Zhao Chengfeng's topic change can be described as very abrupt. Liuli is stunned for a moment, and then frowns. In fact, she has guessed many times about this question in her heart, but there is no definite answer.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open. Wu he came in with a tea tray, but his face was not very good-looking, and he was accompanied by three men and a woman who were also in charge clothes.

"I heard that Wu he's manager said that the young master of Wuchen's family came here on May 9, and he was willing to help me in the dilemma of Wansheng building. We were very grateful, so we took the liberty to come here to see him. I hope that Haihan, the young master of Wuchen's family, will help me."

Before Wuhe spoke, one of the three with a goatee stepped forward and saluted Zhao Chengfeng.

Although the speech is very polite, but he is unscrupulous, a lot of Zhao Chengfeng's eyes make Zhao Chengfeng frown slightly. And when he listened to his words carefully, Zhao Chengfeng keenly felt that there was a sound outside his words.

Another man and a woman are much younger than this man and Wuhe, especially the man who looks less than 30 years old.

When his companion speaks, he also looks up and down at Zhao Chengfeng, and unlike his companion, the hostility in his eyes is almost undisguised.

The remaining woman, about 30 or 40 years old, is well maintained, with medium appearance, high hair and a clean forehead, which gives people a feeling of not being so close.

"Which one is this?"

Looking at these three people, Zhao Chengfeng's mouth slightly tilts and his eyes look at Wu he. However, he is full of anger in his face and eyes, but he seems to be trying his best to endure.

See Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he apologized toward Zhao Chengfeng smile.

Then he went forward and put the tea cups in the tray one by one in front of Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli. There was still one cup left. Of course, it was in front of his own seat.

But now there are three more people, but I don't know where to put them.

Just as he hesitated, the oldest steward reached out and took the cup of tea from the tea tray. Then he sat down on the throne and blew the tea from the teacup as if there were no one else.

Nodding, he said with admiration: "well, the tea is good, and the skill of making tea is better. Wu he is really the one who follows the eldest lady in charge of the business. I can't say that. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't notice. It's impolite. "

At this time, he seems to have just found out that the number of cups of tea is not enough, but he says sorry, but his face doesn't have much sense of sorry. After that, he takes charge of Wu he and says, "it seems that we have to trouble Wu he for a trip. No one else can make such tea?"

In his eyes, Wu he was more indignant and worried. "Ah, it's really not smooth this time. The eldest lady and the young master are in deep crisis. It's not easy for someone to intervene. But first of all, because I made a mistake in judgment and almost made a mistake, I managed to stabilize my five-hour innocence. But these three family members don't know where to get the news, and they ran to stir up the situation."

"Master Qianzhi, don't misunderstand that I arranged it on purpose."

He was worried in his heart, but for some reasons, he couldn't say it directly. Moreover, if he really wanted to say it directly, the young man might immediately retreat.

What can we do?

He looked at Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously, but he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was smiling. Sitting there, he didn't seem to be angry at all. Instead, he was like an audience enjoying the performances of the three people and himself.

This style makes Wuhe feel more and more uneasy. He doesn't know his attitude and thoughts at all.

He also subconsciously looked at the glass, but saw her head down, gently sipping tea, also can not see any expression.

Wu he's life can also be said to be a big and small affair. He has experienced a lot. First, the clan changed, then he fled here with the young lady and other people. Later, he took care of most of the Wansheng building.

It's not that I haven't seen the scene, but now the situation makes his heart in a mess.

Hearing the old man's words, although he was sad and indignant, in order to stabilize the situation, he could only smile and say: "ha ha, the manager of Songyuan is joking. My skill is just to catch a duck on the shelf. I'm just laughing."

Then he turned back to the door and called, "come on, I'm going to carry three pieces of moon shadow incense."

He thought that this would cover up.

But did not expect that his voice did not fall, the young steward of the three people held him who was going to sit down, and said with a smile: "ha ha, this is not good, Wuhe steward, we are also greedy. After listening to Songyuan steward's words, we really want to drink your tea."

Even if it is hard to bear, such as black crane, this face also can not be stabilized, a face is difficult to see the extreme.

But he was really worried that Qianzhi mistakenly thought that all this was planned by him.

The purpose is to motivate him to take the opportunity to catch him.

So he had to calm down his anger again and said, "ha ha, Lin He said that, so I'll go."

However, although he said so, he couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng. He still had some expectations in his heart. Zhao Chengfeng didn't say anything, just said a word and had an attitude.

Although this was not arranged by him, he was not only angry and worried, but also a little expecting.

This kind of thing, as long as this young adult once involved in, then later on it is easy to say.

From this point of view, these people are actually a little stupid.

But to his disappointment, Zhao Chengfeng didn't mean to participate in their performance at all.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng has already seen that all this is probably not arranged by Wu he.

It's these guys who want to mess up.

But he still didn't mean to come out.

Anyway, these guys didn't target him, although the attitude of these three people made him a little uncomfortable.

But he decided that as long as the three guys didn't show their attitude to him, they would never show their attitude until they really understood the general situation.

Seeing this, Wu he knew that it was impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to come out. He sighed a little in his heart and could only go downstairs with a tea tray again.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng has a little admiration for Wu he. No matter what other aspects of this man are, it's hard to be patient and loyal.

To tell you the truth, if Zhao Chengfeng is in the earth world, he doesn't mind helping him.

But now he is in a foreign world, and he is not only responsible for himself.

A lot of things can't be so arbitrary.

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