under the attention of that lady, I don't think you can even see Miss Elsa."


"Elsa, what's the matter? You're going to have a bar mitzvah soon. Why doesn't your aunt allow you to go out of the city hall or even the garden?"

Youya bid farewell to her uncle, the Lord of Lihu. Originally, she went back to the Lord's mansion with excitement and planned to hold a grand ceremony for Elsa.

Although she didn't like this kind of aristocratic banquet full of hypocrisy, she felt that she could bear it for Elsa's glorious adulthood.

And then you can invite uncle and the cold faced woman. Well, you can also invite link and Adele. Maybe it won't be so boring.

She thought very well, but who knows that after seeing Elsa, she learned that she was forbidden.

"I don't know. My mother said that I had to study etiquette during this period. As for the rite of passage, she said that she would do it for me. I just need to show up at that time." Elsa bit her lip and said timidly.

"There is no such thing. The rite of passage is originally an adult test for you. It's a family rule. If you are not allowed to participate in it, is it meaningful?" As soon as Youya hears Elsa's words, she becomes angry. Her eyes sweep away, and she doesn't see Jason and lixiya who are always like Elsa's two little tails.

Can't help but ask: "Jason and little lixiya, is my aunt, even the two little guys also banned foot?"

"Well, my aunt said that she would not let them come here to disturb my study of etiquette."

"Hum, what nonsense etiquette study? You've been studying that kind of thing since you were three years old. Now there's no need to cram." Youya curled her mouth and pulled Elsa up and said, "come on, I'll go with you to find my dear aunt and make it clear."

"Is that ok?" Elsa was very excited when she heard that, and she didn't like to be locked up in the small garden of the castle to learn etiquette, which was boring and no matter what. Moreover, she had been learning since she was three years old, and she was already too familiar to learn any more, so there was no need to tutor.

But her fear of her mother was deep-rooted, so although she was moved, she still hesitated.

"If there's something wrong, just tell her that it's your own rite of passage, and you want to do it yourself. And let me help you to hold the rite of passage is originally my uncle's order. It can be seen that letting you personally manage the rite of passage is not only the family rules, but also my uncle's meaning. Besides, Elsa, you're going to be an adult now. Why are you so afraid of her? "

Youya doesn't care about that. She pulls Elsa and runs out.

The "she" in her mouth, of course, refers to the lady of the city Lord. Although the name is her aunt, Elsa's mother, Youya instinctively dislikes the lady.

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