Zhao Chengfeng in the front, glass in the back, two people walk, while saying.

In fact, it's two people. In fact, it's Zhao Chengfeng who talks all the time and Liuli who listens.

Zhao Chengfeng's voice has not been big, and his tone has not been much impassioned. Although his words will be shocked if they are heard by outsiders, his tone is more like self analysis.

But Liuli followed him, but he felt his back wider and wider.

"Well, sir, are you going to take Wansheng building as an entry point for us to leverage the world?" Liuli finally opened his mouth, and then he said, "so we went to visit the Lord's mansion before. You really have this intention, just to confirm the Lord's mansion or the Lord's attitude on this matter?"

As she said this, she suddenly thought of Zhao Chengfeng's current identity. It seemed that he was the young master of the Wuchen family in the city on May 9 in the eternal world.

Although he is still an exile now, as long as he has the status of Wuchen Qianzhi, it will only be a matter of time before Zhao Chengfeng returns to Wuchen's family.

Is this also his plan?

There is the little girl Youya, also seems to have a lot of history, not only involved in the city Lord's house, and even behind the larger background.

Do adults have such considerations in keeping them around?

Thinking about this, she looked at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes a little fanatical, which is too unfathomable and far sighted.

"You think too much." Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know what she thinks in her heart, looking at her expression and eyes, he can't help laughing, "it's just a coincidence whether I'm in this position or if I meet Youya that girl."

"In fact, I can have such a clear idea because of your previous suggestion. It was because of your saying that" collecting the information we need, commercial building is a good way ". At that time, I suddenly realized this again."

"And this talk with you all the way makes my idea really clear. It's all thanks to you." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, the whole person also because of so many days of thinking, finally have a clear idea and refreshing.

Even though he has no clear plan about how to carry out this grand plan.

And Liuli listen to him so say, originally fanatical eyes some cooling, seems to be a little disappointed. But then a smile came out of the corner of his mouth, and he said in his heart, "it's OK. If he is such a man with profound stratagem and no action, it's really terrible. Especially if he follows such a man, he's really like a tiger."

When it comes to accompanying a king like a tiger, she can't help thinking of her former highness. To tell the truth, she has been following Her Highness for so long, but she still can't understand what she really thinks. It's impossible for her to analyze her own ideas as clearly as Zhao Chengfeng, and even don't care about exposing her shortcomings.

This is actually a kind of mind, right?

At this time, the imperial hazel palace glaze for the first time, in the heart of the real sprouted, "if you can always follow this adult, actually it's not bad." That's the idea.

She thought about this in her heart, but she didn't prevent Zhao Chengfeng from suddenly stopping. She didn't notice that she was bumping into Zhao Chengfeng's back and instinctively gave out a light cry, "Oh, my Lord, how can you suddenly stop without saying a word."

"What's the sudden stop? What's the stupor? It's time!" Zhao Chengfeng knocked on her head speechless, looked at the girl strangely, and shook her head helplessly. "You can't be so muddled. Just now, we are still talking about our situation in the world. It's like walking on thin ice. How can I relax when you are like this, ah, girls now..."

Liuli looks up at the plaque of Wansheng building, and it's really Haoran. But after being knocked on the head by Zhao Chengfeng, and listening to a burst of broken thoughts, he suddenly feels that the tall image he has built for Zhao Chengfeng in his heart has collapsed.

All of a sudden, I felt that my adoration had been eaten by the dog.

Angry in the heart, angry hum a, simply turn to ignore him.

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. Good guy, he was so excited that he did something wrong. I told him a few words and gave me a look. Instead, he taught me.

This Japanese woman usually feels very well trained. She doesn't talk much, so she will listen to her.

Today, a woman is indeed a woman. No matter how she looks, being unreasonable is the essence.

Just about to continue the instruction, but Baron link and others just walked out of Wansheng building.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli standing in front of Wansheng building, I was surprised, "your honor, Miss Liuli, how did you come?"

The elder Wu he just followed Lin Ke and others to come out. He should have planned to see off Baron Lin Ke and others. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli's eyes, he immediately stepped forward with enthusiasm, pressed his hand on his chest, and saluted respectfully, "Qianzhi, Miss Liuli, Wu he has been looking forward to your arrival, and finally waiting for you."

Then he made a gesture of "please" and said, "Mr. Qianzhi, Miss Liuli, please!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly but didn't move. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the glass. He saw that the woman had completely recovered to her normal state, but she stood beside him without expression, like a well-trained, capable and powerful secretary.

He suddenly didn't know who to talk to, and someone else was there, so he had to give up. Then he looked up at Baron link and other humanitarians: "I heard that deacon Wuhe was looking for me, but I was going to the Lord's mansion at that time, so I didn't have time. So I came to see what happened. Are you all done with the deal? "

Baron link looked at Zhao Chengfeng with some unwilling expression, and then subconsciously looked at the expressionless Miss Liuli. He didn't know what happened to them. He felt strange, but he didn't dare to ask. Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's question, he quickly handed a huge package to him and said: "yes, my lord, the transaction has been completed, all the Shouzhu are here, a total of..."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "that's good. As for the specific amount, it goes without saying. I believe the reputation of Wansheng building will not let us suffer losses. If we go back and deduct what I promised before, we can give the rest to Liuli."

"Ha ha, thank you for your trust, but we Wansheng building can boast about our reputation." Wuhe didn't have the slightest impatience because Zhao Chengfeng didn't move. Instead, he kept the previous bending posture.

Only when I heard Zhao Chengfeng's words did I smile.

However, he was smiling on his face, but there was not the kind of sincere pride in his eyes when he mentioned wanshenglou, but a deep worry.

Especially when I heard the word "city Lord's Mansion", my face changed slightly.

All these expressions are fleeting, but did not escape the eyes of Zhao Chengfeng.

Wansheng building is really in big trouble.

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