At the same time, in the castle, Youya just slipped out of the small garden, and heard Zhao Chengfeng's voice mixed with Lingli's.

I can't help but be overjoyed, "uncle has come, great ~"

Originally, she planned to sneak away by the back door, but when she heard Zhao Chengfeng's voice, she immediately changed her direction, but after two steps, she stopped.

"Now even if I go there, I'm afraid I can't let my uncle enter the city Lord's mansion. Even if I come in, it seems that I can't solve the problem. No matter how fierce uncle is, it's impossible to take Elsa away by force. "

Thinking about this, she turned her eyes and hesitated. She slipped out first, and then went to have a fight with Zhao Chengfeng and others, and then slowly tried to find a way.

Thinking of this, she looked left and right. Seeing that no one paid attention to her, she quickly ran to the back door of the castle again.

Inside the castle, other people also heard Zhao Chengfeng's voice.

Elsa looked a little happy in the garden, and then quickly ran to the building behind her.

Seeing this, several soldiers couldn't help looking at the captain, who frowned and then said, "don't worry about her, as long as she doesn't go out of the garden."

"It should be a powerful master outside. The voice can penetrate here." A soldier was careful.

The team leader nodded subconsciously, then browed and said: "so what, even if it is like this, it is still blocked outside the door. This is the city Lord's mansion."

But in the heart secretly way: "on May 9, five Chen's thousand childish, is that guy who came before, is it miss Elsa's foreign aid?"

"But now that the Lord of the city is not in the castle, his wife will never let him see Miss Elsa."

At this time, a soldier next to him asked his companion: "Hey, what's Mrs. Meilian's plan? Why don't you let Miss Elsa host her own initiation ceremony and lock her in the garden?"

Another soldier seemed to know something. He said with a mysterious smile, "you don't know. I heard that the rite of passage of these nobles, in addition to the declaration of adulthood, usually men are about to own their own property independently and when the young ladies plan their marriage. The wife of the city Lord is probably afraid that Miss Elsa will also choose to leave the family like the young lady just now..."

"True or false?" The well-informed soldier suddenly burst out such a news, and the other soldiers couldn't help but stare.

"Shut up The well-informed soldier was shocked by his news and was proud of himself. He wanted to boast a few words, but he was glared by the captain of the soldier.

The latter then swept the others, "are you tired of living one by one? You can talk about the affairs of adults."

People smell speech facial expression one after another side, dare not say more again.


In another building, two kids, who were also forbidden to walk, were worried. Hearing the sound, they both jumped up happily. Then they ran quickly to the door, but they were stopped by the servant beside them. "Master Jason, miss lixiya, it's time to study. You should study."

"But the voice outside is brother Qianzhi. He is our friend. We want to meet him!" Xiao lixiya said timidly, looking out of the window, but she couldn't see anything at all.

Jason simply ignored the servant's words. Loach escaped the capture of the maid and ran to the balcony with a smile.

But as soon as he ran a few steps, he was stopped by a tall Mammy.

"Get out of the way." The tall and expressionless mammy made her feel oppressed by her mother, but Jason still cried.

The tall mammy didn't speak, but she didn't intend to get out of the way.

"Why don't we play with Elsa's sister and don't we meet our friends?" Jason asked angrily again, and jumped at the tall mammy like a little lion.

"Jason, what are you doing?" The door was pushed open and a dignified woman's voice came in from outside.

Jason and lixiya's faces changed slightly when they heard the sound.

A dignified middle-aged lady came in from the door, followed by the guard and maid.

"Mother ~!"

Jason and lixiya can't help standing up straight, some fear, looking at the woman full of prestige.

In fact, they are not tall, and even among women, they are definitely petite. Their appearance is somewhat similar to that of Madame Honglian, but they have a kind of dignity and prestige that are difficult to describe.

From her, Jason and lixiya both felt the pressure far beyond that tall Mammy.

"Answer me, Jason, what are you doing?" Meilian didn't slow down because Jason stopped. She still looked at him with dignity and asked again.

"I want to meet my friends. I want to meet brother Qianzhi." Jason wanted to say it like this, just like when he was facing a tall Mammy. But under his mother's eyes, he found that he couldn't do it at all, but his words turned into a whisper that he couldn't hear clearly, "no, I didn't do anything..."

Unexpectedly can say such cowardly words, he feels ashamed for oneself, the head involuntarily lowered down.

"I didn't catch what you said!" But Mrs. Meilian once again accentuated her tone. Even in the face of her young son, it seems that she is used to her own strength.

Canthus up angle is very exaggerated in the eyes, can't see clearly.

"Nothing..." Jason replied again, his head lower.

For a long time, he did not hear his mother's voice, and no one else in the room made any sound.

"Apologize to Mammy, and take lixiya to study together!" Just as Jason felt himself crying, Mrs. Meilian's voice rang out again.

"Yes Jason, who was pardoned, apologized to Mammy and said, "I'm sorry."

"No Tall mammy gently moved away from the direction of his apology, her face was still numb, and her mouth only had two monotonous words, but her eyes were full of piety and gratitude.


Seeing Jason and lixiya return to their small room, Mrs. Meilian's eyes flashed an imperceptible tenderness and compassion, but then disappeared. Then she waved back the guard and turned to the balcony. Only a maid in black and a tall mammy were still following her.

While walking, the tall mother subconsciously took a look at the maid in black. She was quite curious about the mysterious maid who had been inseparable from Mrs. Meilian, but even she didn't know her identity.

On the other hand, the maid in black seemed to feel her eyes and turned to grin at her.

"..." the tall mammy turned her head silently and said nothing.

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