Mrs. Meilian left the balcony slowly and went back to her room.

Then he turned to look at the two people behind him and asked: "you said that if the young master of Wuchen family had such strength, why would he be exiled?"

"Maybe he was not so strong at that time, or maybe he had his own plan." The maid in black pondered and said, and then said with a smile, "but madam, in my opinion, one thing is certain, that is, the young master of Wuchen family doesn't want to be an enemy with us. His showing this hand is not so much a deterrent as a kind of self-protection."

"You mean he's bluffing?" Meilian's eyes brightened and she asked.

"Ha ha, madam, I think you misunderstood me..." the maid was not easy to detect, but she could not laugh or cry. She didn't understand why the lady was so alert to the young master of Wuchen family.

According to her opinion, Mrs. Meilian's performance today is not so appropriate, at least not perfect.

He knew what Meilian was worried about, but there was no need to fight like this before the other side really showed the intention to intervene. It was better to contact and test.

But she knew her identity and what to say and what not to say.

Meilian was silent for a moment, then said: "I know..."

Immediately he resumed his strong voice and said, "let people stare at him, but don't take the initiative to provoke. It's up to Kaya to do it. And isn't that watch Lady coming back, mammy? Watch for me. Don't let her leave the Lord's mansion for a while. Let her study with Elsa and contact the clan. It's always bad for a girl to run around, and the Marquis is always worried about her. "


In fact, the tall and burly Mammy and Kaya, the maid in black, were worried. "Will the Lord of the city really agree with your wife when she does these things? It seems that the Lord of the city has different opinions even about Miss Elsa?"

Although they thought so, they both wisely didn't say it.

But they didn't know at this time that the cousin in meilianfu's population had already slipped out of the main mansion.


"My Lord, it seems that the Viscount Fengzhi did not follow up!" Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli leave the city master's residence without looking back, but Liuli is acutely aware that the atmosphere of the Viscount Fengzhi has not kept up.

"Ha ha, if he has the courage to keep up, I admire him a little." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and doesn't care. Just a Viscount of Fengzhi doesn't deserve his too much attention.

Liuli also smiles when he hears the speech. In fact, the guy didn't catch up with them. It's not their expectation at all. Zhao Chengfeng must have shocked not only the person who lived in the city Lord's mansion, but also the Viscount who always felt good about himself.

"My Lord, are we still going back to the refining workshop?" Leaving aside the Viscount Fengzhi, Liuli asked.

"No more." Zhao Chengfeng.

After what happened before, it's impossible for the smelter workshop to live in, otherwise it would be too shameless.

He thought about it and said with a smile, "go to Wansheng building."

"Wansheng building?" Liuli was a little surprised.

Before that, Zhao Chengfeng clearly didn't want to get involved in Wansheng building. How did he suddenly change his mind.

Seeing her expression, Zhao Chengfeng knew the doubts in her heart, so he said with a smile: "the reason why I didn't want to intervene in Wansheng building before was that I was afraid that the water behind Wansheng building might be a little deep, and there was also the reason of the city leader's house."

"After all, we live in other people's homes and always accept their feelings, and Wansheng building has a certain relationship with the city Lord's mansion. It's not appropriate for me to intervene rashly, whether it's the city Lord's deliberate indulgence or his unwillingness to get involved."

Liuli nods slightly when she hears the words.

Suddenly feel in front of Zhao Chengfeng and his impression of Zhao Chengfeng on the earth seems to be somewhat different.

But after listening to Zhao Chengfeng's silence for a moment, he sighed again and said, "we are sent to this plane world to take on too many responsibilities. The bigger one is for the whole earth civilization, and the smaller one is at least for the relatives and friends we still stay in the earth world, as well as the companions who come with us but don't know where we are now?"

"Before I came to this world, my idea was to make myself stronger at all costs as soon as possible, empty realm, empty cave, broken void, even congenital... Or above..."

"But after I came to this world, I realized whether we can reach that level in such a short period of time. Let alone, even if we can, our own strength will not change the fate of the earth civilization and even our relatives and friends."

"Therefore, our goal is not only to become stronger, but also to help the earth find its way after the great changes. Otherwise, the road to civilization will be broken, and it is useless to rely on a few people, no matter how strong they are. "

Zhao Chengfeng said while walking, looking ahead, unprecedented firmness.

In fact, he was not only talking to Liuli, but also a summary of his constant thinking during this period.

Liuli doesn't say a word and looks at Zhao Chengfeng with bright eyes. She suddenly understands what's the difference between Zhao Chengfeng in front of her and Zhao Chengfeng in the earth.

If we say that Zhao Chengfeng in the past was a prodigal, unrestrained, chivalrous and willful man.

Now Zhao Chengfeng has been transformed, he is gradually transformed into a man who takes the world as his own responsibility.

Because of this commitment to responsibility, his way of thinking, even the whole person's temperament and behavior are quietly changing, which may not even be noticed by himself.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng has mentioned similar words before, but this time his thinking is undoubtedly clearer and more agile.

But he continued to say more clearly: "the simplest and most effective way to make a civilization find new truth is to study another civilization, learn from it and integrate it. In fact, both China and Japan experienced this one century ago."

"The difference is that this time, the whole earth civilization is more intense. What is denied is not only the thought, culture, tradition and so on, but also the rules of the whole heaven and earth."

"And the time given to us is so short, even if the secrets of all civilizations in the world are piled up, it is still very difficult for us and others to move them."

"What's more, we are all visitors from different planes. Not only are we not familiar with life and land, but even the rules of the whole plane exclude us."

"In the face of these problems, I can only be regarded as having some vague consciousness before, but after so many days, I finally have some relatively clear understanding, that is, we are connected to the world, and use the power of the world to leverage the world."

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