Four people face can't help but show startled color, smell speech subconscious nod echo, "yes."

But even they did not know what they said. Even Zhao Chengfeng, a civilized man, did not go to Tucao. There was only one thought in his mind. "It was true that he really smashed the main house of the city, make complaints about two big holes, and even hit it right!"

Although Liuli intentionally emphasized that it was a small hole, the four of them, somehow, automatically made a big hole. And four people in the brain make up so big a city Lord mansion, was smashed two big holes of the spectacular picture.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes suddenly changed.

The black crane's eyes became extremely eager, and even could not help reciting, "there's help, there's help..."

Then his eyes flashed sternly, "no matter how, we must let this adult do it. Now the whole black street city, no, the whole black death world, only this adult can save Miss Yunhe and little master Yuhe."

However, he was more cautious. He deliberately put down the tea tray, pretended to forget something and patted his forehead. Then he turned and walked out of the door, called a confidant, and said in a low voice, "go to the city Lord's mansion and see if anything happened?"

Then he turned back again, but this time he was much tougher.

But the other three were a little worried. They all looked at each other and saw each other's worries. "This is a trouble. This boy is so powerful. He's a fool again. The Marquis of Lihu will have scruples, and this person may not have scruples. "

Just at this time, Wuhe went back. Seeing the three people's looks, he was slightly relieved and said with a smile: "Lin He is in charge, Yuanya is in charge. It was my fault before. I missed two cups of tea. Please try my craft. Please use tea."

Lin He and Yuanya, the woman in charge, don't want to drink his tea at this time.

When Lin he heard that Yan was about to break out, the manager of Songyuan suddenly said: "the tea making skill of Wu he is really good, but how can we have tea without fruit? Qianzhi young master is a distinguished guest. If we neglect him like this, people will say that we Wansheng tower are not polite."

Then he said to the woman in charge: "Yuanya in charge, I remember that I just received a batch of Fengyan fruit from Yuyu in the building before. Please come over and let the two distinguished guests have a taste."

He winked at them as he spoke.

Yuan Ya and Lin he were stunned when they heard him, but yuan Ya immediately responded.

This is to let her arrange for someone to inquire whether what the boy said is true or false.

He immediately stood up and said, "OK, I'll get it right away."

Wu he stopped her and said with a smile, "Yuanya, please take a seat. I'd better go to this kind of thing."

"Well, get out of the way!" Yuanya didn't really go to get the fruit. She knew that, and Wuhe certainly knew that. So at this time, she didn't want to give up. With a cold hum, she pushed Wuhe aside, and then walked quickly to the door.

Wu he naturally knows that Yuanya is going to arrange for someone to inquire about the news, so he reaches out his hand to stop her. However, he doesn't expect that Yuanya will find an excuse when facing Wuchen Qianzhi, but when facing him, she doesn't even cover up.

In addition, his own rank was not high, so he was caught off guard. He was pushed back by Yuanya for several steps, and then he staggered to his feet.

Want to block again, Yuanya has already walked to the door, want to block too late, can't help but secretly a bite.

However, Zhao Chengfeng, sitting on the guest table, said with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect that the relationship between the stewards of Wansheng building is so good. You have to grab a fruit. Wuhe is in charge. You can let Yuanya take it. The fruit taken by the beauty is better than that taken by an old man. Come on, sit down, sit down."

"Lin He is in charge of things, right? You go on. What did you say just now? Oh, you said that the eldest lady and the young master were trapped, and someone didn't let you save them. Tell me who was holding them so much that even Lihu didn't dare to intervene."

Then he saw that Wu he was still standing there. He frowned, raised his voice and waved, "sit down, it's so eye-catching standing there!"

Wu he was in charge of the business for a while, but his heart said, "what am I doing for?"

But then I thought, well, from the previous performance, this Wuchen Qianzhi adult is not the kind of dawdle he showed at this time.

And even if he is really a boastful dandy, it is impossible for him to tell such a lie that will be exposed immediately.

In this case, if they want to inquire, let them go.

After thinking about this, he immediately nodded and said with a smile: "ha ha, sorry, sorry, I made you laugh. My old man, I'm sorry to let Yuanya take care of things."

"Oh, hey, you old man, you are still pitying for jade. You see, this shameless strength..." Zhao Chengfeng seemed to be scratched by this sentence. He laughed and waved to Wuhe again: "come on, sit here. Please let me sit next to him. I can't see that the old man is interesting."

"..." the manager of Songyuan and other people all have strange expressions. What's the hobby of this young master.

But Songyuan was in charge. Just now, in order to give Wu he and Zhao Chengfeng a lower hand, he occupied the main position. When Zhao Chengfeng said that, he had to hold his nose and let them out.

"Ha ha, no good intention, no good intention..." as Wu he said, he was embarrassed, but the old God did the master's job. He could not help but stand tall. He praised in his heart: "this young master is very clever. He kept his hands on Songyuan and others, but he didn't mean to interfere in it."

In contrast, Songyuan and Linhe were a little gloomy, but Yuanya didn't come back to inquire about the situation, and they couldn't make a sound, so they could only stare at Wuhe secretly.

However, Zhao Chengfeng himself seemed to have nothing to do with it. He continued to ask: "Wuhe is in charge. When you went to make tea just now, Lin He and Songyuan were in charge. They told me that your eldest lady Yunhe and her younger brother are Yuhe. It seems that you all have the word" crane "in your name. What's the point?"

Everyone was a little confused by the speed of his topic jumping.

What's more, he pointed out that Songyuan, Linhe and Wuhe didn't look natural after they broke up with Wuhe.

Wuhe's face changed a few times, and finally seemed to make a choice.


With a sigh, he said with a smile, "you are really observant, sir. It's just Wuhe's fault. In fact, I have already asked you. I didn't intend to hide these things from you. Unfortunately, I'm so stupid that I didn't have a chance to say it."

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