In fact, the lady was not Elsa's biological mother.

She used to be Elsa's mother's maid, but Elsa's mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to her. Later, the original maid somehow became Elsa's nominal mother, the wife of the city Lord.

But you ya didn't like the respected aunt, not because of the other party's origin, but almost instinctively didn't like the aunt's character.

Although not much contact, but every time she saw each other, she had a kind of inexplicable resistance.

"I can't help it. After all, she's a mother and an elder..." Elsa whispered timidly and was pulled out by Youya. She was excited and timid.

From her character, she instinctively wants to shrink back. In fact, she doesn't attach so much importance to whether she can organize the rite of passage. Of course, if she can, it's naturally the best, because it's a symbol of her adulthood after all.

What excited her was the resistance itself, which made her feel like fighting side by side with Youya's sister.

You know, she admired this cousin who was not much older than her from childhood.

Each other's bravery and intelligence are what she envies and can't have.

But if you're with someone else, it's as if she's given that power.

However, they had not gone far when a group of soldiers stopped them.

"Miss Elsa, I'm sorry, madam's order is for us to supervise you and not to leave the castle garden." A soldier Captain stood in front of them without expression.

"Ah, but we are going to see your mother." Elsa was a little timid, but she explained reluctantly.

"Elsa, you don't have to tell them so much. How dare you commit the following crimes Youya didn't want to talk to the soldiers, but she just gave them a cold look and pulled Elsa forward.

The soldiers were a little timid when they were stared at by her, and they were about to give in subconsciously. However, the captain of the soldier's eyes flashed fiercely. He even flashed his sword and stood in front of them again. He said in a very rude cold voice: "miss Youya, if you want to go, we won't stop you, but miss Elsa can't leave, otherwise we can't explain to her!"

Then he said to the other soldiers in a cold voice, "all line up for me, madam's order. If Miss Elsa leaves this garden today, you'll be too much for me to eat!"

A group of soldiers were shocked and looked at each other. Then they all flashed out their weapons and gritted their teeth in front of them.

This is not only Elsa startled, Youya also slightly frowned, she suddenly felt that this thing just afraid there is something wrong.

The respected aunt, the Lord of the Black Street City, the sequel lady of marquis Lihu, Madame Meilian asked her little cousin not to interfere in her initiation ceremony, for fear that it was not just to show her authority.

Otherwise, how could the soldier captain not achieve such a degree?

Behind her, Elsa, who was a little excited, shrank back and said in a low voice, "sister Youya, if you don't mind, since my mother has asked me to learn etiquette, then i... let's go and learn. If the rite of passage is run by my mother, it should be better than me."

You ya in the heart a wry smile, "my pure Elsa, you think too simple, this already showed the weapon blade, how can be just a rite of passage so simple."

Looking at those soldiers in front of you, Ya's mind turns quickly.

According to her personality, the most enjoyable way, of course, is to put all these soldiers down.

But this time, she also experienced a lot. Although she was bold on the surface, she didn't want to be so naive before.

So she knew that even though these soldiers might be able to clean up, knocking them down would not solve the problem at all.

Even if they get out of the small garden like this, meet the respected aunt, and then

If it was as she thought, could the aunt change her mind because of her fight with Elsa?

Thinking of this, she immediately gave up her plan to start. Hearing Elsa's words, she pretended to be angry and said, "Elsa, how can you compromise like this? I'm so disappointed!"

"Sister Youya ~!" Elsa didn't know what she was thinking. She thought she was really disappointed and angry. She was a little flustered, and even her eyes were red.

Youya see this, in the heart a secret way: "I'm sorry, Elsa, can only let you temporarily wronged, after I go out, I'll find a way to find uncle, as long as Uncle know the truth can save you."

But he threw Elsa's hand away and said, "forget it, I don't care about you."

Then she left Elsa, who wanted to cry, and went out. Seeing that the soldiers didn't let her, she immediately glared, "why don't you go away? Do you really think Miss Ben's fist won't beat people?"

The soldiers looked at each other and did not know what to do for a moment.

The captain's face changed a little, then waved his hand and said, "let her go!"

A group of soldiers are really afraid of Youya. They know themselves well. Although most of them have Baron rank, their Baron can't compare with the young lady in front of them, and they don't have many treasures in the young lady.

If they really want to fight, they may not be a good team.

And the identity of this young lady is mysterious. They don't know the specific origin, but they know it's definitely not simple. Even if they can fight, they dare not fight.

Hearing the captain's order, he immediately got out of the way.

"Hum ~!" You ya a proud snort, and then swagger away.

Elsa couldn't help feeling sad and lost.

I feel like I'm useless.

But all of a sudden, she found that Youya, who walked out of a certain distance, winked at her at the angle that the soldiers didn't pay attention to, and made a gesture to reassure her.

Seeing this, Elsa was stunned and reacted immediately.

It turns out that sister Youya pretends to be angry. Is she going out to try to save me?

Heart suddenly happy.

It doesn't matter whether to save her or not. The key is that Youya's elder sister is not really angry with her, so she can rest assured.

However, she immediately restrained her smile for fear of being found by the soldiers. Fortunately, because of the perspective, the soldiers didn't notice her smile. Even if someone saw it, they were a little confused, but they didn't think much about it.

Anyway, their duty is not to let the young lady leave. Now the young lady has not left, so they can rest assured.

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