"Master Qianzhi, please help my young lady and master!"

As soon as he went upstairs, Wuhe closed the door and knelt down in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

He suddenly got up, and Liuli subconsciously wanted to help him. But seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't move, he didn't move at all. He immediately responded, took back his outstretched hand, and stood back to Zhao Chengfeng's side.

Look at Zhao Chengfeng again, but see that he is still, just light looking at the black crane kneeling on the ground, the expression is not only not the slightest surprise or sympathy, even some irony.

Liuli was slightly surprised by Zhao Chengfeng's reaction, but he didn't speak.

Wu He on the ground didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng's reaction was so insipid. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. If his ability to deal with emergencies was not so poor, his mind was really in a mess.

He thought that he had enough knowledge of this five-year-old man. From his actions in the Black Street City, he thought that he should be a compassionate, righteous and even naive young man.

This seems to agree with the identity of the other party. Although it's rough at present, it's the children of the clan after all, and it's true that they have experienced a lot of dangerous human nature.

Therefore, half of his kneeling is sincere, and the other half is also a means of aiming at the character of this Wuchen Qianzhi adult. As a businessman, he has already instinctively acted against the character of others.

But the current situation is different from my own judgment.

Because of this kind of judgment gap, he was a little at a loss. Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, and he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

It took at least dozens of breaths for the crane to calm down.

It seems that the judgment is wrong. If you think about this young man carefully, although he has made some seemingly impulsive and naive moves since he came to the Black Street City, every time he has no fear and danger, and he will eventually make a profit from it.

This is not impulsive and seemingly naive sense of justice, even if it is not wily, but at least it is deliberate behavior.

And about our Wansheng building, before the young lady came to the house in person, he refused without hesitation. The young lady said at that time that this person was not simple.

Unfortunately, I was careless and despised.

"Blame yourself, blame yourself, care is chaos after all."

Wuhe was lying on the ground, and his mind suddenly turned. With a deep breath, he had completely calmed down.

"It's not irreparable, at least the other party hasn't left immediately, and since this person has come, he has been to the city Lord's mansion before, which shows that he has a heart for this matter. Ha ha, in fact, it's also a side evidence of this adult's thoughtful behavior, I ignored it."

Wu he once again secretly wry smile, and secretly scolded himself, "blame yourself."

"But now when we blame ourselves, it's important to persuade him. By the way, what's the motive and purpose of this adult that he needs, or let him intervene in this matter? Since he had been to the Lord's mansion before he came here, what's the attitude of the Lord's mansion? "

Wu he thought quickly in his heart.

Here is Zhao Chengfeng, but finally opened his mouth. His voice is not light or heavy. He seems to have a little smile. "How do you want to understand?"

Wu he was surprised and realized that there was not so much time for him to think.

Immediately, he had to settle down. Like an ordinary old man, some of them struggled to climb up to someone, then pressed his chest with one hand and bowed, "I'm impolite. I know I'm wrong. It's a great kindness for Qianzhi and miss Liuli to come here. I shouldn't know whether to advance or retreat..."

"Well, never again." Zhao Chengfeng wave interrupted the other side, since the other side has recognized the inappropriate, he also does not want to hold on. But still coldly hummed, "hum, what's the matter? I didn't stand firm when I came here. If you don't ask me to sit down and have a cup of tea, just give me this set. Do you really think I'm a child? Just kneel down and you can hold me down and kidnap me with justice and compassion? "

"Wuhe is in charge of the business. If there is a similar move next time, my young master will immediately turn around and leave!"

Wu he was sweating like rain on his forehead. Although he had underestimated each other, he didn't expect that the other side would see things so directly.

In the mouth hastily a pile of voice way: "yes, impolite, adult, Miss Liuli, please sit down! I'll send someone to make tea. No, I'll go myself... "

"I don't need tea. I haven't had tea before. I just said that." As Zhao Chengfeng said, he sat down on the soft chair beside him with a golden sword. He looked like a cynical dandy, and his words became the second ancestor's unbridled tone again.

It seems that Wuchen Qianzhi, who almost put Wuhe in charge of the business, can't stand up, is not the same as him at all.

For a moment, the colored glaze nearby could not adapt to his change.

However, Liuli is very careful to notice that although Zhao Chengfeng's seat looks big, he still keeps his sense of propriety and doesn't go to the throne.

Strong occupy the initiative, but just right, not domineering.

Wu he swallowed his saliva, and he had nothing to say about Zhao Chengfeng's action, but he said with a smile: "yes, yes, Wansheng building is a serious business building. It has been impolite once. How can it be impolite again?"

Then he turned and pushed the door down the stairs. When he left, he even helped to take the door carefully.

Seeing Wu he leave, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't stop him again, or even care. He shakes his legs and looks aimlessly at this small but well decorated reception room.

It's elegant, but it's not luxurious, it's low-key and just right.

Although Zhao Chengfeng looked at several objects with his eyes, which were absolutely worth a lot of money, there was no sense of abruptness and wealth.

It feels like there should be something in that place.

"Yes, it's really a black street city, and even the surrounding cities can be regarded as the first Wansheng building. The decoration of the waiting room shows that it's not simple."

Zhao Chengfeng said while nodding slightly, a very understanding look.

Suddenly, his eyes swept away and he saw Liuli looking at himself. He felt his cheek and said, "why, I have rice grain on my face?"

Hearing the words, the glass turned its eyes and was speechless.

He just snorted and ignored him.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "ha ha, I understand. I was shocked by my handsome demeanor, but I didn't mean to say it. It doesn't matter. In fact, you don't have to be so shy. I can stand any praise like storm."

Liuli rolled his eyes again and wanted to spit his face.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "what happened to the young lady of Wansheng building and her younger brother?"

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