This is Zhao Chengfeng's second visit to the city Lord's residence.

But different from last time, last time they came to the city Lord's house, it was a bit furtive, so they took the street at the back door.

But this time it was Zhao Chengfeng's aboveboard visit, so there was no need to go through the back door.

From the front gate, you can see the main mansion again. The massive Castle style building is like a giant beast. From the back, you can only see its back. Even though it is extraordinary, you can't feel it directly from the front gate.

Layers of battlements, across the distance you can see the above fully armed soldiers, rows of shooters and watchtowers, it seems that there are also experts who are good at long-range attack on duty.

"The last time I came to the city Lord's mansion, I just thought it was more powerful than the surrounding buildings from the back. It's really not simple from the front. What kind of array should the patterns engraved on the wall be?"

"Yes, although these patterns have not been opened, they give me a strong sense of deterrence. I have a feeling that if these patterns are fully opened, I can't get close to them, let alone break through them."

Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli looked at the castle like Lord's Mansion from a distance and could not help sighing.

At the same time, both of them thought, "can these patterns be used in the earth world?"


Sure enough, it seems that things are exactly what Viscount Fengzhi expected. Just as Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are hundreds of steps away from the city master's mansion, they are wondering whether they can apply these patterns to the earth one day. Suddenly, a cold drink comes from the top of the castle.

With the cheering, a huge crossbow on the head of the city opened. The crossbow arrows of children's thick arms flashed cold light, pointing at Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli.

Even though it is nearly 200 meters away, Zhao Chengfeng's eyesight can clearly see that the huge crossbow and the crossbow are clearly engraved with a mysterious rune.

Although he didn't know much about these things, I'm afraid they were not ordinary bows and arrows.

Then there was a high but sharp voice on the top of the castle: "the city Lord's mansion is very important. No one is allowed to get close to it. Get out of here!"

Hearing this voice, Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli look around, but Leng is unable to find the speaker.

Zhao Chengfeng could not help frowning and sneering: "who is hiding his head and tail? Is this the way of hospitality of the city Lord's mansion?"

The sharp voice heard Zhao Chengfeng's words seem to be very angry, become more sharp, "smelly boy, you are blind, my uncle is standing here, where to hide? What's more, you are worthy to be a guest of the Lord's mansion? "

"What?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised. His eyes swept again, but he still didn't see the speaker.

If what the other side said was true, he would stand there, but none of the soldiers I saw above seemed to have spoken.

Is it some kind of hiding method, or does one of the soldiers above have secret abdominal language skills?

"Poof,...." Zhao Chengfeng is about to release his divine sense to investigate, but Liuli beside him suddenly chuckles, and then points to an arrow buttress at the top of the castle: "my Lord, there it is."

Zhao Chengfeng looked along the direction of her fingers, and then couldn't help: "poof!" I almost didn't laugh.

No wonder he didn't find each other all of a sudden. He thought it was some kind of stealth technique. After a long time, he was blocked by the city wall.

Although the other side's standing position is already the crenel of the arrow stack of the city tower, it still barely shows half of the top of the head, and I don't know whether the other side is stepping or jumping. From time to time, I can only see half of my face by popping up.

Otherwise you can only see the top of the helmet.

This is really the strongest hiding skill in the world.

The so-called big hidden in short, nothing more than that.

"What are you laughing at? Don't laugh!" The owner of the voice saw the two people chuckling. He became more and more angry, and his voice became sharper many times.

He scolded and padded his feet, but unfortunately, even the crenels of the city wall were too high for him. Standing on tiptoe, he could only show his head. It was very difficult for him to glare at the two men under the city.

Fortunately, at this time, an accompanying soldier is always smart. He moved a pier from somewhere and said, "my Lord, your precious stool is here. I'll wait for you to get on the pier!"

However, when this sentence comes out, Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli can't help laughing. Even the soldiers on the head of the city are blushing.

"Baodun, are you still waiting for shangdun? I've only heard of BMW, who wait on the horse, and for the first time I heard people say Baodun, who wait on the horse before the battle between the two armies... "Zhao Chengfeng said to Liuli in a low voice:" well, don't laugh, otherwise, poof... It's very impolite. At least we come to visit, let alone live in other people's industry? "

Just when they managed to hold back their laughter, the one on the top of the city also went to Baodun. Zhao Chengfeng finally saw the other's complete head and neck.

However, he almost couldn't help laughing again. Fortunately, he had a good determination and finally held back his breath.

As for Liuli, she is not as determined as Zhao Chengfeng. She has no choice but to turn her head. In this way, at least others can't see her expression. At most, she can only see her shoulder twitching.

Zhao Chengfeng speechless looked at her, "this girl usually a pair of indifference, alienated expression is really pretended, this point of concentration is not... Cough ~ cough ~"

Zhao Chengfeng thought of the glass in his heart, and looked over the castle. He wanted to make complaints about it. But at the edge of the battlements, he had a gold helmet and a head that was much bigger than his fist, and a neck that was much less than his arm.

The four words "Mu Hou Er Guan" came out in an instant. After a quick dry cough, they didn't laugh again.

Then he pressed his chest with one hand and gave a salute to the world. Then he said in a loud voice: "on May 9, Wuchen Qianzhi came to visit Marquis Lihu and miss Elsa. Please report to us."

On the castle, Rogge stands on the treasure mound. He can barely look down at Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli, but his face is livid.

What he hated most in his life was that others laughed at his height and appearance. For this reason, he specially made a suit of gold helmet and armor for himself to increase his majesty.

Although the effect is not obvious, few people dare to make fun of him in front of him since he became the leader of the guard army of the city Lord's mansion. No, to be more precise, his sister, Mrs. Meilian, became the wife of the city Lord of the black street city.

And these two people even dare to laugh at her, and they are still laughing.

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